20170+1655 J 3070

20h 16m 58.99s +16° 55' 04.5" sep 5.5 mag 11.66,12.80
Coord 2000 20170+1655 Discov num J  3070 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 16 58.99 +16 55 04.5
Date first 1944 Date last 2015 Obs 9
Pa first 15 Pa last 359.5 P.A. Now (θ) 359.5°
Sep first 5.0 Sep last 5.463 Sep. Now (ρ) 5.463"
Mag pri 11.66 Mag sec 12.80 delta mag (ΔM) 1.14 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +004 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -002 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Sagitta Gaia DR2 1809120833031497344
WDS 20170+1655 J 3070 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 J Jonckheere, R.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20170+1655 J 3070 1980 2 6 4.9 11.66 12.80 201658.76+165411.8
20170+1655 J 3070 2001 5 2 5.5 11.66 12.80 201658.99+165504.5
20170+1655 J 3070 2015 6 0 5.5 11.66 12.80 201658.99+165504.5

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20170+1655 J 3070 : MEASURES
No records found.


20170+1655 J  3070A mag 11.66 20170+1655 J  3070B sep 5.5 P.A. 359.50 mag 12.8 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20170+1655 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 16m 58.99s +16° 55' 04.5"
WDS 20170+1655 J 3070 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20170+1655  J  3070 distance=0' 20174+1643  LDS1039 distance=13' 20171+1641  BPM2087 distance=15' 20159+1655  GWP2932 distance=16' 20170+1716  OSO 123AB distance=21' 20170+1716  OSO 123AC distance=21' 20170+1716  OSO 123AD distance=21' 20170+1716  OSO 123AE distance=21' 20159+1714  KPP 465 distance=25' 20186+1711  BPM2101 distance=29' 20184+1719  BPM2099 distance=32' 20191+1647  BPM2105 distance=32' 20158+1628  BPM2080 distance=32' 20193+1705  BPM2109 distance=35' 20143+1648  BPM2070 distance=40' 20163+1615  CHE 260 distance=41' 20181+1736  HJ 2946 distance=41' 20192+1723  J  1247 distance=42' 20177+1739  BPMA245 distance=45' 20202+1644  SKF2134 distance=47' 20193+1619  BPM2108 distance=49' 20166+1606  CHE 263 distance=50' 20148+1616  CHE 237 distance=50' 20164+1745  J  1109AB distance=51' 20164+1745  J  1109AC distance=51' 20171+1604  CHE 270 distance=52' 20166+1603  CHE 264 distance=53' 20181+1605  BKO 561 distance=53' 20165+1602  BKO 558 distance=54' 20204+1633  KPP 866 distance=54' 20182+1604  CHE 291 distance=55' 20171+1601  CHE 271 distance=55' 20165+1601  BKO 559 distance=55' 20205+1634  HU  360AB distance=56' 20205+1634  HU  360AC distance=56' 20144+1611  CHE 227 distance=58' 20199+1733  HJ 2950 distance=58' 20188+1751  J  3314 distance=59' 20131+1713  BPM2062 distance=59' 20141+1612  CHE 223 distance=60' 20148+1605  CHE 238 distance=60' 20144+1608  BKO 540BD distance=60' 20144+1608  CHE 228AB distance=60' 20144+1608  CHE 228AC distance=60' 20186+1600  BPM2102 distance=61' 20202+1734  BPM2116 distance=61' 20183+1556  CHE 292 distance=62' 20139+1611  BPM2066BC distance=62' 20147+1602  CHE 236 distance=63' 20172+1553  CHE 273AB distance=63' 20172+1553  BKO 560BC distance=63' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20170+1655 J 3070 0 5.5 0
Show 20174+1643 LDS1039 207 126.8 13
Show 20171+1641 BPM2087 45 37.0 15
Show 20159+1655 GWP2932 14 15.0 16
Show 20170+1716 OSO 123 AB 264 10.0 21
Show 20170+1716 OSO 123 AC 349 17.9 21
Show 20170+1716 OSO 123 AD 99 21.1 21
Show 20170+1716 OSO 123 AE 44 26.2 21
Show 20159+1714 KPP 465 12 3.7 25
Show 20186+1711 BPM2101 265 58.6 29
Show 20184+1719 BPM2099 127 114.8 32
Show 20191+1647 BPM2105 289 86.8 32
Show 20158+1628 BPM2080 65 82.7 32
Show 20193+1705 BPM2109 198 100.7 35
Show 20143+1648 BPM2070 296 119.8 40
Show 20163+1615 CHE 260 201 27.4 41
Show 20181+1736 HJ 2946 237 13.9 41
Show 20192+1723 J 1247 155 3.1 42
Show 20177+1739 BPMA245 202 257.4 45
Show 20202+1644 SKF2134 231 66.3 47
Show 20193+1619 BPM2108 293 105.0 49
Show 20166+1606 CHE 263 140 4.0 50
Show 20148+1616 CHE 237 219 21.8 50
Show 20164+1745 J 1109 AB 331 6.4 51
Show 20164+1745 J 1109 AC 9 8.4 51
Show 20171+1604 CHE 270 103 16.1 52
Show 20166+1603 CHE 264 35 28.3 53
Show 20181+1605 BKO 561 91 5.8 53
Show 20165+1602 BKO 558 137 6.2 54
Show 20204+1633 KPP 866 348 7.3 54
Show 20182+1604 CHE 291 275 8.3 55
Show 20171+1601 CHE 271 34 26.3 55
Show 20165+1601 BKO 559 36 4.8 55
Show 20205+1634 HU 360 AB 3 0.1 56
Show 20205+1634 HU 360 AC 348 7.3 56
Show 20144+1611 CHE 227 46 5.2 58
Show 20199+1733 HJ 2950 282 14.6 58
Show 20188+1751 J 3314 70 3.4 59
Show 20131+1713 BPM2062 122 118.9 59
Show 20141+1612 CHE 223 82 8.5 60
Show 20148+1605 CHE 238 303 24.2 60
Show 20144+1608 BKO 540 BD 134 9.9 60
Show 20144+1608 CHE 228 AB 309 38.6 60
Show 20144+1608 CHE 228 AC 268 24.4 60
Show 20186+1600 BPM2102 47 72.1 61
Show 20202+1734 BPM2116 71 70.5 61
Show 20183+1556 CHE 292 181 15.7 62
Show 20139+1611 BPM2066 BC 319 100.1 62
Show 20147+1602 CHE 236 291 21.4 63
Show 20172+1553 CHE 273 AB 94 26.8 63
Show 20172+1553 BKO 560 BC 199 1.4 63

WDS 20170+1655 : COMPONENTS
B pa=359.5°
20170+1655 A
Coord arcsec 2000 201658.99+165504.5 Mag 11.66 PmRA 4.00 PmDE -2.0
20170+1655 B
Coord arcsec 2000 201658.99+165510.0 Mag 12.8 Calc delta mag 1.14 Calc coord yes