20539-3658 B 507 (HD 198775)

20h 53m 53.49s -36° 58' 13.8" P.A. 215.00 sep 0.5 mag 9.34,9.72 Sp A9V
Coord 2000 20539-3658 Discov num B   507 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 53 53.49 -36 58 13.8
Date first 1927 Date last 2008 Obs 6
Pa first 245 Pa last 214.6 P.A. Now (θ) 214.6°
Sep first 0.5 Sep last 0.519 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.519"
Mag pri 9.34 Mag sec 9.72 delta mag (ΔM) 0.38 Spectral class A9V (white)
Pri motion ra +010 Sec motion ra +010
Pri motion dec -019 Sec motion dec -019
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Name HD 198775 Constellation Microscopium Tycho2 7470-00389-1 Gaia DR2 6778486097157695360
HD 198775
WDS 20539-3658 B 507 (HD 198775) : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 B van den Bos, W.H.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20539-3658 B 507 1991 5 230 0.4 9.34 9.72 A9V 205353.49-365813.8
20539-3658 B 507 2008 6 215 0.5 9.34 9.72 A9V 205353.49-365813.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

WDS 20539-3658 B 507 (HD 198775) : VISUAL OBSERVATIONS REPORTS
No records found.

WDS 20539-3658 B 507 (HD 198775) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 20539-3658 (HD 198775) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

20539-3658 B   507A mag 9.34 Sp A9V 20539-3658 B   507B sep 0.5 P.A. 208.90 mag 9.72 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20539-3658 (HD 198775) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 53m 53.49s -36° 58' 13.8"
WDS 20539-3658 B 507 (HD 198775) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20539-3658  B   507 distance=0' 20542-3714  BRT1815 distance=17' 20506-3645  B  2893 distance=42' 20516-3618  B   998 distance=49' 20502-3719  BRT1813 distance=50' 20582-3711  WIS 345 distance=54' 20570-3748  NSN 489 distance=62' 20576-3745  B  2488 distance=65' 20584-3735  SKF1251 distance=65' 20579-3743  HJ 5236 distance=66' 20595-3718  JSP 820 distance=71' 20521-3810  SEE 429 distance=75' 20478-3636  LWR  17 distance=78' 20506-3545  TDT2573 distance=83' 20583-3548  WSP 133AB distance=89' 20583-3548  WSP 133AC distance=89' 20583-3548  WSP 133AD distance=89' 20583-3548  WSP 133AE distance=89' 20562-3828  TDT2645AB distance=94' 20501-3534  HDS2969 distance=97' 20532-3521  BRT1814 distance=97' 20530-3836  TOI 154 distance=98' 20518-3523  KPP1661 distance=99' 20571-3526  B   510 distance=101' 20593-3820  B  2894 distance=104' 20521-3517  RST3270 distance=105' 20457-3736  HJ 5216 distance=106' 20503-3839  B   503 distance=110' 20448-3653  UC 4278 distance=110' 20480-3523  B  2892 distance=119' 21034-3748  TDT2717 distance=124' 20442-3607  UC 4273 distance=128' 20525-3451  NSN 490 distance=129' 21007-3518  BU  765 distance=130' 20576-3908  WG  263 distance=138' 20593-3902  WG  264 distance=139' 21012-3511  TOK 344AB distance=140' 21012-3511  TOK 344Aa,Ab distance=140' 20574-3913  TDT2658 distance=141' 20563-3916  TDT2646 distance=141' 20598-3452  TDT2682 distance=146' 21030-3838  UC 4365 distance=147' 20518-3434  B   504 distance=147' 21029-3839  KPP4221CD distance=148' 20575-3435  BRT1816 distance=151' 20497-3921  B   502 distance=151' 20452-3510  SEE 428 distance=152' 20436-3532  HJ 5215 distance=152' 20521-3428  B   999 distance=153' 21068-3631  I   301 distance=158' 20437-3509  KPP 941 distance=165' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20539-3658 B 507 215 0.5 0
Show 20542-3714 BRT1815 207 4.2 17
Show 20506-3645 B 2893 297 9.7 42
Show 20516-3618 B 998 288 0.5 49
Show 20502-3719 BRT1813 296 5.4 50
Show 20582-3711 WIS 345 7 35.3 54
Show 20570-3748 NSN 489 348 2.7 62
Show 20576-3745 B 2488 226 2.4 65
Show 20584-3735 SKF1251 217 148.1 65
Show 20579-3743 HJ 5236 308 5.9 66
Show 20595-3718 JSP 820 247 1.4 71
Show 20521-3810 SEE 429 179 3.4 75
Show 20478-3636 LWR 17 20 9.0 78
Show 20506-3545 TDT2573 74 0.4 83
Show 20583-3548 WSP 133 AB 212 2.4 89
Show 20583-3548 WSP 133 AC 158 16.3 89
Show 20583-3548 WSP 133 AD 339 16.4 89
Show 20583-3548 WSP 133 AE 354 16.6 89
Show 20562-3828 TDT2645 AB 241 0.7 94
Show 20501-3534 HDS2969 174 0.1 97
Show 20532-3521 BRT1814 258 4.0 97
Show 20530-3836 TOI 154 203 0.2 98
Show 20518-3523 KPP1661 42 12.8 99
Show 20571-3526 B 510 327 3.4 101
Show 20593-3820 B 2894 311 11.4 104
Show 20521-3517 RST3270 338 2.5 105
Show 20457-3736 HJ 5216 22 15.6 106
Show 20503-3839 B 503 116 2.5 110
Show 20448-3653 UC 4278 250 22.0 110
Show 20480-3523 B 2892 104 8.1 119
Show 21034-3748 TDT2717 255 0.7 124
Show 20442-3607 UC 4273 22 17.6 128
Show 20525-3451 NSN 490 73 2.0 129
Show 21007-3518 BU 765 72 0.8 130
Show 20576-3908 WG 263 34 7.1 138
Show 20593-3902 WG 264 82 5.3 139
Show 21012-3511 TOK 344 AB 61 186.0 140
Show 21012-3511 TOK 344 Aa,Ab 351 0.1 140
Show 20574-3913 TDT2658 30 0.5 141
Show 20563-3916 TDT2646 242 1.6 141
Show 20598-3452 TDT2682 151 2.2 146
Show 21030-3838 UC 4365 207 99.7 147
Show 20518-3434 B 504 38 2.3 147
Show 21029-3839 KPP4221 CD 265 4.5 148
Show 20575-3435 BRT1816 180 3.7 151
Show 20497-3921 B 502 113 1.3 151
Show 20452-3510 SEE 428 188 4.4 152
Show 20436-3532 HJ 5215 183 22.8 152
Show 20521-3428 B 999 328 1.3 153
Show 21068-3631 I 301 335 3.7 158
Show 20437-3509 KPP 941 156 7.7 165

