20207-1246 LAM 5 (Alshat)

20h 20m 39.81s -12° 45' 32.6" P.A. 211.00 sep 53.2 mag 4.74,11.80 Sp B9.5V dist. 77.64 pc (253.26 l.y.)
Coord 2000 20207-1246 Discov num LAM   5 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 20 39.81 -12 45 32.6
Date first 1877 Date last 2012 Obs 10
Pa first 210 Pa last 211.4 P.A. Now (θ) 211.4°
Sep first 55.4 Sep last 53.18 Sep. Now (ρ) 53.18"
Mag pri 4.74 Mag sec 11.80 delta mag (ΔM) 7.06 Spectral class B9.5V (blue-white)
Pri motion ra +015 Sec motion ra +004
Pri motion dec -014 Sec motion dec -007
Notes N (See Notes)
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Common name Alshat Constellation Capricornus SAO 163468 HIP 100310
Tycho2 5749-02531-1 Gaia DR2 6879844473485400576 HD 193432 HR 7773
GC 28282 ADS 13714 BD BD-13 5642 Bayer Nu Capricorni
Bayer name Nu Cap Flamsteed 8 Capricorni Flamsteed name 8 Cap Distance 77.64
Distance ly 253.26 Bayer greek ν Cap
WDS 20207-1246 LAM 5 (Alshat) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
LAM 5 nu Cap = 8 Cap = Alshat
idgroup discov author
1 LAM Lamont, J.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20207-1246 LAM 5 1998 7 212 53.7 4.80 11.80 B9.5V N D 202039.81-124532.6
20207-1246 LAM 5 2000 8 211 54.1 4.80 11.80 B9.5V N D 202039.81-124532.6
20207-1246 LAM 5 2012 9 211 53.2 4.80 11.80 B9.5V N D 202039.81-124532.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20207-1246 LAM 5 (Alshat) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 20207-1246 (Alshat) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

20207-1246 LAM   5A mag 4.74 Sp B9.5V 20207-1246 LAM   5B sep 52.8 P.A. 210.80 mag 11.8 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20207-1246 (Alshat) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 20m 39.81s -12° 45' 32.6"
WDS 20207-1246 LAM 5 (Alshat) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20207-1246  LAM   5 (Alshat) distance=0' 20226-1223  HDS2910Aa,Ab distance=37' 20226-1223  H N 127AB distance=37' 20181-1233  AGC  12BC distance=41' 20181-1233  HJ  608A,BC (Algedi) distance=41' 20181-1233  AGC  12AD (Algedi) distance=41' 20181-1233  STFA 51AE (Algedi) distance=41' 20229-1219  GWP2941 distance=42' 20181-1224  DAM 861 distance=44' 20176-1250  RST4056 distance=46' 20176-1230  WZ   15Aa,Ab distance=47' 20176-1230  BU  295AB (Prima Giedi) distance=47' 20176-1230  HJ  607AC (Prima Giedi) distance=47' 20176-1230  WZ   15CD distance=47' 20189-1201  HU  356 distance=52' 20207-1340  OCC9192 distance=55' 20170-1228  HJ 2943AB distance=56' 20170-1228  DOO  84AC distance=56' 20164-1220  BU  294BC distance=68' 20164-1220  BU  294AB distance=68' 20251-1309  BRT2772 distance=69' 20158-1301  OSW  70 