20531+3221 ES 2379

20h 53m 14.90s +32° 21' 28.7" P.A. 115.00 sep 7.0 mag 9.40,12.40
Coord 2000 20531+3221 Discov num ES 2379 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 53 14.90 +32 21 28.7
Date first 1929 Date last 2015 Obs 5
Pa first 124 Pa last 114.5 P.A. Now (θ) 114.5°
Sep first 6.6 Sep last 7.045 Sep. Now (ρ) 7.045"
Mag pri 9.40 Mag sec 12.40 delta mag (ΔM) 3 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -003 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -016 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cygnus Tycho2 2692-02632-1 Gaia DR2 1865720225595985536
WDS 20531+3221 ES 2379 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 ES Espin, T.E.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20531+3221 ES 2379 1929 1 124 6.6 9.40 12.40 205314.90+322128.7
20531+3221 ES 2379 1999 2 114 7.1 9.40 12.40 D 205314.90+322128.7
20531+3221 ES 2379 2015 3 115 7.0 9.40 12.40 205314.90+322128.7

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20531+3221 ES 2379 : MEASURES
No records found.


20531+3221 ES 2379A mag 9.4 20531+3221 ES 2379B sep 6.2 P.A. 118.30 mag 12.4 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20531+3221 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 53m 14.90s +32° 21' 28.7"
WDS 20531+3221 ES 2379 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20531+3221  ES 2379 distance=1' 20534+3220  ES 2380 distance=3' 20540+3220  TDT2615 distance=10' 20525+3246  GYL  39 distance=26' 20535+3156  GYL  41 distance=27' 20553+3214  GYL  42 distance=28' 20529+3154  GYL  40 distance=29' 20548+3242  STT 418 distance=29' 20529+3149  A  1213 distance=34' 20559+3206  STT 421AB distance=34' 20559+3206  HU 1655AC distance=34' 20559+3206  FYM 140AD distance=34' 20521+3254  TDT2591 distance=36' 20532+3301  ES 2356 distance=40' 20554+3147  TDT2630 distance=44' 20536+3138  HDS2976 distance=45' 20562+3158  ES  372 distance=45' 20530+3136  TDT2602 distance=46' 20563+3247  GYL  27 distance=46' 20503+3151  TDT2570 distance=49' 20571+3230  TDT2654 distance=50' 20528+3132  TDT2599 distance=51' 20493+3217  LDS2931AB distance=51' 20493+3217  HLA  28AC distance=51' 20573+3215  KPP1292 distance=53' 20491+3230  GYL  70 distance=54' 20533+3319  LDS2933 distance=58' 20577+3211  ES 2381 distance=58' 20528+3320  LDS2932 distance=58' 20539+3320  TDT2612 distance=59' 20540+3124  ES  371 distance=60' 20520+3320  TDT2590 distance=61' 20578+3202  ES 2438 distance=61' 20487+3159  ES  369 distance=62' 20491+3148  ES  370 distance=63' 20539+3326  BLL  52 distance=66' 20483+3247  TDT2550 distance=68' 20576+3301  TDT2660 distance=68' 20519+3327  GYL  26AB distance=68' 20519+3327  WSI  47AC distance=68' 20534+3113  TDT2609 distance=69' 20588+3209  TDT2671 distance=72' 20493+3314  ES   31AB distance=73' 20493+3314  ES   31AC distance=73' 20590+3218  COU1636 distance=74' 20586+3249  TDT2668 distance=74' 20592+3231  TDT2675 distance=77' 20538+3104  CLL  16 distance=78' 20471+3210  ARY  61 distance=79' 20477+3258  COU1634 distance=79' 20515+3104  NSN 737AB distance=81' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20531+3221 ES 2379 115 7.0 1
