20464+3155 TDT 2532

20h 46m 23.64s +31° 54' 41.4" P.A. 127.00 sep 1.8 mag 11.37,12.84
Coord 2000 20464+3155 Discov num TDT2532 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 46 23.64 +31 54 41.4
Date first 1991 Date last 1991 Obs 1
Pa first 127 Pa last 127.1 P.A. Now (θ) 127.1°
Sep first 1.8 Sep last 1.78 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.78"
Mag pri 11.37 Mag sec 12.84 delta mag (ΔM) 1.47 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +011 Sec motion ra +011
Pri motion dec +016 Sec motion dec +016
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cygnus Tycho2 2691-01808-1 Gaia DR2 1859840174850565632
WDS 20464+3155 TDT 2532 : NOTES
No records found.

coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20464+3155 TDT2532 1991 1 127 1.8 11.37 12.84 204623.64+315441.4

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20464+3155 TDT 2532 : MEASURES
No records found.


20464+3155 TDT2532A mag 11.37 20464+3155 TDT2532B sep 1.6 P.A. 131.70 mag 12.84 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20464+3155 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 46m 23.64s +31° 54' 41.4"
WDS 20464+3155 TDT 2532 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20464+3155  TDT2532 distance=0' 20470+3156  GYL  71 distance=8' 20452+3146  ARY  86 distance=18' 20471+3210  ARY  61 distance=19' 20447+3146  TDT2513 distance=24' 20487+3159  ES  369 distance=31' 20491+3148  ES  370 distance=35' 20437+3137  LDS2929 distance=38' 20435+3212  KPP1637 distance=41' 20487+3124  TDT2555 distance=43' 20493+3217  LDS2931AB distance=43' 20493+3217  HLA  28AC distance=43' 20435+3127  TDT2499 distance=47' 20439+3119  ES  366 distance=48' 20452+3240  TDT2517 distance=49' 20491+3230  GYL  70 distance=50' 20503+3151  TDT2570 distance=50' 20423+3202  TDT2482 distance=52' 20455+3102  A  1211 distance=54' 20493+3113  TDS1101 distance=56' 20492+3111  LDS2930 distance=57' 20469+3252  ARG  93 distance=58' 20483+3247  TDT2550 distance=58' 20437+3243  COU1633Aa,Ab distance=59' 20437+3243  ES 2376AB distance=59' 20419+3210  TDT2479 distance=60' 20478+3057  ES  368 distance=61' 20477+3258  COU1634 distance=66' 20484+3049  TDT2552 distance=72' 20410+3218  BNU   7Aa,Ab distance=73' 20410+3218  STF2716AB distance=73' 20410+3218  STF2716AC distance=73' 20416+3117  TDT2474 distance=73' 20456+3043  STF2726 distance=73' 20460+3308  GYL  69 distance=74' 20435+3302  GRV 372 distance=77' 20422+3254  RAO 441 distance=80' 20506+3055  BU   67AB distance=81' 20506+3055  GII 293Aa,Ab distance=81' 20408+3115  TDT2468 distance=82' 20515+3104  NSN 737AB distance=83' 20515+3104  RAO 676AC distance=83' 20529+3154  GYL  40 distance=83' 20399+3154  TDT2456 distance=83' 20529+3149  A  1213 distance=84' 20419+3054  TDT2480 distance=84' 20470+3318  TDT2535 distance=84' 20528+3132  TDT2599 distance=85' 20530+3136  TDT2602 distance=87' 20493+3314  ES   31AB distance=88' 20493+3314  ES   31AC distance=88' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20464+3155 TDT2532 127 1.8 0
