20090-2434 TDT 2024

20h 09m 00.39s -24° 34' 12.6" P.A. 87.00 sep 0.6 mag 11.48,11.65
Coord 2000 20090-2434 Discov num TDT2024 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 09 00.39 -24 34 12.6
Date first 1991 Date last 1991 Obs 1
Pa first 87 Pa last 86.7 P.A. Now (θ) 86.7°
Sep first 0.6 Sep last 0.55 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.55"
Mag pri 11.48 Mag sec 11.65 delta mag (ΔM) 0.17 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -001 Sec motion ra -001
Pri motion dec -013 Sec motion dec -013
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Capricornus Tycho2 6909-00006-1 Gaia DR2 6850867703531593216
WDS 20090-2434 TDT 2024 : NOTES
No records found.

coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20090-2434 TDT2024 1991 1 87 0.6 11.48 11.65 200900.39-243412.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20090-2434 TDT 2024 : MEASURES
No records found.


20090-2434 TDT2024A mag 11.48 20090-2434 TDT2024B sep 0.5 P.A. 86.40 mag 11.65 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20090-2434 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 09m 00.39s -24° 34' 12.6"
WDS 20090-2434 TDT 2024 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20090-2434  TDT2024 distance=0' 20084-2435  B   467 distance=9' 20105-2428  UC 4112 distance=22' 20101-2512  OCC 121 distance=41' 20071-2509  TDT1993 distance=44' 20059-2416  TDT1971 distance=46' 20059-2455  TDT1972 distance=47' 20097-2532  B   468AB distance=59' 20113-2533  TDT2063 distance=67' 20040-2421  RSS 538 distance=70' 20077-2324  TDT2004 distance=73' 20073-2324  ARA2270 distance=75' 20045-2342  BWL  54AB distance=81' 20045-2342  BWL  54AC distance=81' 20144-2516  UC 4125 distance=85' 20120-2548  RST1064 distance=85' 20156-2412  HLD 157 distance=93' 20139-2328  KPP 908 distance=95' 20091-2613  MET  88AB distance=100' 20091-2613  MET  88AC distance=100' 20091-2613  VIG  19AD distance=100' 20091-2613  VIG  19AE distance=100' 20091-2613  VIG  19AF distance=100' 20091-2613  VIG  19AG distance=100' 20091-2613  VIG  19AH distance=100' 20061-2258  ARA2269 distance=105' 20068-2620  TDT1988 distance=111' 20088-2242  WHC  18 distance=113' 20008-2411  TOK 917Aa,Ab distance=114' 20030-2314  B   464 distance=115' 20172-2516  HJ 2942 distance=119' 20059-2628  RST1058 distance=122' 20046-2247  TDT1953 distance=124' 20035-2613  UC 4071 distance=124' 20003-2357  SEE 400 distance=125' 20124-2237  RST3250 distance=127' 20177-2352  KPP2147 distance=127' 20000-2512  KPP3122 distance=129' 20139-2631  HJ 2935AB distance=135' 20139-2631  B  9039AC distance=135' 20139-2631  B  9039AD distance=135' 20139-2631  B  9039DE distance=135' 20097-2216  BRT1561 distance=139' 20186-2342  OCC 694 distance=142' 20196-2415  UC 4146 distance=147' 20084-2700  I  1413 distance=147' 19589-2521  LDS4825 distance=147' 20032-2229  BRT1558 distance=149' 19578-2507  TDT1881 distance=156' 19574-2448  OCC 169 distance=160' 20207-2447  RST3257 distance=160' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20090-2434 TDT2024 87 0.6 0
Show 20084-2435 B 467 215 0.5 9
Show 20105-2428 UC 4112 236 52.7 22
Show 20101-2512 OCC 121 -1 0.1 41
Show 20071-2509 TDT1993 73 0.5 44
Show 20059-2416 TDT1971 50 0.6 46
Show 20059-2455 TDT1972 211 2.9 47
Show 20097-2532 B 468 AB 359 4.6 59
Show 20113-2533 TDT2063 32 0.5 67
Show 20040-2421 RSS 538 107 11.5 70
Show 20077-2324 TDT2004 237 0.4 73
Show 20073-2324 ARA2270 182 7.8 75
Show 20045-2342 BWL 54 AB 261 2.3 81
Show 20045-2342 BWL 54 AC 0 6.4 81
Show 20144-2516 UC 4125 304 30.1 85
Show 20120-2548 RST1064 257 3.8 85
Show 20156-2412 HLD 157 239 2.2 93
Show 20139-2328 KPP 908 192 7.5 95
Show 20091-2613 MET 88 AB 148 10.4 100
Show 20091-2613 MET 88 AC 224 10.8 100
Show 20091-2613 VIG 19 AD 140 4.8 100
Show 20091-2613 VIG 19 AE 74 7.6 100
Show 20091-2613 VIG 19 AF 352 8.1 100
Show 20091-2613 VIG 19 AG 305 9.0 100
Show 20091-2613 VIG 19 AH 75 12.3 100
Show 20061-2258 ARA2269 221 11.2 105
Show 20068-2620 TDT1988 252 0.6 111
Show 20088-2242 WHC 18 312 20.8 113
Show 20008-2411 TOK 917 Aa,Ab 244 0.7 114
Show 20030-2314 B 464 231 0.5 115
Show 20172-2516 HJ 2942 223 11.6 119
Show 20059-2628 RST1058 139 1.6 122
Show 20046-2247 TDT1953 253 0.4 124
Show 20035-2613 UC 4071 163 8.6 124
Show 20003-2357 SEE 400 25 1.0 125
Show 20124-2237 RST3250 350 1.1 127
Show 20177-2352 KPP2147 316 17.6 127
Show 20000-2512 KPP3122 355 1.7 129
Show 20139-2631 HJ 2935 AB 223 16.1 135
Show 20139-2631 B 9039 AC 34 22.9 135
Show 20139-2631 B 9039 AD 195 53.5 135
Show 20139-2631 B 9039 DE 37 7.1 135
Show 20097-2216 BRT1561 338 2.9 139
Show 20186-2342 OCC 694 -1 0.1 142
Show 20196-2415 UC 4146 155 22.8 147
Show 20084-2700 I 1413 83 4.5 147
Show 19589-2521 LDS4825 329 58.1 147
Show 20032-2229 BRT1558 113 4.1 149
Show 19578-2507 TDT1881 29 1.6 156
Show 19574-2448 OCC 169 -1 0.8 160
Show 20207-2447 RST3257 66 2.8 160

WDS 20090-2434 : COMPONENTS
B pa=86.4°
20090-2434 A
Coord arcsec 2000 200900.39-243412.6 Mag 11.48 PmRA -1.00 PmDE -13.0
Tycho2 6909-00006-1
Tycho2 6909-00006-1 Pflag RAmdeg 302.25170459 DEmdeg -24.57017172
PmRA -0.5 PmDE -12.9 E RAmdeg 35 E DEmdeg 49
E pmRA 2.4 E pmDE 2.5 EpRAm 1977.56 EpDEm 1975.95
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 0.5 Q DEmdeg 0.8 Q pmRA 0.5
Q pmDE 0.8 BTmag 11.422 E BTmag 0.052 VTmag 10.840
E VTmag 0.049 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 302.25171250 DEdeg -24.57013472 EpRA 1990 1.92
EpDE 1990 1.83 E RAdeg 55.8 E DEdeg 75.3 Posflg P
Corr -0.4
20090-2434 B
Coord arcsec 2000 200900.43-243412.6 Mag 11.65 PmRA -1.00 PmDE -13.0
Calc delta mag 0.17 Calc coord yes