distance=73' 20158-1222  DOO  83 distance=74' 20161-1159  KIR  22 distance=82' 20153-1217  DOO  82 distance=83' 20186-1126  CVR 223 distance=85' 20190-1417  RST4057 distance=95' 20271-1250  GWP2952 distance=95' 20242-1407  OCC 476 distance=97' 20200-1108  HU  358 distance=98' 20177-1417  J  1701 distance=101' 20211-1429  SHN 244 distance=105' 20255-1407  RST4063 distance=109' 20203-1439  SHN 243 distance=113' 20225-1438  RST4059 distance=115' 20284-1309  STF2683 distance=116' 20202-1444  RST4058AB distance=120' 20202-1444  OCC 440Aa,Ab distance=120' 20127-1312  TOK 336 distance=120' 20202-1046  J  1389 distance=120' 20169-1059  LDS4835 distance=120' 20210-1447  HJ 2948DE distance=121' 20124-1237  BUP 206AB distance=121' 20124-1237  TDT2085AC distance=121' 20210-1447  BLA   7Aa,Ab (Dabih) distance=122' 20210-1447  STFA 52AB (Dabih) distance=122' 20210-1447  HJ 2948AD (Dabih) distance=122' 20210-1447  STFA 52AC (Dabih) distance=122' 20262-1115  RST4665 distance=122' 20210-1447  BAR  12Ba,Bb distance=122' 20210-1447  STFA 52BC distance=122' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show Alshat 20207-1246 LAM 5 211 53.2 0
Show 20226-1223 HDS2910 Aa,Ab 174 0.3 37
Show 20226-1223 H N 127 AB 205 43.4 37
Show 20181-1233 AGC 12 BC 241 1.2 41
Show Algedi 20181-1233 HJ 608 A,BC 196 6.6 41
Show Algedi 20181-1233 AGC 12 AD 159 153.4 41
Show Algedi 20181-1233 STFA 51 AE 290 381.2 41
Show 20229-1219 GWP2941 67 87.3 42
Show 20181-1224 DAM 861 41 11.9 44
Show 20176-1250 RST4056 82 2.7 46
Show 20176-1230 WZ 15 Aa,Ab 353 0.8 47
Show Prima Giedi 20176-1230 BU 295 AB 212 53.2 47
Show Prima Giedi 20176-1230 HJ 607 AC 228 47.4 47
Show 20176-1230 WZ 15 CD 108 31.7 47
Show 20189-1201 HU 356 91 0.7 52
Show 20207-1340 OCC9192 -1 0.0 55
Show 20170-1228 HJ 2943 AB 113 9.9 56
Show 20170-1228 DOO 84 AC 10 25.8 56
Show 20164-1220 BU 294 BC 177 6.6 68
Show 20164-1220 BU 294 AB 33 26.7 68
Show 20251-1309 BRT2772 247 4.8 69
Show 20158-1301 OSW 70 93 53.6 73
Show 20158-1222 DOO 83 63 11.3 74
Show 20161-1159 KIR 22 175 38.3 82
Show 20153-1217 DOO 82 242 15.6 83
Show 20186-1126 CVR 223 39 27.9 85
Show 20190-1417 RST4057 255 1.2 95
Show 20271-1250 GWP2952 59 13.1 95
Show 20242-1407 OCC 476 -1 0.1 97
Show 20200-1108 HU 358 82 0.6 98
Show 20177-1417 J 1701 79 5.0 101
Show 20211-1429 SHN 244 -1 0.2 105
Show 20255-1407 RST4063 36 1.3 109
Show 20203-1439 SHN 243 -1 0.1 113
Show 20225-1438 RST4059 354 1.1 115
Show 20284-1309 STF2683 67 22.8 116
Show 20202-1444 RST4058 AB 100 5.7 120
Show 20202-1444 OCC 440 Aa,Ab -1 0.1 120
Show 20127-1312 TOK 336 88 114.0 120
Show 20202-1046 J 1389 62 7.1 120
Show 20169-1059 LDS4835 230 123.3 120
Show 20210-1447 HJ 2948 DE 321 3.9 121
