20274+2510 POU 4503

20h 27m 23.50s +25° 09' 49.9" P.A. 283.00 sep 18.1 mag 12.30,13.00
Coord 2000 20274+2510 Discov num POU4503 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 27 23.50 +25 09 49.9
Date first 1892 Date last 2015 Obs 11
Pa first 286 Pa last 283.4 P.A. Now (θ) 283.4°
Sep first 19.4 Sep last 18.12 Sep. Now (ρ) 18.12"
Mag pri 12.30 Mag sec 13.00 delta mag (ΔM) 0.7 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -004 Sec motion ra +005
Pri motion dec -004 Sec motion dec -010
This double is not physical.
Constellation Vulpecula Tycho2 2160-00257-1 Gaia DR2 1832443574902763392
WDS 20274+2510 POU 4503 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 POU Pourteau, M. A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20274+2510 POU4503 1892 1 106 19.4 12.18 12.20 202723.48+250949.9
20274+2510 POU4503 1997 2 284 18.3 12.30 13.00 D 202723.50+250949.9
20274+2510 POU4503 2008 3 284 18.4 12.30 13.00 D 202723.50+250949.9
20274+2510 POU4503 2010 6 283 18.1 12.30 13.00 202723.50+250949.9
20274+2510 POU4503 2015 7 283 18.1 12.30 13.00 202723.50+250949.9

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20274+2510 POU 4503 : MEASURES
No records found.


20274+2510 POU4503A mag 12.3 20274+2510 POU4503B sep 16.5 P.A. 284.70 mag 13 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20274+2510 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 27m 23.50s +25° 09' 49.9"
WDS 20274+2510 POU 4503 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20274+2510  POU4503 distance=0' 20276+2502  BKO 575 distance=9' 20280+2508  POU4513 distance=10' 20281+2510  POU4514 distance=10' 20282+2507  BKO 577 distance=11' 20280+2503  POU4510 distance=11' 20264+2514  POU4496 distance=15' 20280+2456  POU4512 distance=17' 20277+2454  POU4504 distance=17' 20262+2516  POU4494 distance=18' 20262+2501  POU4493 distance=20' 20261+2455  POU4492 distance=24' 20256+2504  A   392 distance=26' 20257+2521  STF2682 distance=26' 20292+2521  TDT2318AB distance=27' 20292+2521  POU4525AC distance=27' 20294+2514  POU4527 distance=28' 20269+2537  TDT2281 distance=28' 20253+2506  POU4483 distance=28' 20253+2516  POU4482 distance=29' 20254+2520  POU4484 distance=30' 20291+2452  POU4522 distance=30' 20291+2453  POU4523 distance=30' 20264+2537  TVB  11 distance=31' 20252+2517  POU4479 distance=31' 20298+2507  BKO 586 distance=33' 20252+2456  POU4478 distance=34' 20298+2504  POU4531 distance=34' 20252+2454  POU4476AB distance=35' 20252+2454  POU4477AC distance=35' 20268+2436  POU4499 distance=36' 20248+2511  COU 521 distance=36' 20248+2503  OSO 125AB distance=37' 20248+2503  OSO 125AC distance=37' 20301+2509  BKO 589 distance=38' 20302+2506  POU4536 distance=38' 20299+2453  POU4532 distance=39' 20246+2510  POU4463 distance=39' 20289+2436  BKO 578BC distance=40' 20289+2436  BKO 578AB distance=40' 20255+2439  POU4485 distance=40' 20256+2438  POU4486 distance=41' 20244+2521  KPP2505 distance=42' 20297+2442  POU4529 distance=42' 20293+2437  BKO 583 distance=42' 20299+2445  BKO 587 distance=43' 20305+2517  POU4541 distance=43' 20299+2444  BKO 588 distance=43' 20242+2510  POU4454 distance=44' 20242+2504  POU4452 distance=44' 20291+2433  POU4521AB distance=44' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20274+2510 POU4503 283 18.1 0
Show 20276+2502 BKO 575 349 3.7 9
Show 20280+2508 POU4513 39 7.2 10
Show 20281+2510 POU4514 93 17.0 10
Show 20282+2507 BKO 577 209 8.6 11
Show 20280+2503 POU4510 356 13.9 11
Show 20264+2514 POU4496 24 10.9 15
Show 20280+2456 POU4512 268 13.4 17
Show 20277+2454 POU4504 67 15.7 17
Show 20262+2516 POU4494 202 15.7 18
Show 20262+2501 POU4493 358 14.1 20
Show 20261+2455 POU4492 327 4.2 24
Show 20256+2504 A 392 292 0.9 26
Show 20257+2521 STF2682 298 22.0 26
Show 20292+2521 TDT2318 AB 20 2.6 27
Show 20292+2521 POU4525 AC 2 12.5 27
Show 20294+2514 POU4527 208 13.8 28
Show 20269+2537 TDT2281 3 1.8 28
Show 20253+2506 POU4483 229 5.5 28
Show 20253+2516 POU4482 57 3.2 29
Show 20254+2520 POU4484 29 10.6 30
Show 20291+2452 POU4522 165 12.8 30
Show 20291+2453 POU4523 140 16.8 30
Show 20264+2537 TVB 11 357 16.1 31
Show 20252+2517 POU4479 331 15.8 31
Show 20298+2507 BKO 586 287 4.6 33
Show 20252+2456 POU4478 339 15.7 34
Show 20298+2504 POU4531 212 8.2 34
Show 20252+2454 POU4476 AB 113 10.9 35
Show 20252+2454 POU4477 AC 327 16.8 35
Show 20268+2436 POU4499 44 7.3 36
Show 20248+2511 COU 521 280 0.5 36
Show 20248+2503 OSO 125 AB 132 6.0 37
Show 20248+2503 OSO 125 AC 36 8.4 37
Show 20301+2509 BKO 589 84 5.2 38
Show 20302+2506 POU4536 110 6.4 38
Show 20299+2453 POU4532 195 17.5 39
Show 20246+2510 POU4463 143 12.2 39
Show 20289+2436 BKO 578 BC 260 1.3 40
Show 20289+2436 BKO 578 AB 355 4.2 40
Show 20255+2439 POU4485 200 17.5 40
Show 20256+2438 POU4486 242 12.8 41
Show 20244+2521 KPP2505 159 22.5 42
Show 20297+2442 POU4529 261 10.6 42
Show 20293+2437 BKO 583 137 6.9 42
Show 20299+2445 BKO 587 220 4.3 43
Show 20305+2517 POU4541 73 13.1 43
Show 20299+2444 BKO 588 213 1.1 43
Show 20242+2510 POU4454 157 4.1 44
Show 20242+2504 POU4452 182 10.1 44
Show 20291+2433 POU4521 AB 327 6.5 44

