20290+3535 COU 1959

20h 28m 57.26s +35° 35' 30.6" P.A. 323.00 sep 0.4 mag 11.10,11.10
Coord 2000 20290+3535 Discov num COU1959 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 28 57.26 +35 35 30.6
Date first 1981 Date last 2014 Obs 4
Pa first 337 Pa last 322.9 P.A. Now (θ) 322.9°
Sep first 0.2 Sep last 0.372 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.372"
Mag pri 11.10 Mag sec 11.10 delta mag (ΔM) 0 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -007 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -032 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cygnus Tycho2 2693-00512-1 Gaia DR2 2056771950141344768
WDS 20290+3535 COU 1959 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 COU Couteau, P.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20290+3535 COU1959 1981 1 157 0.2 11.10 11.10 202857.26+353530.6
20290+3535 COU1959 2008 2 320 0.3 11.10 11.10 202857.26+353530.6
20290+3535 COU1959 2011 3 325 0.4 11.10 11.10 202857.26+353530.6
20290+3535 COU1959 2014 4 323 0.4 11.10 11.10 202857.26+353530.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20290+3535 COU 1959 : MEASURES
No records found.


20290+3535 COU1959A mag 11.1 20290+3535 COU1959B sep 0.3 P.A. 328.40 mag 11.1 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20290+3535 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 28m 57.26s +35° 35' 30.6"
WDS 20290+3535 COU 1959 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20290+3535  COU1959 distance=1' 20288+3541  SEI1130 distance=6' 20291+3550  HO  594AB distance=15' 20291+3550  GRF  16AC distance=15' 20305+3540  SEI1142 distance=20' 20306+3525  COU1961 distance=22' 20307+3521  HJ 1526A,BC distance=26' 20307+3521  HU  760BC distance=26' 20277+3605  ES 2193AB distance=33' 20277+3605  ES 2193AC distance=33' 20277+3605  ES 2193AD distance=33' 20262+3547  COU2130Aa,Ab distance=36' 20262+3547  SEI1125AB distance=36' 20260+3549  HDS2922 distance=39' 20315+3517  CRB 135 distance=39' 20318+3517  SEI1152 distance=40' 20260+3512  COU2129 distance=43' 20322+3552  GRV 350 distance=44' 20309+3459  SEI1145 distance=44' 20321+3558  COU2133AB distance=45' 20321+3558  COU2133Aa,Ab distance=45' 20305+3454  ES 2304 distance=46' 20255+3553  A    47 distance=46' 20252+3522  SEI1120 distance=48' 20306+3452  ES 2305 distance=48' 20308+3619  TDS1078 distance=49' 20251+3522  SEI1118 distance=49' 20288+3447  COU2132 distance=49' 20252+3554  SEI1119 distance=50' 20300+3448  J   789 distance=50' 20258+3504  TDT2264 distance=50' 20294+3447  GCB  53 distance=50' 20278+3447  COU2131AB distance=51' 20278+3447  GII  86Aa,Ab distance=51' 20257+3609  TDT2260 distance=52' 20329+3515  ES 2306 distance=52' 20248+3545  BU  432 distance=52' 20288+3628  COU1958 distance=53' 20247+3523  SEI1117 distance=54' 20289+3634  SEI1132 distance=59' 20242+3516  ES 2303AB distance=61' 20242+3516  POP1230AC distance=61' 20301+3636  SKF2852BC distance=63' 20301+3636  KPP4204AB distance=63' 20301+3636  SKF2852AC distance=63' 20324+3622  KPP3359 distance=63' 20238+3531  SEI1114 distance=63' 20243+3507  POP  80 distance=64' 20339+3515  WRH  34AB distance=64' 20339+3515  BU 1490AC distance=64' 20237+3553  SEI1113 distance=66' grafico limitrofi