WDS 20539-3658 : COMPONENTS
B pa=208.9°
20539-3658 A
Name HD 198775 Coord arcsec 2000 205353.49-365813.8 Mag 9.34 Spectral class A9V (white)
PmRA 10.00 PmDE -19.0 Tycho2 7470-00389-1 HD 198775
Tycho2 7470-00389-1 Pflag RAmdeg 313.47283670 DEmdeg -36.97051466
PmRA 9.5 PmDE -19.2 E RAmdeg 9 E DEmdeg 10
E pmRA 1.4 E pmDE 1.4 EpRAm 1990.37 EpDEm 1989.98
Num 8 Q RAmdeg 0.8 Q DEmdeg 1.2 Q pmRA 0.9
Q pmDE 1.3 BTmag 9.151 E BTmag 0.020 VTmag 8.847
E VTmag 0.017 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 313.47280917 DEdeg -36.97046889 EpRA 1990 1.60
EpDE 1990 1.46 E RAdeg 8.8 E DEdeg 10.0 Posflg
Corr -0.1
Ccdm 20539-3658 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs -0.62 DDEs -12.9
R dRAs 10 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 9.1 Sp A5 PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number -3713978 Cat1 CD
Name2 Cat2 HD 198775 M HD
20539-3658 B
Coord arcsec 2000 205353.47-365814.2 Mag 9.72 PmRA 10.00 PmDE -19.0
Calc delta mag 0.38 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 20539-3658 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num B 507 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1927 Theta 241 Rho 0.5
Obs 3 Vmag 10.1 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD