20239+1437 LDS 4839

20h 23m 48.55s +14° 37' 56.8" P.A. 311.00 sep 10.4 mag 12.15,17.50
Coord 2000 20239+1437 Discov num LDS4839 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 23 48.55 +14 37 56.8
Date first 1960 Date last 2016 Obs 5
Pa first 312 Pa last 310.9 P.A. Now (θ) 310.9°
Sep first 10.0 Sep last 10.395 Sep. Now (ρ) 10.395"
Mag pri 12.15 Mag sec 17.50 delta mag (ΔM) 5.35 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +229 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec +051 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Delphinus Tycho2 1086-00367-1 Gaia DR2 1805066937949557760
WDS 20239+1437 LDS 4839 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 LDS Luyten p.m. catalog (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20239+1437 LDS4839 1999 2 311 10.4 12.15 17.50 D 202348.55+143756.8
20239+1437 LDS4839 2015 3 311 10.4 12.15 17.50 202348.55+143756.8
20239+1437 LDS4839 2016 5 311 10.4 12.15 17.50 202348.55+143756.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20239+1437 LDS 4839 : MEASURES
No records found.


20239+1437 LDS4839A mag 12.15 20239+1437 LDS4839B sep 10.2 P.A. 311.80 mag 17.5 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20239+1437 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 23m 48.55s +14° 37' 56.8"
WDS 20239+1437 LDS 4839 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20239+1437  LDS4839 distance=0' 20240+1443  BPM2143 distance=6' 20247+1438  HJ 1507 distance=13' 20247+1443  HJ 1508AB distance=14' 20247+1443  VLM   4AC distance=14' 20236+1421  BPM2141 distance=17' 20250+1443  BPM2147 distance=18' 20248+1452  STF2680 distance=21' 20250+1451  J   842 distance=22' 20246+1459  BPM2145 distance=25' 20255+1431  BPM2151 distance=26' 20253+1420  BPM2149 distance=28' 20252+1416  BPM2148 distance=30' 20231+1508  BPM2137 distance=32' 20221+1501  BPM2130 distance=34' 20227+1406  BPM2134 distance=36' 20263+1445  J  3085 distance=37' 20233+1515  BPM2140BD distance=37' 20226+1510  LDS4838 distance=38' 20233+1515  BPM2138AB distance=38' 20233+1515  BPM2139AC distance=38' 20212+1433  AG  403 distance=38' 20219+1504  BPM2129 distance=38' 20257+1510  BPM2153 distance=42' 20267+1431  BPM2162 distance=43' 20215+1511  BPM2125 distance=48' 20204+1427  BPM2120 distance=51' 20204+1447  BPM2119 distance=51' 20229+1346  J  3082AB distance=52' 20226+1529  BPM2133 distance=55' 20227+1345  J  3079 distance=56' 20230+1533  BPM2136 distance=57' 20275+1454  A  1674CD distance=57' 20275+1454  A  1674AB distance=57' 20275+1454  A  1674AC distance=57' 20250+1532  TDS1072 distance=57' 20274+1457  BRT1343 distance=57' 20252+1532  TDT2256 distance=58' 20200+1412  BPM2115 distance=62' 20206+1519  BPM2122 distance=62' 20275+1514  J  3087 distance=64' 20196+1502  BPM2112 distance=66' 20197+1507  BPM2113 distance=67' 20194+1422  A  1672BC distance=67' 20194+1422  STF2665A,BC distance=67' 20284+1432  TDT2312 distance=68' 20219+1336  HU 1197 distance=69' 20203+1525  BPM2117 distance=70' 20203+1350  BPM2118 distance=70' 20194+1507  BPM2110 distance=71' 20279+1515  BPMA248 distance=71' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20239+1437 LDS4839 311 10.4 0