WDS 20274+2510 : COMPONENTS
B pa=284.7°
20274+2510 A
Coord arcsec 2000 202723.50+250949.9 Mag 12.3 PmRA -4.00 PmDE -4.0
Tycho2 2160-00257-1
Tycho2 2160-00257-1 Pflag RAmdeg 306.84785597 DEmdeg 25.16388397
PmRA -4.3 PmDE 1.1 E RAmdeg 102 E DEmdeg 108
E pmRA 2.6 E pmDE 2.6 EpRAm 1971.67 EpDEm 1969.45
Num 2 Q RAmdeg Q DEmdeg Q pmRA
Q pmDE BTmag 14.164 E BTmag 0.471 VTmag 12.184
E VTmag 0.181 Prox 533 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 306.84786694 DEdeg 25.16388139 EpRA 1990 1.59
EpDE 1990 1.60 E RAdeg 113.5 E DEdeg 123.1 Posflg
Corr 0.0
Ccdm 20274+2510 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs -1.78 DDEs -5.5
R dRAs 65 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 13.3 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
20274+2510 B
Coord arcsec 2000 202722.32+250954.1 Mag 13 PmRA 5.00 PmDE -10.0
Calc delta mag 0.7 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 20274+2510 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num POU4503 DRAs -0.46 DDEs -10.0
R dRAs 65 Year 1892 Theta 107 Rho 19.5
Obs 1 Vmag 13.3 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD