20111+3133 TDT 2058 (HD 331934)

20h 11m 07.67s +31° 32' 32.5" P.A. 305.00 sep 0.5 mag 11.37,11.38
Coord 2000 20111+3133 Discov num TDT2058 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 11 07.67 +31 32 32.5
Date first 1991 Date last 1991 Obs 1
Pa first 305 Pa last 305.3 P.A. Now (θ) 305.3°
Sep first 0.5 Sep last 0.48 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.48"
Mag pri 11.37 Mag sec 11.38 delta mag (ΔM) 0.01 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +009 Sec motion ra +009
Pri motion dec -002 Sec motion dec -002
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Name HD 331934 Constellation Cygnus Tycho2 2671-01188-1 Gaia DR2 2054022346443964544
HD 331934
WDS 20111+3133 TDT 2058 (HD 331934) : NOTES
No records found.

coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20111+3133 TDT2058 1991 1 305 0.5 11.37 11.38 201107.67+313232.5

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20111+3133 TDT 2058 (HD 331934) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 20111+3133 (HD 331934) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

20111+3133 TDT2058A mag 11.37 20111+3133 TDT2058B sep 0.4 P.A. 309.70 mag 11.38 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20111+3133 (HD 331934) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 11m 07.67s +31° 32' 32.5"
WDS 20111+3133 TDT 2058 (HD 331934) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20111+3133  TDT2058 distance=0' 20114+3135  SEI 963 distance=5' 20112+3120  SEI 960 distance=18' 20098+3130  SEI 932 distance=18' 20095+3148  CBL 526 distance=26' 20118+3108  COU1474AB distance=26' 20118+3108  GII 289Aa,Ab distance=26' 20118+3200  SEI 975 distance=28' 20087+3130  SEI 910 distance=32' 20123+3205  STF2649AB distance=36' 20123+3205  STF2649AC distance=36' 20123+3205  STF2649AD distance=36' 20144+3129  A  1204 distance=43' 20081+3155  SEI 905 distance=44' 20131+3209  TDT2096Aa,Ab distance=44' 20131+3209  SEI1008AB distance=44' 20131+3209  FYM  76BD distance=44' 20127+3213  SEI1002 distance=45' 20109+3047  HDS2876 distance=46' 20096+3218  ES 2431 distance=50' 20113+3042  TDT2061 distance=51' 20076+3106  DAM 193 distance=53' 20105+3225  SEI 943 distance=53' 20120+3227  SEI 984 distance=56' 20078+3055  COU  31 distance=57' 20069+3115  SEI 882AB distance=58' 20069+3115  ES 2690AC distance=58' 20069+3115  ABH 130AD distance=58' 20069+3115  ABH 130AE distance=58' 20132+3225  SEI1015 distance=59' 20075+3053  ES  360AB distance=62' 20068+3106  DAM 192 distance=62' 20064+3147  GYL  31 distance=62' 20079+3111  WAK  16 distance=63' 20068+3203  SEI 881 distance=63' 20063+3148  COU1322 distance=64' 20080+3040  ES  361 distance=66' 20077+3045  SMR  75 distance=66' 20095+3029  GRV 315 distance=67' 20076+3042  SMR  74 distance=68' 20135+3031  J  3063 distance=69' 20097+3240  SEI 933 distance=70' 20059+3157  SEI 852 distance=71' 20140+3031  COU1475 distance=72' 20169+3130  HO  588BC distance=74' 20169+3130  HO  588AB distance=75' 20080+3235  STF2633AB distance=75' 20080+3235  HJ 1483AC distance=75' 20080+3235  HJ 1483AD distance=75' 20080+3235  SEI 900CD distance=75' 20094+3244  SEI 925 distance=75' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20111+3133 TDT2058 305 0.5 0
