20346+2458 POU 4676

20h 34m 36.75s +24° 57' 27.7" P.A. 343.00 sep 5.7 mag 12.11,12.40
Coord 2000 20346+2458 Discov num POU4676 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 34 36.75 +24 57 27.7
Date first 1898 Date last 2015 Obs 7
Pa first 348 Pa last 342.9 P.A. Now (θ) 342.9°
Sep first 5.9 Sep last 5.692 Sep. Now (ρ) 5.692"
Mag pri 12.11 Mag sec 12.40 delta mag (ΔM) 0.29 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +000 Sec motion ra -012
Pri motion dec -003 Sec motion dec +012
This double is not physical.
Constellation Vulpecula Tycho2 2161-00294-1 Gaia DR2 1831543074872599296
WDS 20346+2458 POU 4676 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 POU Pourteau, M. A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20346+2458 POU4676 1999 2 343 5.6 12.11 12.40 D 203436.75+245727.7
20346+2458 POU4676 2001 3 344 5.7 12.11 12.40 D 203436.75+245727.7
20346+2458 POU4676 2015 4 343 5.7 12.11 12.40 203436.75+245727.7

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20346+2458 POU 4676 : MEASURES
No records found.


20346+2458 POU4676A mag 12.11 20346+2458 POU4676B sep 5.7 P.A. 344.40 mag 12.4 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20346+2458 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 34m 36.75s +24° 57' 27.7"
WDS 20346+2458 POU 4676 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20346+2458  POU4676 distance=0' 20347+2458  POU4677 distance=2' 20345+2455  POU4669 distance=4' 20349+2451  POU4679 distance=8' 20343+2450  POU4663 distance=8' 20350+2503  POU4687AB distance=8' 20350+2503  BKO 464AC distance=8' 20351+2453  POU4690 distance=9' 20350+2504  BKO 463BC distance=9' 20350+2504  POU4688AB distance=9' 20342+2451  BKO 460 distance=9' 20340+2502  POU4659 distance=9' 20342+2449  COU 126 distance=10' 20349+2449  POU4680 distance=11' 20341+2505  POU4661AB distance=11' 20341+2505  POU4662AC distance=11' 20349+2447  BKO 462 distance=11' 20340+2450  POU4658 distance=12' 20352+2506  POU4693 distance=12' 20355+2502  POU4706 distance=13' 20355+2503  POU4707 distance=14' 20340+2508  POU4657 distance=14' 20354+2450  POU4703 distance=14' 20337+2451  POU4650 distance=15' 20353+2508  BKO 466 distance=15' 20354+2508  POU4700 distance=15' 20351+2511  BKO 465 distance=16' 20353+2445  BKO 467 distance=16' 20350+2513  POU4685 distance=16' 20335+2453  POU4643AB distance=16' 20335+2453  BKO 458AC distance=16' 20334+2454  POU4640 distance=16' 20340+2511  POU4656 distance=17' 20353+2444  POU4697 distance=17' 20348+2514  POU4678 distance=17' 20349+2443  POU4681AB distance=17' 20349+2443  POU4682AC distance=17' 20339+2512  POU4652 distance=18' 20335+2448  POU4642 distance=18' 20333+2501  BKO 457 distance=19' 20344+2516  POU4668AB distance=19' 20344+2516  POU4667AC distance=19' 20349+2516  BKO 461 distance=20' 20353+2515  POU4696 distance=20' 20345+2438  POU4670 distance=20' 20332+2500  POU4628 distance=20' 20333+2506  POU4636 distance=20' 20354+2515  POU4701 distance=21' 20332+2502  POU4626 distance=21' 20333+2507  POU4634 distance=21' 20334+2443  POU4639 distance=22' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20346+2458 POU4676 343 5.7 0
