00144+5938 STI 28

00h 14m 25.25s +59° 38' 05.1" P.A. 156.00 sep 9.3 mag 13.60,13.80
Coord 2000 00144+5938 Discov num STI  28 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 14 25.25 +59 38 05.1
Date first 1903 Date last 2015 Obs 9
Pa first 161 Pa last 156.1 P.A. Now (θ) 156.1°
Sep first 9.1 Sep last 9.253 Sep. Now (ρ) 9.253"
Mag pri 13.60 Mag sec 13.80 delta mag (ΔM) 0.2 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -009 Sec motion ra -001
Pri motion dec -008 Sec motion dec -004
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cassiopeia Gaia DR2 429022603874431872
WDS 00144+5938 STI 28 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 STI Stein, J. (see Vat1926)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00144+5938 STI 28 1998 4 156 9.3 13.60 13.80 D 001425.25+593805.1
00144+5938 STI 28 2003 5 156 9.3 13.60 13.80 D 001425.25+593805.1
00144+5938 STI 28 2015 6 156 9.3 13.60 13.80 001425.25+593805.1

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00144+5938 STI 28 : MEASURES
No records found.


00144+5938 STI  28A mag 13.6 00144+5938 STI  28B sep 8.7 P.A. 167.40 mag 13.8 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00144+5938 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 14m 25.25s +59° 38' 05.1"
Primaries only

00144+5938  STI  28 distance=0' 00152+5947  HJ 1008AB distance=11' 00152+5947  ABH   2AD distance=11' 00152+5947  ABH   2AE distance=11' 00152+5947  ABH   2AF distance=11' 00152+5947  ES    1AC distance=11' 00152+5947  FYM 153AG distance=11' 00152+5947  FYM 153AH distance=11' 00152+5947  FYM 153AI distance=11' 00152+5947  ES    1BC distance=11' 00145+5917  STI1306 distance=21' 00116+5945  BU  254AB distance=23' 00116+5945  BU  254AC distance=23' 00156+5910  STI1308 distance=30' 00168+5915  TDS1378 distance=30' 00113+5958  A   901 distance=31' 00103+5936  TDS1330 distance=32' 00185+5945  A   905 distance=32' 00161+6006  HJ 1010 distance=32' 00189+5948  TDS1394 distance=36' 00188+5923  HJ 1012AB distance=37' 00188+5923  HJ 1012AD distance=37' 00192+5942  KR    4 distance=37' 00188+5923  HJ 1013CD distance=38' 00111+6007  STI  15 distance=40' 00182+5911  TDS1389 distance=40' 00091+5938  ARG   1AB distance=40' 00091+5938  TDS1315Ba,Bb distance=41' 00135+6020  TDS1349 distance=43' 00190+6002  STI  36 distance=43' 00144+6020  A   902 distance=43' 00182+5906  STI1317 distance=43' 00173+6017  STI  35 distance=45' 00139+6023  STI  25 distance=46' 00109+6015  STI  14 distance=46' 00203+5923  TDS1408 distance=47' 00082+5933  STI   8BC distance=48' 00082+5933  STI   8BD distance=48' 00205+5930  SHN  48 distance=48' 00082+5933  STI   8AB distance=48' 00082+5933  STI   8AC distance=48' 00167+5854  STI1312 distance=48' 00208+5933  STI  39 distance=50' 00092+5909  AGC  15AB (Caph) distance=50' 00092+5909  AGC  15AC (Caph) distance=50' 00154+5849  CRB 156 distance=50' 00195+5907  STI1325 distance=51' 00160+5848  STI1310 distance=52' 00203+5912  STI1329 distance=53' 00097+5900  SCA   1 distance=53' 00206+5914  STI1330 distance=54' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00144+5938 STI 28 156 9.3 0
Show 00152+5947 HJ 1008 AB 125 21.8 11
Show 00152+5947 ABH 2 AD 147 78.8 11
Show 00152+5947 ABH 2 AE 58 106.4 11
Show 00152+5947 ABH 2 AF 341 58.7 11
Show 00152+5947 ES 1 AC 152 22.0 11
Show 00152+5947 FYM 153 AG 59 77.9 11
Show 00152+5947 FYM 153 AH 101 112.7 11
Show 00152+5947 FYM 153 AI 184 104.4 11
Show 00152+5947 ES 1 BC 227 10.2 11
Show 00145+5917 STI1306 43 12.3 21
Show 00116+5945 BU 254 AB 237 7.3 23
Show 00116+5945 BU 254 AC 240 36.4 23
Show 00156+5910 STI1308 222 3.3 30
Show 00168+5915 TDS1378 57 0.8 30
Show 00113+5958 A 901 100 0.9 31
Show 00103+5936 TDS1330 343 0.5 32
Show 00185+5945 A 905 284 0.9 32
Show 00161+6006 HJ 1010 118 20.5 32
Show 00189+5948 TDS1394 206 0.4 36
Show 00188+5923 HJ 1012 AB 348 14.5 37
Show 00188+5923 HJ 1012 AD 116 59.5 37
Show 00192+5942 KR 4 180 2.2 37
Show 00188+5923 HJ 1013 CD 329 14.2 38
Show 00111+6007 STI 15 55 4.7 40
Show 00182+5911 TDS1389 12 2.1 40
Show 00091+5938 ARG 1 AB 329 26.1 40
Show 00091+5938 TDS1315 Ba,Bb 256 0.4 41
Show 00135+6020 TDS1349 110 1.1 43
Show 00190+6002 STI 36 149 9.8 43
Show 00144+6020 A 902 140 0.2 43
Show 00182+5906 STI1317 0 9.5 43
Show 00173+6017 STI 35 91 5.5 45
Show 00139+6023 STI 25 219 3.5 46
Show 00109+6015 STI 14 87 11.1 46
Show 00203+5923 TDS1408 112 0.7 47
Show 00082+5933 STI 8 BC 314 8.6 48
Show 00082+5933 STI 8 BD 160 8.5 48
Show 00205+5930 SHN 48 -1 0.0 48
Show 00082+5933 STI 8 AB 34 9.4 48
Show 00082+5933 STI 8 AC 356 13.8 48
Show 00167+5854 STI1312 332 4.3 48
Show 00208+5933 STI 39 162 10.3 50
Show Caph 00092+5909 AGC 15 AB 268 66.1 50
Show Caph 00092+5909 AGC 15 AC 320 343.8 50
Show 00154+5849 CRB 156 111 7.3 50
Show 00195+5907 STI1325 197 9.0 51
Show 00160+5848 STI1310 348 11.5 52
Show 00203+5912 STI1329 307 6.6 53
Show 00097+5900 SCA 1 269 13.9 53
Show 00206+5914 STI1330 359 4.6 54

WDS 00144+5938 : COMPONENTS
B pa=167.4°
00144+5938 A
Coord arcsec 2000 001425.25+593805.1 Mag 13.6 PmRA -9.00 PmDE -8.0
00144+5938 B
Coord arcsec 2000 001425.50+593756.6 Mag 13.8 PmRA -1.00 PmDE -4.0
Calc delta mag 0.2 Calc coord yes