Show 20240+1443 BPM2143 221 87.9 6
Show 20247+1438 HJ 1507 64 10.4 13
Show 20247+1443 HJ 1508 AB 59 13.9 14
Show 20247+1443 VLM 4 AC 152 17.4 14
Show 20236+1421 BPM2141 171 109.3 17
Show 20250+1443 BPM2147 65 92.4 18
Show 20248+1452 STF2680 288 16.2 21
Show 20250+1451 J 842 180 4.2 22
Show 20246+1459 BPM2145 162 73.2 25
Show 20255+1431 BPM2151 294 48.5 26
Show 20253+1420 BPM2149 339 38.5 28
Show 20252+1416 BPM2148 96 68.4 30
Show 20231+1508 BPM2137 314 41.6 32
Show 20221+1501 BPM2130 349 49.5 34
Show 20227+1406 BPM2134 300 80.4 36
Show 20263+1445 J 3085 206 6.0 37
Show 20233+1515 BPM2140 BD 306 82.6 37
Show 20226+1510 LDS4838 25 19.4 38
Show 20233+1515 BPM2138 AB 179 54.0 38
Show 20233+1515 BPM2139 AC 359 111.7 38
Show 20212+1433 AG 403 292 43.1 38
Show 20219+1504 BPM2129 150 90.8 38
Show 20257+1510 BPM2153 113 95.6 42
Show 20267+1431 BPM2162 214 78.9 43
Show 20215+1511 BPM2125 188 114.3 48
Show 20204+1427 BPM2120 168 117.9 51
Show 20204+1447 BPM2119 30 110.7 51
Show 20229+1346 J 3082 AB 18 6.1 52
Show 20226+1529 BPM2133 169 63.6 55
Show 20227+1345 J 3079 139 7.4 56
Show 20230+1533 BPM2136 245 91.7 57
Show 20275+1454 A 1674 CD 171 1.3 57
Show 20275+1454 A 1674 AB 14 0.9 57
Show 20275+1454 A 1674 AC 294 8.4 57
Show 20250+1532 TDS1072 161 0.9 57
Show 20274+1457 BRT1343 335 4.5 57
Show 20252+1532 TDT2256 43 0.9 58
Show 20200+1412 BPM2115 187 115.5 62
Show 20206+1519 BPM2122 117 119.3 62
Show 20275+1514 J 3087 329 6.2 64
Show 20196+1502 BPM2112 85 109.1 66
Show 20197+1507 BPM2113 3 78.8 67
Show 20194+1422 A 1672 BC 59 0.1 67
Show 20194+1422 STF2665 A,BC 12 3.3 67
Show 20284+1432 TDT2312 251 0.6 68
Show 20219+1336 HU 1197 305 1.2 69
Show 20203+1525 BPM2117 49 101.6 70
Show 20203+1350 BPM2118 104 58.9 70
Show 20194+1507 BPM2110 256 78.9 71
Show 20279+1515 BPMA248 224 168.3 71

WDS 20239+1437 : COMPONENTS
B pa=311.8°
20239+1437 A
Coord arcsec 2000 202348.55+143756.8 Mag 12.15 PmRA 229.00 PmDE 51.0
Tycho2 1086-00367-1
Tycho2 1086-00367-1 Pflag RAmdeg 305.95231570 DEmdeg 14.63246517
PmRA 236.7 PmDE 51.6 E RAmdeg 146 E DEmdeg 146
E pmRA 3.5 E pmDE 3.5 EpRAm 1960.09 EpDEm 1958.32
Num 2 Q RAmdeg Q DEmdeg Q pmRA
Q pmDE BTmag 13.328 E BTmag 0.364 VTmag 12.145
E VTmag 0.203 Prox 999 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 305.95175333 DEdeg 14.63234556 EpRA 1990 1.73
EpDE 1990 1.65 E RAdeg 183.2 E DEdeg 186.7 Posflg
Corr -0.1
20239+1437 B
Coord arcsec 2000 202348.03+143803.6 Mag 17.5 Calc delta mag 5.35 Calc coord yes