20126+2454 POU 4271

20h 12m 32.54s +24° 54' 22.1" P.A. 75.00 sep 4.9 mag 11.90,13.50
Coord 2000 20126+2454 Discov num POU4271 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 12 32.54 +24 54 22.1
Date first 1899 Date last 2015 Obs 5
Pa first 69 Pa last 75.4 P.A. Now (θ) 75.4°
Sep first 4.7 Sep last 4.865 Sep. Now (ρ) 4.865"
Mag pri 11.90 Mag sec 13.50 delta mag (ΔM) 1.6 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +000 Sec motion ra +022
Pri motion dec +001 Sec motion dec +006
This double is not physical.
Constellation Vulpecula Tycho2 2158-00936-1 Gaia DR2 1833787590434480640
WDS 20126+2454 POU 4271 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 POU Pourteau, M. A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20126+2454 POU4271 2000 2 75 4.9 11.90 13.50 D 201232.54+245422.1
20126+2454 POU4271 2001 3 76 4.9 11.90 13.50 D 201232.54+245422.1
20126+2454 POU4271 2010 4 73 4.3 11.90 13.50 201232.54+245422.1
20126+2454 POU4271 2015 5 75 4.9 11.90 13.50 201232.54+245422.1

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20126+2454 POU 4271 : MEASURES
No records found.