Show 20114+3135 SEI 963 142 15.2 5
Show 20112+3120 SEI 960 223 6.4 18
Show 20098+3130 SEI 932 291 5.4 18
Show 20095+3148 CBL 526 279 28.3 26
Show 20118+3108 COU1474 AB 59 2.9 26
Show 20118+3108 GII 289 Aa,Ab 83 1.5 26
Show 20118+3200 SEI 975 20 11.0 28
Show 20087+3130 SEI 910 105 12.3 32
Show 20123+3205 STF2649 AB 151 21.6 36
Show 20123+3205 STF2649 AC 284 131.0 36
Show 20123+3205 STF2649 AD 36 175.9 36
Show 20144+3129 A 1204 323 0.4 43
Show 20081+3155 SEI 905 105 12.9 44
Show 20131+3209 TDT2096 Aa,Ab 13 1.3 44
Show 20131+3209 SEI1008 AB 73 20.4 44
Show 20131+3209 FYM 76 BD 45 16.7 44
Show 20127+3213 SEI1002 336 9.9 45
Show 20109+3047 HDS2876 67 0.3 46
Show 20096+3218 ES 2431 192 5.9 50
Show 20113+3042 TDT2061 353 0.4 51
Show 20076+3106 DAM 193 155 3.2 53
Show 20105+3225 SEI 943 299 22.5 53
Show 20120+3227 SEI 984 324 3.3 56
Show 20078+3055 COU 31 325 11.1 57
Show 20069+3115 SEI 882 AB 60 33.9 58
Show 20069+3115 ES 2690 AC 250 33.6 58
Show 20069+3115 ABH 130 AD 208 61.2 58
Show 20069+3115 ABH 130 AE 222 65.0 58
Show 20132+3225 SEI1015 67 14.4 59
Show 20075+3053 ES 360 AB 75 2.7 62
Show 20068+3106 DAM 192 264 9.3 62
Show 20064+3147 GYL 31 180 68.2 62
Show 20079+3111 WAK 16 168 1.2 63
Show 20068+3203 SEI 881 313 7.2 63
Show 20063+3148 COU1322 106 0.2 64
Show 20080+3040 ES 361 118 4.6 66
Show 20077+3045 SMR 75 43 3.9 66
Show 20095+3029 GRV 315 244 22.3 67
Show 20076+3042 SMR 74 88 3.2 68
Show 20135+3031 J 3063 76 4.7 69
Show 20097+3240 SEI 933 335 4.5 70
Show 20059+3157 SEI 852 255 44.8 71
Show 20140+3031 COU1475 87 0.2 72
Show 20169+3130 HO 588 BC 30 8.7 74
Show 20169+3130 HO 588 AB 297 50.8 75
Show 20080+3235 STF2633 AB 101 11.6 75
Show 20080+3235 HJ 1483 AC 264 46.4 75
Show 20080+3235 HJ 1483 AD 249 71.0 75
Show 20080+3235 SEI 900 CD 224 28.8 75
Show 20094+3244 SEI 925 338 22.9 75

WDS 20111+3133 : COMPONENTS
B pa=309.7°
20111+3133 A
Name HD 331934 Coord arcsec 2000 201107.67+313232.5 Mag 11.37 PmRA 9.00
PmDE -2.0 Tycho2 2671-01188-1 HD 331934
Tycho2 2671-01188-1 Pflag RAmdeg 302.78188806 DEmdeg 31.54239885
PmRA 8.6 PmDE -1.7 E RAmdeg 26 E DEmdeg 25
E pmRA 1.9 E pmDE 1.8 EpRAm 1986.81 EpDEm 1988.23
Num 5 Q RAmdeg 1.2 Q DEmdeg 0.9 Q pmRA 1.1
Q pmDE 0.9 BTmag 11.255 E BTmag 0.052 VTmag 10.654
E VTmag 0.044 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 302.78185583 DEdeg 31.54240389 EpRA 1990 1.61
EpDE 1990 1.72 E RAdeg 32.2 E DEdeg 27.8 Posflg
Corr 0.0
20111+3133 B
Coord arcsec 2000 201107.64+313232.8 Mag 11.38 PmRA 9.00 PmDE -2.0
Calc delta mag 0.01 Calc coord yes