20487+3124 TDT 2555

20h 48m 43.39s +31° 24' 03.9" P.A. 188.00 sep 0.9 mag 11.77,11.91
Coord 2000 20487+3124 Discov num TDT2555 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 48 43.39 +31 24 03.9
Date first 1991 Date last 2010 Obs 2
Pa first 134 Pa last 188.1 P.A. Now (θ) 188.1°
Sep first 0.8 Sep last 0.88 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.88"
Mag pri 11.77 Mag sec 11.91 delta mag (ΔM) 0.14 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +022 Sec motion ra +022
Pri motion dec -007 Sec motion dec -007
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cygnus Tycho2 2687-01943-1 Gaia DR2 1859845912924294144
WDS 20487+3124 TDT 2555 : NOTES
No records found.

coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20487+3124 TDT2555 1991 1 134 0.8 11.77 11.91 204843.39+312403.9
20487+3124 TDT2555 2010 2 188 0.9 11.77 11.91 204843.39+312403.9

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20487+3124 TDT 2555 : MEASURES
No records found.


20487+3124 TDT2555A mag 11.77 20487+3124 TDT2555B sep 0.9 P.A. 186.90 mag 11.91 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20487+3124 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 48m 43.39s +31° 24' 03.9"
WDS 20487+3124 TDT 2555 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20487+3124  TDT2555 distance=0' 20493+3113  TDS1101 distance=14' 20492+3111  LDS2930 distance=15' 20491+3148  ES  370 distance=25' 20478+3057  ES  368 distance=30' 20503+3151  TDT2570 distance=34' 20487+3159  ES  369 distance=36' 20484+3049  TDT2552 distance=36' 20506+3055  BU   67AB distance=38' 20506+3055  GII 293Aa,Ab distance=38' 20470+3156  GYL  71 distance=40' 20515+3104  NSN 737AB distance=41' 20515+3104  RAO 676AC distance=41' 20464+3155  TDT2532 distance=43' 20455+3102  A  1211 distance=47' 20452+3146  ARY  86 distance=51' 20471+3210  ARY  61 distance=51' 20528+3132  TDT2599 distance=53' 20493+3217  LDS2931AB distance=54' 20493+3217  HLA  28AC distance=54' 20447+3146  TDT2513 distance=56' 20530+3136  TDT2602 distance=57' 20456+3043  STF2726 distance=57' 20529+3149  A  1213 distance=59' 20529+3154  GYL  40 distance=61' 20534+3113  TDT2609 distance=61' 20439+3119  ES  366 distance=63' 20536+3138  HDS2976 distance=64' 20506+3024  STT 415 distance=65' 20437+3137  LDS2929 distance=65' 20523+3038  LDS6417 distance=65' 20525+3040  TDT2594 distance=66' 20491+3230  GYL  70 distance=67' 20435+3127  TDT2499 distance=68' 20535+3057  STTA212 distance=68' 20538+3104  CLL  16 distance=69' 20540+3124  ES  371 distance=69' 20535+3156  GYL  41 distance=70' 20475+3016  COU1176 distance=70' 20483+3009  TDT2551 distance=76' 20448+3022  AG  410 distance=81' 20531+3221  ES 2379 distance=82' 20534+3220  ES 2380 distance=82' 20554+3059  J  2329 distance=83' 20435+3212  KPP1637 distance=83' 20483+3247  TDT2550 distance=84' 20451+3014  ES  367 distance=85' 20538+3029  J  3117 distance=85' 20547+3046  LDS2934 distance=85' 20493+2957  TDS1102 distance=87' 20540+3220  TDT2615 distance=88' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20487+3124 TDT2555 188 0.9 0
Show 20493+3113 TDS1101 231 1.2 14
Show 20492+3111 LDS2930 273 22.2 15
Show 20491+3148 ES 370 44 7.7 25
Show 20478+3057 ES 368 359 3.1 30
Show 20503+3151 TDT2570 262 3.2 34
Show 20487+3159 ES 369 316 7.1 36
Show 20484+3049 TDT2552 124 2.3 36
Show 20506+3055 BU 67 AB 311 1.5 38
Show 20506+3055 GII 293 Aa,Ab 137 0.1 38
Show 20470+3156 GYL 71 46 24.4 40
Show 20515+3104 NSN 737 AB 134 1.4 41
Show 20515+3104 RAO 676 AC 22 4.5 41
Show 20464+3155 TDT2532 127 1.8 43
Show 20455+3102 A 1211 242 3.6 47
Show 20452+3146 ARY 86 22 78.4 51
Show 20471+3210 ARY 61 237 99.4 51
Show 20528+3132 TDT2599 325 1.7 53
Show 20493+3217 LDS2931 AB 246 34.4 54
Show 20493+3217 HLA 28 AC 125 5.3 54
Show 20447+3146 TDT2513 329 0.6 56
Show 20530+3136 TDT2602 64 0.6 57
Show 20456+3043 STF2726 74 5.8 57
Show 20529+3149 A 1213 178 3.3 59
Show 20529+3154 GYL 40 22 23.0 61
Show 20534+3113 TDT2609 11 0.5 61
Show 20439+3119 ES 366 128 4.4 63
Show 20536+3138 HDS2976 248 0.3 64
Show 20506+3024 STT 415 234 3.7 65
Show 20437+3137 LDS2929 219 2.5 65
Show 20523+3038 LDS6417 295 228.9 65
Show 20525+3040 TDT2594 160 0.8 66
Show 20491+3230 GYL 70 188 61.2 67
Show 20435+3127 TDT2499 80 0.4 68
Show 20535+3057 STTA212 155 65.7 68
Show 20538+3104 CLL 16 184 32.0 69
Show 20540+3124 ES 371 134 3.5 69
Show 20535+3156 GYL 41 203 34.2 70
Show 20475+3016 COU1176 45 0.4 70
Show 20483+3009 TDT2551 41 3.2 76
Show 20448+3022 AG 410 187 19.0 81
Show 20531+3221 ES 2379 115 7.0 82
Show 20534+3220 ES 2380 333 5.5 82
Show 20554+3059 J 2329 11 6.5 83
Show 20435+3212 KPP1637 224 12.6 83
Show 20483+3247 TDT2550 132 0.9 84
Show 20451+3014 ES 367 244 6.9 85
Show 20538+3029 J 3117 40 5.5 85
Show 20547+3046 LDS2934 178 10.8 85
Show 20493+2957 TDS1102 19 1.1 87
Show 20540+3220 TDT2615 281 0.4 88

WDS 20487+3124 : COMPONENTS
B pa=186.9°
20487+3124 A
Coord arcsec 2000 204843.39+312403.9 Mag 11.77 PmRA 22.00 PmDE -7.0
Tycho2 2687-01943-1
Tycho2 2687-01943-1 Pflag RAmdeg 312.18088282 DEmdeg 31.40103112
PmRA 21.5 PmDE -6.6 E RAmdeg 29 E DEmdeg 32
E pmRA 1.7 E pmDE 1.6 EpRAm 1985.07 EpDEm 1986.42
Num 6 Q RAmdeg 0.8 Q DEmdeg 1.0 Q pmRA 0.8
Q pmDE 1.0 BTmag 11.660 E BTmag 0.057 VTmag 11.176
E VTmag 0.059 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 312.18081528 DEdeg 31.40104556 EpRA 1990 1.60
EpDE 1990 1.78 E RAdeg 38.8 E DEdeg 34.8 Posflg
Corr 0.3
20487+3124 B
Coord arcsec 2000 204843.38+312403.0 Mag 11.91 PmRA 22.00 PmDE -7.0
Calc delta mag 0.14 Calc coord yes