Show 20534+3220 ES 2380 333 5.5 3
Show 20540+3220 TDT2615 281 0.4 10
Show 20525+3246 GYL 39 83 14.9 26
Show 20535+3156 GYL 41 203 34.2 27
Show 20553+3214 GYL 42 26 15.1 28
Show 20529+3154 GYL 40 22 23.0 29
Show 20548+3242 STT 418 283 0.9 29
Show 20529+3149 A 1213 178 3.3 34
Show 20559+3206 STT 421 AB 194 34.8 34
Show 20559+3206 HU 1655 AC 73 30.6 34
Show 20559+3206 FYM 140 AD 162 29.5 34
Show 20521+3254 TDT2591 5 0.5 36
Show 20532+3301 ES 2356 250 5.0 40
Show 20554+3147 TDT2630 86 1.9 44
Show 20536+3138 HDS2976 248 0.3 45
Show 20562+3158 ES 372 146 3.5 45
Show 20530+3136 TDT2602 64 0.6 46
Show 20563+3247 GYL 27 184 24.2 46
Show 20503+3151 TDT2570 262 3.2 49
Show 20571+3230 TDT2654 205 0.5 50
Show 20528+3132 TDT2599 325 1.7 51
Show 20493+3217 LDS2931 AB 246 34.4 51
Show 20493+3217 HLA 28 AC 125 5.3 51
Show 20573+3215 KPP1292 28 9.9 53
Show 20491+3230 GYL 70 188 61.2 54
Show 20533+3319 LDS2933 146 9.0 58
Show 20577+3211 ES 2381 107 4.1 58
Show 20528+3320 LDS2932 107 9.1 58
Show 20539+3320 TDT2612 202 0.5 59
Show 20540+3124 ES 371 134 3.5 60
Show 20520+3320 TDT2590 116 0.5 61
Show 20578+3202 ES 2438 311 6.8 61
Show 20487+3159 ES 369 316 7.1 62
Show 20491+3148 ES 370 44 7.7 63
Show 20539+3326 BLL 52 59 186.6 66
Show 20483+3247 TDT2550 132 0.9 68
Show 20576+3301 TDT2660 123 0.5 68
Show 20519+3327 GYL 26 AB 353 28.6 68
Show 20519+3327 WSI 47 AC 337 11.0 68
Show 20534+3113 TDT2609 11 0.5 69
Show 20588+3209 TDT2671 302 0.5 72
Show 20493+3314 ES 31 AB 238 13.8 73
Show 20493+3314 ES 31 AC 143 18.7 73
Show 20590+3218 COU1636 9 0.8 74
Show 20586+3249 TDT2668 120 0.7 74
Show 20592+3231 TDT2675 207 2.0 77
Show 20538+3104 CLL 16 184 32.0 78
Show 20471+3210 ARY 61 237 99.4 79
Show 20477+3258 COU1634 61 0.4 79
Show 20515+3104 NSN 737 AB 134 1.4 81

WDS 20531+3221 : COMPONENTS
B pa=118.3°
20531+3221 A
Coord arcsec 2000 205314.90+322128.7 Mag 9.4 PmRA -3.00 PmDE -16.0
Tycho2 2692-02632-1
Tycho2 2692-02632-1 Pflag RAmdeg 313.31210362 DEmdeg 32.35797281
PmRA -3.4 PmDE -16.0 E RAmdeg 11 E DEmdeg 9
E pmRA 1.5 E pmDE 1.5 EpRAm 1990.63 EpDEm 1991.05
Num 6 Q RAmdeg 3.7 Q DEmdeg 1.4 Q pmRA 3.8
Q pmDE 1.5 BTmag 10.553 E BTmag 0.026 VTmag 9.399
E VTmag 0.014 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 313.31210750 DEdeg 32.35801028 EpRA 1990 1.66
EpDE 1990 1.74 E RAdeg 11.0 E DEdeg 9.3 Posflg
Corr 0.2
20531+3221 B
Coord arcsec 2000 205315.33+322125.8 Mag 12.4 Calc delta mag 3 Calc coord yes