20126+2454 POU4271A mag 11.9 20126+2454 POU4271B sep 4.4 P.A. 74.00 mag 13.5 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20126+2454 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 12m 32.54s +24° 54' 22.1"
WDS 20126+2454 POU 4271 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20126+2454  POU4271 distance=0' 20144+2453  POU4300 distance=2' 20122+2445  POU4266 distance=11' 20117+2512  POU4259 distance=21' 20140+2449  BKO 809 distance=21' 20124+2433  POU4269 distance=22' 20141+2446  BKO 810 distance=23' 20141+2443  POU4293 distance=24' 20127+2430  POU4273AB distance=25' 20127+2430  POU4274AC distance=25' 20142+2446  POU4295 distance=25' 20121+2429  BKO 799 distance=26' 20106+2455  POU4246 distance=27' 20135+2431  POU4285 distance=27' 20145+2451  STT 402 distance=28' 20146+2453  J  1165 distance=28' 20146+2459  POU4304 distance=28' 20105+2503  COU 122 distance=30' 20110+2433  POU4251 distance=31' 20116+2523  POU4257 distance=31' 20103+2506  POU4242 distance=32' 20149+2451  BKO 816 distance=32' 20104+2439  A   384 distance=33' 20103+2508  POU4243 distance=33' 20130+2527  BKO 805 distance=34' 20104+2512  POU4245 distance=34' 20102+2510  POU4241 distance=35' 20126+2529  BRT3355 distance=36' 20131+2414  POU4279 distance=41' 20150+2428  POU4311 distance=43' 20155+2439  POU4317 distance=43' 20153+2432  POU4313 distance=43' 20128+2412  BKO 804 distance=43' 20137+2414  STF2653AB distance=43' 20155+2437  POU4315 distance=44' 20157+2503  POU4318 distance=44' 20133+2411  POU4282 distance=45' 20150+2424  POU4309AB distance=45' 20150+2424  POU4310AC distance=45' 20150+2424  BKO 817AD distance=45' 20093+2503  BAR  53AB distance=45' 20093+2503  BAR  53AC distance=45' 20126+2539  DOO  15AB distance=45' 20153+2428  POU4312AB distance=45' 20153+2428  BKO 818AC distance=45' 20153+2428  BKO 818AD distance=45' 20094+2511  TDT2031 distance=46' 20126+2539  DOO  15BC distance=46' 20126+2539  OPI  22BD distance=46' 20126+2539  OPI  22BE distance=46' 20158+2441  POU4320 distance=47' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20126+2454 POU4271 75 4.9 0
Show 20144+2453 POU4300 268 16.6 2
Show 20122+2445 POU4266 343 6.0 11
Show 20117+2512 POU4259 13 8.6 21
Show 20140+2449 BKO 809 183 6.8 21
Show 20124+2433 POU4269 272 13.2 22
Show 20141+2446 BKO 810 249 6.2 23
Show 20141+2443 POU4293 197 3.1 24
Show 20127+2430 POU4273 AB 234 8.0 25
Show 20127+2430 POU4274 AC 9 13.4 25
Show 20142+2446 POU4295 303 3.7 25
Show 20121+2429 BKO 799 25 8.6 26
Show 20106+2455 POU4246 96 6.0 27
Show 20135+2431 POU4285 330 10.5 27
Show 20145+2451 STT 402 33 15.3 28
Show 20146+2453 J 1165 122 2.2 28
Show 20146+2459 POU4304 325 17.8 28
Show 20105+2503 COU 122 353 0.6 30
Show 20110+2433 POU4251 257 16.4 31
Show 20116+2523 POU4257 9 15.3 31
Show 20103+2506 POU4242 292 17.8 32
Show 20149+2451 BKO 816 265 5.9 32
Show 20104+2439 A 384 357 1.3 33
Show 20103+2508 POU4243 99 8.4 33
Show 20130+2527 BKO 805 224 6.7 34
Show 20104+2512 POU4245 71 9.9 34
Show 20102+2510 POU4241 0 8.6 35
Show 20126+2529 BRT3355 206 3.9 36
Show 20131+2414 POU4279 184 2.6 41
Show 20150+2428 POU4311 38 11.1 43
Show 20155+2439 POU4317 96 4.6 43
Show 20153+2432 POU4313 329 12.1 43
Show 20128+2412 BKO 804 249 3.4 43
Show 20137+2414 STF2653 AB 279 2.7 43
Show 20155+2437 POU4315 95 4.4 44
Show 20157+2503 POU4318 213 14.3 44
Show 20133+2411 POU4282 16 6.7 45
Show 20150+2424 POU4309 AB 72 7.0 45
Show 20150+2424 POU4310 AC 39 17.8 45
Show 20150+2424 BKO 817 AD 312 5.2 45
Show 20093+2503 BAR 53 AB 296 1.0 45
Show 20093+2503 BAR 53 AC 1 23.7 45
Show 20126+2539 DOO 15 AB 298 117.4 45
Show 20153+2428 POU4312 AB 222 19.9 45
Show 20153+2428 BKO 818 AC 27 8.3 45
Show 20153+2428 BKO 818 AD 187 17.2 45
Show 20094+2511 TDT2031 43 0.6 46
Show 20126+2539 DOO 15 BC 170 2.5 46
Show 20126+2539 OPI 22 BD 245 45.8 46
Show 20126+2539 OPI 22 BE 247 38.8 46
Show 20158+2441 POU4320 52 19.2 47

WDS 20126+2454 : COMPONENTS
B pa=74.0°
20126+2454 A
Coord arcsec 2000 201232.54+245422.1 Mag 11.9 PmRA 0.00 PmDE 1.0
Tycho2 2158-00936-1
Tycho2 2158-00936-1 Pflag RAmdeg 303.13558363 DEmdeg 24.90615837
PmRA 3.4 PmDE 4.3 E RAmdeg 58 E DEmdeg 63
E pmRA 1.8 E pmDE 1.8 EpRAm 1979.31 EpDEm 1976.50
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 0.8 Q DEmdeg 0.9 Q pmRA 0.8
Q pmDE 0.9 BTmag 12.765 E BTmag 0.177 VTmag 11.899
E VTmag 0.122 Prox 999 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 303.13557472 DEdeg 24.90614806 EpRA 1990 1.69
EpDE 1990 1.73 E RAdeg 61.8 E DEdeg 68.5 Posflg
Corr 0.2
20126+2454 B
Coord arcsec 2000 201232.85+245423.3 Mag 13.5 PmRA 22.00 PmDE 6.0
Calc delta mag 1.6 Calc coord yes