00134+3801 ES 2445

00h 13m 26.42s +38° 02' 36.9" P.A. 80.00 sep 9.0 mag 11.10,11.30
Coord 2000 00134+3801 Discov num ES 2445 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 13 26.42 +38 02 36.9
Date first 1929 Date last 2016 Obs 14
Pa first 78 Pa last 79.5 P.A. Now (θ) 79.5°
Sep first 8.9 Sep last 9.045 Sep. Now (ρ) 9.045"
Mag pri 11.10 Mag sec 11.30 delta mag (ΔM) 0.2 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -036 Sec motion ra -025
Pri motion dec +001 Sec motion dec +000
Notes N (See Notes)
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Andromeda Gaia DR2 2877711792939719680
WDS 00134+3801 ES 2445 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
ES 2445 ALI 474.
idgroup discov author
1 ES Espin, T.E.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00134+3801 ES 2445 1998 5 79 8.9 11.10 11.30 N D 001326.42+380236.9
00134+3801 ES 2445 2002 6 79 9.0 11.10 11.30 N D 001326.42+380236.9
00134+3801 ES 2445 2013 7 80 9.1 11.10 11.30 N 001326.42+380236.9
00134+3801 ES 2445 2015 8 80 9.1 11.10 11.30 N 001326.42+380236.9
00134+3801 ES 2445 2016 14 80 9.0 11.10 11.30 N 001326.42+380236.9

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00134+3801 ES 2445 : MEASURES
No records found.


00134+3801 ES 2445A mag 11.1 00134+3801 ES 2445B sep 7.2 P.A. 76.80 mag 11.3 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00134+3801 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 13m 26.42s +38° 02' 36.9"
WDS 00134+3801 ES 2445 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00134+3801  ES 2445 distance=0' 00135+3808  CBL 566 distance=5' 00155+3755  GRV  17 distance=26' 00156+3751  COU 848 distance=29' 00101+3825  VVO   2AD distance=45' 00101+3825  DAM  31AG distance=45' 00101+3825  DAM  31AI distance=45' 00101+3825  DAM  31AH distance=45' 00101+3825  HDS  23Da,Db distance=46' 00101+3825  SKF 495DB distance=46' 00101+3825  DAM  31DH distance=46' 00132+3714  TDS1346 distance=49' 00119+3850  FMR 176 distance=52' 00096+3826  PTT   1 distance=52' 00150+3851  UC  342 distance=53' 00158+3718  TDS1369 distance=53' 00098+3731  COU 847AB distance=54' 00098+3731  GRV  10AC distance=54' 00118+3855  ALI 717 distance=57' 00134+3859  BRT2196 distance=58' 00171+3841  CHR 123 distance=58' 00094+3841  ALI 716 distance=62' 00088+3729  ALI 242 distance=65' 00089+3713  STF   1 distance=74' 00073+3741  ES 1935 distance=76' 00190+3842  ALI 720 distance=77' 00200+3814  FYM 147DG distance=78' 00200+3814  S   384AB distance=79' 00200+3814  S   384AC distance=79' 00200+3814  FYM 147AD distance=79' 00200+3814  FYM 147AE distance=79' 00200+3814  FYM 147AF distance=79' 00118+3919  LDS3138 distance=80' 00167+3910  ES 1936 distance=81' 00191+3719  ALI 244 distance=81' 00201+3824  ALI 475 distance=81' 00108+3647  RAO 179 distance=83' 00152+3642  LDS3144 distance=84' 00077+3711  A  1501 distance=86' 00086+3906  ALI 715 distance=86' 00167+3638  STF  19 distance=94' 00183+3647  DRS  33 distance=96' 00205+3858  KPP2329 distance=101' 00167+3629  STT   4 distance=102' 00078+3920  CRB  25 distance=102' 00048+3810  BU  862 distance=103' 00202+3655  TOK 444 distance=106' 00203+3654  ALI 245 distance=106' 00224+3802  ALI 476 distance=106' 00189+3639  KPP1608 distance=107' 00048+3721  LDS3118 distance=110' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00134+3801 ES 2445 80 9.0 0
Show 00135+3808 CBL 566 79 10.3 5
Show 00155+3755 GRV 17 215 43.7 26
Show 00156+3751 COU 848 296 0.8 29
Show 00101+3825 VVO 2 AD 259 55.5 45
Show 00101+3825 DAM 31 AG 301 29.9 45
Show 00101+3825 DAM 31 AI 160 37.8 45
Show 00101+3825 DAM 31 AH 269 42.1 45
Show 00101+3825 HDS 23 Da,Db 146 0.2 46
Show 00101+3825 SKF 495 DB 297 4.4 46
Show 00101+3825 DAM 31 DH 52 16.2 46
Show 00132+3714 TDS1346 170 1.6 49
Show 00119+3850 FMR 176 331 5.9 52
Show 00096+3826 PTT 1 113 10.0 52
Show 00150+3851 UC 342 246 43.7 53
Show 00158+3718 TDS1369 282 0.8 53
Show 00098+3731 COU 847 AB 2 1.7 54
Show 00098+3731 GRV 10 AC 141 63.9 54
Show 00118+3855 ALI 717 342 7.8 57
Show 00134+3859 BRT2196 358 5.2 58
Show 00171+3841 CHR 123 144 0.0 58
Show 00094+3841 ALI 716 92 13.8 62
Show 00088+3729 ALI 242 145 10.5 65
Show 00089+3713 STF 1 288 9.9 74
Show 00073+3741 ES 1935 138 9.0 76
Show 00190+3842 ALI 720 118 8.8 77
Show 00200+3814 FYM 147 DG 280 3.2 78
Show 00200+3814 S 384 AB 22 104.0 79
Show 00200+3814 S 384 AC 265 21.9 79
Show 00200+3814 FYM 147 AD 330 77.6 79
Show 00200+3814 FYM 147 AE 219 38.9 79
Show 00200+3814 FYM 147 AF 14 47.9 79
Show 00118+3919 LDS3138 270 45.7 80
Show 00167+3910 ES 1936 71 5.7 81
Show 00191+3719 ALI 244 147 8.7 81
Show 00201+3824 ALI 475 88 15.7 81
Show 00108+3647 RAO 179 189 1.4 83
Show 00152+3642 LDS3144 269 2.5 84
Show 00077+3711 A 1501 240 0.9 86
Show 00086+3906 ALI 715 107 9.2 86
Show 00167+3638 STF 19 140 2.3 94
Show 00183+3647 DRS 33 146 7.0 96
Show 00205+3858 KPP2329 247 19.8 101
Show 00167+3629 STT 4 26 0.2 102
Show 00078+3920 CRB 25 216 23.8 102
Show 00048+3810 BU 862 30 0.8 103
Show 00202+3655 TOK 444 225 999.9 106
Show 00203+3654 ALI 245 281 6.3 106
Show 00224+3802 ALI 476 14 11.2 106
Show 00189+3639 KPP1608 107 12.2 107
Show 00048+3721 LDS3118 310 212.9 110

WDS 00134+3801 : COMPONENTS
B pa=76.8°
00134+3801 A
Coord arcsec 2000 001326.42+380236.9 Mag 11.1 PmRA -36.00 PmDE 1.0
00134+3801 B
Coord arcsec 2000 001327.01+380238.5 Mag 11.3 PmRA -25.00 PmDE 0.0
Calc delta mag 0.2 Calc coord yes