Show 20347+2458 POU4677 86 5.1 2
Show 20345+2455 POU4669 263 14.3 4
Show 20349+2451 POU4679 166 16.4 8
Show 20343+2450 POU4663 111 15.2 8
Show 20350+2503 POU4687 AB 322 19.6 8
Show 20350+2503 BKO 464 AC 351 2.9 8
Show 20351+2453 POU4690 114 18.6 9
Show 20350+2504 BKO 463 BC 225 1.4 9
Show 20350+2504 POU4688 AB 136 8.0 9
Show 20342+2451 BKO 460 298 4.9 9
Show 20340+2502 POU4659 141 15.9 9
Show 20342+2449 COU 126 92 0.9 10
Show 20349+2449 POU4680 74 15.4 11
Show 20341+2505 POU4661 AB 254 16.2 11
Show 20341+2505 POU4662 AC 64 12.4 11
Show 20349+2447 BKO 462 266 7.1 11
Show 20340+2450 POU4658 12 15.3 12
Show 20352+2506 POU4693 219 14.2 12
Show 20355+2502 POU4706 343 17.5 13
Show 20355+2503 POU4707 122 15.2 14
Show 20340+2508 POU4657 38 5.7 14
Show 20354+2450 POU4703 169 18.5 14
Show 20337+2451 POU4650 131 17.1 15
Show 20353+2508 BKO 466 337 3.9 15
Show 20354+2508 POU4700 71 15.1 15
Show 20351+2511 BKO 465 286 8.0 16
Show 20353+2445 BKO 467 229 7.3 16
Show 20350+2513 POU4685 122 12.8 16
Show 20335+2453 POU4643 AB 76 9.7 16
Show 20335+2453 BKO 458 AC 344 5.9 16
Show 20334+2454 POU4640 278 6.8 16
Show 20340+2511 POU4656 129 12.2 17
Show 20353+2444 POU4697 120 16.6 17
Show 20348+2514 POU4678 226 9.5 17
Show 20349+2443 POU4681 AB 139 19.7 17
Show 20349+2443 POU4682 AC 157 33.1 17
Show 20339+2512 POU4652 288 10.6 18
Show 20335+2448 POU4642 319 10.8 18
Show 20333+2501 BKO 457 49 5.7 19
Show 20344+2516 POU4668 AB 104 15.1 19
Show 20344+2516 POU4667 AC 76 17.3 19
Show 20349+2516 BKO 461 27 6.5 20
Show 20353+2515 POU4696 136 9.3 20
Show 20345+2438 POU4670 160 14.0 20
Show 20332+2500 POU4628 348 11.2 20
Show 20333+2506 POU4636 350 9.7 20
Show 20354+2515 POU4701 124 8.3 21
Show 20332+2502 POU4626 329 17.3 21
Show 20333+2507 POU4634 76 13.5 21
Show 20334+2443 POU4639 323 10.5 22

WDS 20346+2458 : COMPONENTS
B pa=344.4°
20346+2458 A
Coord arcsec 2000 203436.75+245727.7 Mag 12.11 PmRA 0.00 PmDE -3.0
Tycho2 2161-00294-1
Tycho2 2161-00294-1 Pflag RAmdeg 308.65316252 DEmdeg 24.95771977
PmRA -4.4 PmDE 2.4 E RAmdeg 104 E DEmdeg 103
E pmRA 2.6 E pmDE 2.6 EpRAm 1971.26 EpDEm 1971.83
Num 2 Q RAmdeg Q DEmdeg Q pmRA
Q pmDE BTmag 13.958 E BTmag 0.453 VTmag 12.111
E VTmag 0.189 Prox 999 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 308.65317389 DEdeg 24.95771417 EpRA 1990 1.60
EpDE 1990 1.62 E RAdeg 117.2 E DEdeg 115.6 Posflg
Corr 0.1
20346+2458 B
Coord arcsec 2000 203436.64+245733.1 Mag 12.4 PmRA -12.00 PmDE 12.0
Calc delta mag 0.29 Calc coord yes