Show 20470+3156 GYL 71 46 24.4 8
Show 20452+3146 ARY 86 22 78.4 18
Show 20471+3210 ARY 61 237 99.4 19
Show 20447+3146 TDT2513 329 0.6 24
Show 20487+3159 ES 369 316 7.1 31
Show 20491+3148 ES 370 44 7.7 35
Show 20437+3137 LDS2929 219 2.5 38
Show 20435+3212 KPP1637 224 12.6 41
Show 20487+3124 TDT2555 188 0.9 43
Show 20493+3217 LDS2931 AB 246 34.4 43
Show 20493+3217 HLA 28 AC 125 5.3 43
Show 20435+3127 TDT2499 80 0.4 47
Show 20439+3119 ES 366 128 4.4 48
Show 20452+3240 TDT2517 144 1.6 49
Show 20491+3230 GYL 70 188 61.2 50
Show 20503+3151 TDT2570 262 3.2 50
Show 20423+3202 TDT2482 314 0.7 52
Show 20455+3102 A 1211 242 3.6 54
Show 20493+3113 TDS1101 231 1.2 56
Show 20492+3111 LDS2930 273 22.2 57
Show 20469+3252 ARG 93 87 10.9 58
Show 20483+3247 TDT2550 132 0.9 58
Show 20437+3243 COU1633 Aa,Ab 239 1.9 59
Show 20437+3243 ES 2376 AB 124 7.6 59
Show 20419+3210 TDT2479 316 1.1 60
Show 20478+3057 ES 368 359 3.1 61
Show 20477+3258 COU1634 61 0.4 66
Show 20484+3049 TDT2552 124 2.3 72
Show 20410+3218 BNU 7 Aa,Ab 19 0.2 73
Show 20410+3218 STF2716 AB 45 2.8 73
Show 20410+3218 STF2716 AC 93 67.1 73
Show 20416+3117 TDT2474 224 1.7 73
Show 20456+3043 STF2726 74 5.8 73
Show 20460+3308 GYL 69 357 26.7 74
Show 20435+3302 GRV 372 109 17.3 77
Show 20422+3254 RAO 441 43 3.2 80
Show 20506+3055 BU 67 AB 311 1.5 81
Show 20506+3055 GII 293 Aa,Ab 137 0.1 81
Show 20408+3115 TDT2468 247 1.9 82
Show 20515+3104 NSN 737 AB 134 1.4 83
Show 20515+3104 RAO 676 AC 22 4.5 83
Show 20529+3154 GYL 40 22 23.0 83
Show 20399+3154 TDT2456 18 0.7 83
Show 20529+3149 A 1213 178 3.3 84
Show 20419+3054 TDT2480 147 0.6 84
Show 20470+3318 TDT2535 86 0.7 84
Show 20528+3132 TDT2599 325 1.7 85
Show 20530+3136 TDT2602 64 0.6 87
Show 20493+3314 ES 31 AB 238 13.8 88
Show 20493+3314 ES 31 AC 143 18.7 88

WDS 20464+3155 : COMPONENTS
B pa=131.7°
20464+3155 A
Coord arcsec 2000 204623.64+315441.4 Mag 11.37 PmRA 11.00 PmDE 16.0
Tycho2 2691-01808-1
Tycho2 2691-01808-1 Pflag RAmdeg 311.59850816 DEmdeg 31.91150883
PmRA 11.1 PmDE 16.3 E RAmdeg 51 E DEmdeg 44
E pmRA 3.1 E pmDE 3.0 EpRAm 1987.98 EpDEm 1988.79
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.9 Q DEmdeg 1.4 Q pmRA 0.9
Q pmDE 1.4 BTmag 12.335 E BTmag 0.127 VTmag 11.337
E VTmag 0.069 Prox 967 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 311.59847889 DEdeg 31.91147222 EpRA 1990 1.66
EpDE 1990 1.77 E RAdeg 51.9 E DEdeg 45.3 Posflg
Corr 0.2
20464+3155 B
Coord arcsec 2000 204623.73+315440.3 Mag 12.84 PmRA 11.00 PmDE 16.0
Calc delta mag 1.47 Calc coord yes