20159+0419 TDT 2129

20h 15m 55.97s +04° 18' 55.6" P.A. 262.00 sep 2.3 mag 11.88,12.08
Coord 2000 20159+0419 Discov num TDT2129 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 15 55.97 +04 18 55.6
Date first 1991 Date last 1991 Obs 1
Pa first 262 Pa last 261.7 P.A. Now (θ) 261.7°
Sep first 2.3 Sep last 2.32 Sep. Now (ρ) 2.32"
Mag pri 11.88 Mag sec 12.08 delta mag (ΔM) 0.2 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +007 Sec motion ra +007
Pri motion dec -014 Sec motion dec -014
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Aquila Tycho2 0504-02042-1 Gaia DR2 4244569015877393536
WDS 20159+0419 TDT 2129 : NOTES
No records found.

coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20159+0419 TDT2129 1991 1 262 2.3 11.88 12.08 201555.97+041855.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20159+0419 TDT 2129 : MEASURES
No records found.


20159+0419 TDT2129A mag 11.88 20159+0419 TDT2129B sep 2.3 P.A. 261.70 mag 12.08 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20159+0419 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 15m 55.97s +04° 18' 55.6"
WDS 20159+0419 TDT 2129 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20159+0419  TDT2129 distance=0' 20167+0429  BAL2964 distance=16' 20166+0405  J  1641 distance=16' 20157+0440  A   386 distance=22' 20183+0430  TDT2152AB distance=38' 20172+0452  UC 4137 distance=38' 20187+0416  BAL2531 distance=41' 20151+0459  KPP4187 distance=42' 20135+0440  J   550 distance=43' 20172+0504  BAL2965 distance=44' 20139+0456  KPP 913 distance=48' 20166+0507  BU   59 distance=50' 20193+0418  GWP2938 distance=51' 20150+0519  GWP2930 distance=63' 20203+0412  UC 4150 distance=66' 20149+0315  BAL2021 distance=66' 20119+0348  STF2641 distance=69' 20113+0425  J  2300 distance=69' 20169+0306  GWP2935 distance=75' 20128+0318  BAL2529 distance=77' 20117+0335  UC 4117 distance=78' 20132+0526  J  1700 distance=78' 20106+0428  UC 4113 distance=81' 20162+0255  GWP2933 distance=85' 20130+0533  TDT2094 distance=86' 20188+0305  UC 4144 distance=87' 20155+0251  HJ  910AB distance=89' 20155+0251  HJ  910AC distance=89' 20132+0256  CRI  26 distance=93' 20214+0336  BAL2532AB distance=93' 20214+0336  BAL2532AC distance=93' 20200+0308  HJ  913 distance=94' 20121+0306  HEI 581 distance=94' 20104+0330  BAL2527 distance=96' 20158+0555  UC 4129 distance=97' 20094+0428  UC 4105 distance=99' 20146+0242  BAL2020 distance=100' 20122+0255  BAL2019 distance=102' 20221+0331  UC 4158 distance=104' 20199+0254  TDT2175 distance=105' 20121+0246  BAL2018 distance=110' 20156+0615  HJL 277 distance=116' 20178+0612  AG  251AB distance=116' 20178+0612  AG  251AC distance=116' 20114+0559  J  1339 distance=119' 20212+0249  TOK 730 distance=120' 20213+0250  HLD 158 distance=120' 20151+0218  BAL1551 distance=122' 20112+0237  BAL2017 distance=125' 20238+0506  J   556 distance=126' 20077+0446  STF2627AB distance=127' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20159+0419 TDT2129 262 2.3 0
Show 20167+0429 BAL2964 321 10.3 16
Show 20166+0405 J 1641 215 7.4 16
Show 20157+0440 A 386 83 2.8 22
Show 20183+0430 TDT2152 AB 50 0.5 38
Show 20172+0452 UC 4137 270 15.2 38
Show 20187+0416 BAL2531 56 16.1 41
Show 20151+0459 KPP4187 70 2.7 42
Show 20135+0440 J 550 141 4.2 43
Show 20172+0504 BAL2965 134 17.3 44
Show 20139+0456 KPP 913 169 7.5 48
Show 20166+0507 BU 59 100 8.4 50
Show 20193+0418 GWP2938 333 50.7 51
Show 20150+0519 GWP2930 25 40.0 63
Show 20203+0412 UC 4150 280 19.5 66
Show 20149+0315 BAL2021 344 4.5 66
Show 20119+0348 STF2641 168 20.7 69
Show 20113+0425 J 2300 300 4.1 69
Show 20169+0306 GWP2935 172 46.6 75
Show 20128+0318 BAL2529 36 11.3 77
Show 20117+0335 UC 4117 298 41.9 78
Show 20132+0526 J 1700 217 6.1 78
Show 20106+0428 UC 4113 45 43.8 81
Show 20162+0255 GWP2933 48 1.3 85
Show 20130+0533 TDT2094 222 0.4 86
Show 20188+0305 UC 4144 347 30.8 87
Show 20155+0251 HJ 910 AB 305 18.3 89
Show 20155+0251 HJ 910 AC 243 36.6 89
Show 20132+0256 CRI 26 124 32.5 93
Show 20214+0336 BAL2532 AB 271 5.3 93
Show 20214+0336 BAL2532 AC 22 7.3 93
Show 20200+0308 HJ 913 144 9.6 94
Show 20121+0306 HEI 581 160 0.8 94
Show 20104+0330 BAL2527 197 6.1 96
Show 20158+0555 UC 4129 89 48.4 97
Show 20094+0428 UC 4105 342 31.1 99
Show 20146+0242 BAL2020 159 8.2 100
Show 20122+0255 BAL2019 46 6.0 102
Show 20221+0331 UC 4158 218 20.6 104
Show 20199+0254 TDT2175 164 1.8 105
Show 20121+0246 BAL2018 341 17.2 110
Show 20156+0615 HJL 277 251 114.8 116
Show 20178+0612 AG 251 AB 185 7.3 116
Show 20178+0612 AG 251 AC 221 87.7 116
Show 20114+0559 J 1339 13 2.6 119
Show 20212+0249 TOK 730 146 0.2 120
Show 20213+0250 HLD 158 41 1.2 120
Show 20151+0218 BAL1551 40 9.8 122
Show 20112+0237 BAL2017 200 13.2 125
Show 20238+0506 J 556 187 2.9 126
Show 20077+0446 STF2627 AB 32 2.0 127

WDS 20159+0419 : COMPONENTS
B pa=261.7°
20159+0419 A
Coord arcsec 2000 201555.97+041855.6 Mag 11.88 PmRA 7.00 PmDE -14.0
Tycho2 0504-02042-1
Tycho2 0504-02042-1 Pflag RAmdeg 303.98320390 DEmdeg 4.31545184
PmRA 6.7 PmDE -14.1 E RAmdeg 67 E DEmdeg 69
E pmRA 1.9 E pmDE 1.9 EpRAm 1971.70 EpDEm 1968.67
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.4 Q DEmdeg 2.2 Q pmRA 0.5
Q pmDE 2.2 BTmag 12.470 E BTmag 0.186 VTmag 11.861
E VTmag 0.160 Prox 999 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 303.98318778 DEdeg 4.31548556 EpRA 1990 1.50
EpDE 1990 1.42 E RAdeg 77.1 E DEdeg 81.5 Posflg
Corr -0.3
20159+0419 B
Coord arcsec 2000 201555.82+041855.3 Mag 12.08 PmRA 7.00 PmDE -14.0
Calc delta mag 0.2 Calc coord yes