20168+3755 SLE 984

20h 16m 50.75s +37° 55' 16.9" P.A. 175.00 sep 8.2 mag 12.80,14.10
Coord 2000 20168+3755 Discov num SLE 984 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 16 50.75 +37 55 16.9
Date first 1985 Date last 2022 Obs 9
Pa first 175 Pa last 174.6 P.A. Now (θ) 174.6°
Sep first 8.0 Sep last 8.19 Sep. Now (ρ) 8.19"
Mag pri 12.80 Mag sec 14.10 delta mag (ΔM) 1.3 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +003 Sec motion ra +003
Pri motion dec -004 Sec motion dec -010
Notes R (Red magnitudes)
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cygnus Gaia DR2 2060868249451181056
WDS 20168+3755 SLE 984 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 SLE Soulie, G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20168+3755 SLE 984 1998 2 174 8.2 12.60 13.10 D 201650.69+375508.6
20168+3755 SLE 984 2002 3 174 8.2 12.80 14.10 R 201650.75+375516.9
20168+3755 SLE 984 2015 4 174 8.2 12.80 14.10 R 201650.75+375516.9
20168+3755 SLE 984 2022 9 175 8.2 12.80 14.10 R 201650.75+375516.9

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20168+3755 SLE 984 : MEASURES
No records found.


20168+3755 SLE 984A mag 12.8 20168+3755 SLE 984B sep 8.2 P.A. 175.70 mag 14.1 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20168+3755 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 16m 50.75s +37° 55' 16.9"
WDS 20168+3755 SLE 984 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20168+3755  SLE 984 distance=0' 20166+3759  ALI 663 distance=5' 20160+3758  SEI1048 distance=11' 20160+3751  TDT2130 distance=12' 20162+3805  SEI1050 distance=12' 20169+3743  SLE 985 distance=13' 20158+3759  SLE 978 distance=13' 20178+3802  RBR  25 distance=13' 20162+3745  TOB 183 distance=14' 20176+3806  ES 2502 distance=14' 20157+3800  TDS1054 distance=15' 20165+3739  BU  442CD distance=17' 20165+3739  BU  442CU distance=17' 20165+3739  BU  442CV distance=17' 20165+3739  BU  442UV distance=17' 20171+3738  SLE 986AB distance=18' 20171+3738  SLE 986AC distance=18' 20165+3739  BU  442BC distance=18' 20165+3739  BU  442BD distance=18' 20165+3739  ABH 135BE distance=18' 20165+3739  ABH 135BF distance=18' 20165+3739  ABH 135BO distance=18' 20165+3739  BU  442BP distance=18' 20165+3739  BU  442BR distance=18' 20165+3739  BU  442BS distance=18' 20165+3739  BU  442BT distance=18' 20165+3739  BU  442BU distance=18' 20165+3739  BU  442BV distance=18' 20165+3739  BU  442AB distance=18' 20165+3739  SLE 982AG distance=18' 20165+3739  SLE 982AH distance=18' 20165+3739  SLE 982AI distance=18' 20165+3739  SLE 982AJ distance=18' 20165+3739  SLE 982AK distance=18' 20165+3739  SLE 982AL distance=18' 20165+3739  SLE 982AM distance=18' 20165+3739  SLE 982AN distance=18' 20165+3739  BU  442AQ distance=18' 20165+3739  SLV   8AC distance=18' 20165+3739  BU  442AP distance=18' 20165+3739  BU  442AR distance=18' 20165+3739  ABH 135AD distance=18' 20165+3739  SLE 982AO distance=18' 20177+3740  SLE 989 distance=19' 20183+3802  SLE 993 distance=19' 20182+3803  SLE 991 distance=19' 20161+3738  SLE 980 distance=20' 20168+3731  ARY  25 distance=25' 20151+3742  COU2416 distance=25' 20150+3743  SEI1043 distance=26' 20149+3809  TDT2119 distance=27' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20168+3755 SLE 984 175 8.2 0
Show 20166+3759 ALI 663 58 12.0 5
Show 20160+3758 SEI1048 121 19.6 11
Show 20160+3751 TDT2130 236 2.0 12
Show 20162+3805 SEI1050 313 3.9 12
Show 20169+3743 SLE 985 186 14.1 13
Show 20158+3759 SLE 978 198 11.8 13
Show 20178+3802 RBR 25 107 11.4 13
Show 20162+3745 TOB 183 256 14.7 14
Show 20176+3806 ES 2502 325 5.2 14
Show 20157+3800 TDS1054 4 0.9 15
Show 20165+3739 BU 442 CD 306 15.1 17
Show 20165+3739 BU 442 CU 109 12.7 17
Show 20165+3739 BU 442 CV 116 20.4 17
Show 20165+3739 BU 442 UV 127 8.0 17
Show 20171+3738 SLE 986 AB 347 6.4 18
Show 20171+3738 SLE 986 AC 1 17.9 18
Show 20165+3739 BU 442 BC 49 16.9 18
Show 20165+3739 BU 442 BD 2 20.1 18
Show 20165+3739 ABH 135 BE 88 50.2 18
Show 20165+3739 ABH 135 BF 139 64.4 18
Show 20165+3739 ABH 135 BO 125 41.5 18
Show 20165+3739 BU 442 BP 269 16.6 18
Show 20165+3739 BU 442 BR 308 34.4 18
Show 20165+3739 BU 442 BS 124 3.7 18
Show 20165+3739 BU 442 BT 162 6.5 18
Show 20165+3739 BU 442 BU 74 26.0 18
Show 20165+3739 BU 442 BV 86 31.3 18
Show 20165+3739 BU 442 AB 103 18.3 18
Show 20165+3739 SLE 982 AG 10 88.5 18
Show 20165+3739 SLE 982 AH 19 111.6 18
Show 20165+3739 SLE 982 AI 43 63.2 18
Show 20165+3739 SLE 982 AJ 34 96.5 18
Show 20165+3739 SLE 982 AK 34 114.9 18
Show 20165+3739 SLE 982 AL 27 177.3 18
Show 20165+3739 SLE 982 AM 65 88.9 18
Show 20165+3739 SLE 982 AN 76 155.9 18
Show 20165+3739 BU 442 AQ 156 8.7 18
Show 20165+3739 SLV 8 AC 77 31.4 18
Show 20165+3739 BU 442 AP 155 4.7 18
Show 20165+3739 BU 442 AR 332 19.2 18
Show 20165+3739 ABH 135 AD 49 24.4 18
Show 20165+3739 SLE 982 AO 118 58.7 18
Show 20177+3740 SLE 989 223 8.9 19
Show 20183+3802 SLE 993 70 16.4 19
Show 20182+3803 SLE 991 131 11.8 19
Show 20161+3738 SLE 980 226 14.2 20
Show 20168+3731 ARY 25 293 147.1 25
Show 20151+3742 COU2416 128 0.3 25
Show 20150+3743 SEI1043 341 21.1 26
Show 20149+3809 TDT2119 95 0.6 27

WDS 20168+3755 : COMPONENTS
B pa=175.7°
20168+3755 A
Coord arcsec 2000 201650.75+375516.9 Mag 12.8 PmRA 3.00 PmDE -4.0
20168+3755 B
Coord arcsec 2000 201650.80+375508.7 Mag 14.1 PmRA 3.00 PmDE -10.0
Calc delta mag 1.3 Calc coord yes