20133-0706 RST 4655

20h 13m 18.94s -07° 05' 52.4" P.A. 132.00 sep 2.0 mag 9.10,13.90 Sp K0
Coord 2000 20133-0706 Discov num RST4655 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 13 18.94 -07 05 52.4
Date first 1938 Date last 2016 Obs 4
Pa first 130 Pa last 132.3 P.A. Now (θ) 132.3°
Sep first 1.5 Sep last 2.013 Sep. Now (ρ) 2.013"
Mag pri 9.10 Mag sec 13.90 delta mag (ΔM) 4.8 Spectral class K0 (yellow-orange)
Pri motion ra +015 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -012 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Aquila SAO 144180 Tycho2 5173-00092-1 Gaia DR2 4216698943037707008
HD 192065
WDS 20133-0706 RST 4655 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 RST Rossiter, R.A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20133-0706 RST4655 1943 2 128 1.5 9.10 13.90 K0 201318.94-070552.4
20133-0706 RST4655 2015 3 132 2.0 9.10 13.90 K0 201318.94-070552.4
20133-0706 RST4655 2016 4 132 2.0 9.10 13.90 K0 201318.94-070552.4

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20133-0706 RST 4655 : MEASURES
No records found.


20133-0706 RST4655A mag 9.1 Sp K0 20133-0706 RST4655B sep 2.0 P.A. 132.50 mag 13.9 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20133-0706 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 13m 18.94s -07° 05' 52.4"
WDS 20133-0706 RST 4655 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20133-0706  RST4655 distance=0' 20125-0727  TDT2087 distance=25' 20116-0705  TDT2070 distance=25' 20119-0730  A  2997 distance=33' 20151-0727  KPP2772 distance=34' 20118-0731  TDT2076 distance=34' 20153-0644  KPP4188 distance=37' 20127-0744  J  1699 distance=40' 20158-0640  UC 4130 distance=46' 20109-0637  ARU  20 distance=47' 20165-0719  UC 4133 distance=49' 20166-0712  JNN 125 distance=49' 20169-0712  J  2306 distance=53' 20169-0710  UC 4136 distance=54' 20161-0744  HO  589AB distance=57' 20161-0744  HO  589AC distance=57' 20112-0758  RST4654 distance=62' 20123-0806  BU 1205 distance=62' 20116-0609  BU  833AB distance=63' 20116-0609  BU  833AD distance=63' 20116-0609  BU  833BC distance=63' 20167-0630  J  1388 distance=63' 20144-0603  STF2646AB distance=66' 20144-0603  STF2646BC distance=66' 20150-0557  RST4657 distance=73' 20081-0714  UC 4095 distance=79' 20187-0710  J  2309 distance=79' 20165-0817  UC 4134 distance=86' 20113-0542  GWP2925 distance=90' 20073-0657  GWP2922 distance=91' 20188-0614  RST4660 distance=98' 20196-0632  LDS4837 distance=101' 20182-0816  KPP4190 distance=101' 20189-0608  RST4661 distance=103' 20076-0606  LDS4832 distance=104' 20131-0854  RST4054 distance=109' 20112-0851  OUD   8 distance=110' 20132-0514  LDS4833AB distance=112' 20132-0514  LDS4833Aa,Ab distance=112' 20169-0527  RST4658 distance=113' 20208-0745  SCJ  25 distance=118' 20126-0904  SKF 444AB distance=119' 20113-0510  KPP2247 distance=120' 20198-0827  LDS1468 distance=126' 20217-0745  HO  277 distance=131' 20174-0507  GWP2936 distance=135' 20046-0744  LDS4829 distance=137' 20141-0450  HDS2883AB distance=137' 20141-0450  CSR   3AC distance=137' 20211-0549  UC 4155 distance=140' 20069-0855  HDO 156AB distance=145' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20133-0706 RST4655 132 2.0 0
Show 20125-0727 TDT2087 83 1.0 25
Show 20116-0705 TDT2070 62 0.5 25
Show 20119-0730 A 2997 60 1.9 33
Show 20151-0727 KPP2772 219 26.7 34
Show 20118-0731 TDT2076 138 1.7 34
Show 20153-0644 KPP4188 151 2.0 37
Show 20127-0744 J 1699 31 4.5 40
Show 20158-0640 UC 4130 12 77.6 46
Show 20109-0637 ARU 20 138 0.5 47
Show 20165-0719 UC 4133 199 58.8 49
Show 20166-0712 JNN 125 273 0.2 49
Show 20169-0712 J 2306 62 5.2 53
Show 20169-0710 UC 4136 79 55.4 54
Show 20161-0744 HO 589 AB 329 15.7 57
Show 20161-0744 HO 589 AC 200 55.3 57
Show 20112-0758 RST4654 330 1.2 62
Show 20123-0806 BU 1205 212 0.2 62
Show 20116-0609 BU 833 AB 63 127.0 63
Show 20116-0609 BU 833 AD 352 43.6 63
Show 20116-0609 BU 833 BC 63 2.8 63
Show 20167-0630 J 1388 4 4.6 63
Show 20144-0603 STF2646 AB 40 17.8 66
Show 20144-0603 STF2646 BC 106 26.9 66
Show 20150-0557 RST4657 257 0.5 73
Show 20081-0714 UC 4095 92 19.3 79
Show 20187-0710 J 2309 323 6.1 79
Show 20165-0817 UC 4134 79 46.5 86
Show 20113-0542 GWP2925 158 51.2 90
Show 20073-0657 GWP2922 244 31.4 91
Show 20188-0614 RST4660 106 0.5 98
Show 20196-0632 LDS4837 145 28.9 101
Show 20182-0816 KPP4190 349 2.5 101
Show 20189-0608 RST4661 282 2.1 103
Show 20076-0606 LDS4832 296 221.4 104
Show 20131-0854 RST4054 4 2.2 109
Show 20112-0851 OUD 8 150 3.5 110
Show 20132-0514 LDS4833 AB 316 13.3 112
Show 20132-0514 LDS4833 Aa,Ab 289 4.4 112
Show 20169-0527 RST4658 285 1.1 113
Show 20208-0745 SCJ 25 215 2.8 118
Show 20126-0904 SKF 444 AB 39 8.5 119
Show 20113-0510 KPP2247 204 18.7 120
Show 20198-0827 LDS1468 31 9.0 126
Show 20217-0745 HO 277 68 3.0 131
Show 20174-0507 GWP2936 87 77.3 135
Show 20046-0744 LDS4829 322 73.0 137
Show 20141-0450 HDS2883 AB 138 1.0 137
Show 20141-0450 CSR 3 AC 112 19.5 137
Show 20211-0549 UC 4155 346 52.8 140
Show 20069-0855 HDO 156 AB 89 6.6 145