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20290+3535 COU1959 323 0.4 1
Show 20288+3541 SEI1130 26 11.3 6
Show 20291+3550 HO 594 AB 212 15.9 15
Show 20291+3550 GRF 16 AC 163 104.0 15
Show 20305+3540 SEI1142 78 21.7 20
Show 20306+3525 COU1961 205 0.4 22
Show 20307+3521 HJ 1526 A,BC 148 8.8 26
Show 20307+3521 HU 760 BC 67 0.3 26
Show 20277+3605 ES 2193 AB 334 4.9 33
Show 20277+3605 ES 2193 AC 231 7.4 33
Show 20277+3605 ES 2193 AD 33 12.7 33
Show 20262+3547 COU2130 Aa,Ab 61 0.5 36
Show 20262+3547 SEI1125 AB 250 19.2 36
Show 20260+3549 HDS2922 143 0.6 39
Show 20315+3517 CRB 135 4 16.6 39
Show 20318+3517 SEI1152 316 25.3 40
Show 20260+3512 COU2129 163 0.1 43
Show 20322+3552 GRV 350 159 36.5 44
Show 20309+3459 SEI1145 88 7.7 44
Show 20321+3558 COU2133 AB 29 2.4 45
Show 20321+3558 COU2133 Aa,Ab 119 0.1 45
Show 20305+3454 ES 2304 39 3.6 46
Show 20255+3553 A 47 176 1.6 46
Show 20252+3522 SEI1120 217 27.3 48
Show 20306+3452 ES 2305 286 6.7 48
Show 20308+3619 TDS1078 294 1.2 49
Show 20251+3522 SEI1118 150 9.4 49
Show 20288+3447 COU2132 108 1.2 49
Show 20252+3554 SEI1119 212 7.0 50
Show 20300+3448 J 789 97 2.3 50
Show 20258+3504 TDT2264 59 1.2 50
Show 20294+3447 GCB 53 338 4.3 50
Show 20278+3447 COU2131 AB 281 1.1 51
Show 20278+3447 GII 86 Aa,Ab 113 0.4 51
Show 20257+3609 TDT2260 3 2.7 52
Show 20329+3515 ES 2306 328 7.4 52
Show 20248+3545 BU 432 196 1.5 52
Show 20288+3628 COU1958 105 0.5 53
Show 20247+3523 SEI1117 127 13.1 54
Show 20289+3634 SEI1132 226 15.1 59
Show 20242+3516 ES 2303 AB 23 5.3 61
Show 20242+3516 POP1230 AC 147 45.9 61
Show 20301+3636 SKF2852 BC 83 1.0 63
Show 20301+3636 KPP4204 AB 213 7.1 63
Show 20301+3636 SKF2852 AC 206 6.5 63
Show 20324+3622 KPP3359 201 8.7 63
Show 20238+3531 SEI1114 55 18.1 63
Show 20243+3507 POP 80 328 2.9 64
Show 20339+3515 WRH 34 AB 278 0.3 64
Show 20339+3515 BU 1490 AC 210 115.1 64
Show 20237+3553 SEI1113 341 13.9 66

WDS 20290+3535 : COMPONENTS
B pa=328.4°
20290+3535 A
Coord arcsec 2000 202857.26+353530.6 Mag 11.1 PmRA -7.00 PmDE -32.0
Tycho2 2693-00512-1
Tycho2 2693-00512-1 Pflag RAmdeg 307.23857893 DEmdeg 35.59184200
PmRA -7.2 PmDE -32.0 E RAmdeg 22 E DEmdeg 23
E pmRA 1.5 E pmDE 1.6 EpRAm 1987.36 EpDEm 1987.98
Num 6 Q RAmdeg 0.8 Q DEmdeg 0.8 Q pmRA 0.9
Q pmDE 0.9 BTmag 11.215 E BTmag 0.048 VTmag 10.355
E VTmag 0.034 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 307.23860250 DEdeg 35.59191778 EpRA 1990 1.66
EpDE 1990 1.66 E RAdeg 24.6 E DEdeg 25.4 Posflg
Corr 0.1
20290+3535 B
Coord arcsec 2000 202857.25+353530.9 Mag 11.1 Calc coord yes