Show 20124-1237 BUP 206 AB 272 90.5 121
Show 20124-1237 TDT2085 AC 194 999.9 121
Show Dabih 20210-1447 BLA 7 Aa,Ab 35 0.1 122
Show Dabih 20210-1447 STFA 52 AB 266 205.2 122
Show Dabih 20210-1447 HJ 2948 AD 292 115.9 122
Show Dabih 20210-1447 STFA 52 AC 133 226.1 122
Show 20262-1115 RST4665 344 0.3 122
Show 20210-1447 BAR 12 Ba,Bb 52 0.4 122
Show 20210-1447 STFA 52 BC 111 396.5 122

WDS 20207-1246 : COMPONENTS
B pa=210.8°
20207-1246 A
Common name Alshat Coord arcsec 2000 202039.81-124532.6 Mag 4.74 Spectral class B9.5V (blue-white)
PmRA 15.00 PmDE -14.0 SAO 163468 HIP 100310
Tycho2 5749-02531-1 HD 193432 HR 7773 GC 28282
BD BD-13 5642 Bayer Nu Capricorni Bayer name Nu Cap Flamsteed 8 Capricorni
Flamsteed name 8 Cap
Tycho2 5749-02531-1 Pflag RAmdeg 305.16589961 DEmdeg -12.75908049
PmRA 15.2 PmDE -14.8 E RAmdeg 3 E DEmdeg 4
E pmRA 0.8 E pmDE 0.8 EpRAm 1991.44 EpDEm 1990.66
Num 19 Q RAmdeg 0.7 Q DEmdeg 0.8 Q pmRA 0.8
Q pmDE 0.6 BTmag 4.695 E BTmag 0.014 VTmag 4.741
E VTmag 0.009 Prox 999 TYC T HIP 100310
CCDM RAdeg 305.16586417 DEdeg -12.75904417 EpRA 1990 1.79
EpDE 1990 1.20 E RAdeg 3.2 E DEdeg 3.5 Posflg
Corr -0.2
SAO 163468 DelFlag RA1950 PmRA1950 0.0011
DE1950 PmDE1950 -0.018 Vmag 4.8 SpType A0
Double code Source 70 CatNum 28282 DM BD-13 5642
DMcomp BDsup HD 193432 M HD 0
GC 28282 RA1950rad 5.31405382 DE1950rad -0.22546014 PmRA2000 0.0013
PmDE2000 -0.019
Catalog H HIP 100310 Proxy RAhms 20 20 39.81
DEdms -12 45 32.6 Vmag 4.77 VarFlag R Vmag H
RAdeg 305.166 DEdeg -12.759 AstroRef Plx 11.98
CCDM 20207-1246 N CCDM I Nsys 1 Ncomp 1
MultFlag Source Qual M HIP
Theta Rho HD 193432 BD BD-13 5642
CD CP Dm number -13 5642 VIred -0.06
SpType B9IV R SpType Coord arcsec 2000 202039.81-124532.6
Hipparcos 2
HIP 100310 Sn 5 So 0 Nc 1
RArad 5.3261490511 DErad -0.2226873307 Plx 12.88 PmRA 14.74
PmDE -14.32 E RArad 0.23 E DErad 0.13 E Plx 0.27
E pmRA 0.33 E pmDE 0.22 Hpmag 4.7498 E Hpmag 0.0005
SHp 0.004 VA 0 BV -0.047 E BV 0.005
VI -0.06
Ccdm 20207-1246 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs -2.17 DDEs 27.0
R dRAs 10 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 4.8 Sp A0 PmNote *
PmRA 16 PmDE -18 Dm number -13 5642 Cat1 BD
Name2 163468 Cat2 SAO HD 193432 M HD
ADS BDS A13714 M ADS BDS N IDS IDS 20151S1304A
HIC 100310
20207-1246 B
Coord arcsec 2000 202037.96-124618.0 Mag 11.8 PmRA 4.00 PmDE -7.0
Calc delta mag 7.06 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 20207-1246 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num LAM 5 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1960 Theta 211 Rho 54.1
Obs 5 Vmag 11.8 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
ADS BDS A13714 M ADS BDS N IDS IDS 20151S1304B