WDS 20133-0706 : COMPONENTS
B pa=132.5°
20133-0706 A
Coord arcsec 2000 201318.94-070552.4 Mag 9.1 Spectral class K0 (yellow-orange) PmRA 15.00
PmDE -12.0 SAO 144180 Tycho2 5173-00092-1 HD 192065
DM BD-07 5216
Tycho2 5173-00092-1 Pflag RAmdeg 303.32896107 DEmdeg -7.09790484
PmRA 7.3 PmDE -15.3 E RAmdeg 10 E DEmdeg 13
E pmRA 1.1 E pmDE 1.1 EpRAm 1989.88 EpDEm 1987.75
Num 10 Q RAmdeg 1.1 Q DEmdeg 1.2 Q pmRA 1.2
Q pmDE 1.3 BTmag 10.606 E BTmag 0.034 VTmag 9.101
E VTmag 0.016 Prox 826 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 303.32894417 DEdeg -7.09786722 EpRA 1990 1.72
EpDE 1990 1.36 E RAdeg 9.8 E DEdeg 13.8 Posflg
Corr -0.1
SAO 144180 DelFlag RA1950 PmRA1950 -0.0001
DE1950 PmDE1950 -0.01 Vmag 8.8 SpType K0
Double code Source 26 CatNum 7129 DM BD-07 5216
DMcomp BDsup HD 192065 M HD 0
GC RA1950rad 5.28238851 DE1950rad -0.12652485 PmRA2000 0.0001
PmDE2000 -0.011
Ccdm 20133-0706 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs 0.83 DDEs 7.7
R dRAs 10 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 9.2 Sp K0 PmNote *
PmRA -1 PmDE -10 Dm number -07 5216 Cat1 BD
Name2 144180 Cat2 SAO HD 192065 M HD
20133-0706 B
Coord arcsec 2000 201319.04-070553.8 Mag 13.9 Calc delta mag 4.8 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 20133-0706 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num RST4655 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1938 Theta 129 Rho 1.5
Obs 2 Vmag 14.0 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD