20076-4200 RSS 541

20h 07m 33.27s -42° 00' 14.8" P.A. 318.00 sep 10.0 mag 9.97,15.70 Sp F5V dist. 198.02 pc (645.94 l.y.)
Coord 2000 20076-4200 Discov num RSS 541 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 07 33.27 -42 00 14.8
Date first 1975 Date last 2015 Obs 4
Pa first 314 Pa last 317.9 P.A. Now (θ) 317.9°
Sep first 8.1 Sep last 9.978 Sep. Now (ρ) 9.978"
Mag pri 9.97 Mag sec 15.70 delta mag (ΔM) 5.73 Spectral class F5V (yellow-white)
Pri motion ra +025 Sec motion ra -177
Pri motion dec -047 Sec motion dec +165
This double is not physical.
Constellation Sagittarius HIP 99135 Tycho2 7955-01384-1 Gaia DR2 6686478517471589760
HD 190620 CD CD-4214688 CP CP-42 9010 Distance 198.02
Distance ly 645.94
WDS 20076-4200 RSS 541 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 RSS Rousseau, J.M., Perie, J.P., & Gachard, M.T.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20076-4200 RSS 541 1999 2 316 9.2 9.93   F5V D 200733.27-420014.8
20076-4200 RSS 541 2015 4 318 10.0 9.97 15.70 F5V 200733.27-420014.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20076-4200 RSS 541 : MEASURES
No records found.


20076-4200 RSS 541A mag 9.97 Sp F5V 20076-4200 RSS 541B sep 8.9 P.A. 326.10 mag 15.7 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20076-4200 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 07m 33.27s -42° 00' 14.8"
WDS 20076-4200 RSS 541 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20076-4200  RSS 541 distance=0' 20061-4138  CBL 177 distance=29' 20046-4206  UC 4076 distance=34' 20048-4215  B   984 distance=35' 20071-4256  DON 979 distance=56' 20055-4109  UC 4081 distance=57' 20092-4105  GRV1264 distance=59' 20125-4130  RST2136 distance=63' 20033-4255  I  1490 distance=73' 20063-4313  I   662 distance=75' 20056-4048  UC 4083 distance=76' 20055-4034  UC 4080 distance=89' 20068-4031  WG  250 distance=90' 20148-4258  CPO 616 distance=99' 20140-4053  SKF1163 distance=99' 19587-4151  TDT1895 distance=100' 20058-4353  TDT1970 distance=115' 20151-4332  KPP1654 distance=124' 19592-4324  SKF1161 distance=125' 19597-4030  HJ 5159 distance=126' 20079-3952  UC 4093 distance=129' 19574-4100  I  1408 distance=130' 20079-3951  CRU9011AB distance=130' 20079-3951  CRU9011AC distance=130' 19587-4029  RST2125 distance=136' 20123-3956  WG  251 distance=136' 19580-4031  SKF1095 distance=140' 20009-4402  UC 4063 distance=142' 19572-4035  RST2124 distance=145' 20149-4403  SKF1164 distance=148' 20081-3929  RST2134 distance=151' 20027-3939  RST2131 distance=152' 19581-4012  CRU9010 distance=153' 20190-4037  KPP2109 distance=154' 20022-3936  UC 4068 distance=157' 20014-4422  HJ 5161 distance=158' 20178-4011  DUN 230 distance=160' 20112-3926  HDS2878 distance=161' 20052-4440  KPP 864 distance=162' 20174-4004  WG  252 distance=162' 20008-3938  WG  249 distance=162' 19546-4322  UC 4051 distance=165' 19543-4049  SKF1160AB distance=166' 20148-3936  CRU9012 distance=166' 20225-4203  HJ 5190AB distance=167' 20225-4203  HJ 5190AC distance=167' 20134-3927  TDT2102 distance=167' 19554-4344  DON 972 distance=169' 20090-4452  B   986 distance=173' 20185-4000  B   474AB distance=173' 20185-4000  WG  254AC distance=173' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20076-4200 RSS 541 318 10.0 0
Show 20061-4138 CBL 177 9 23.7 29
Show 20046-4206 UC 4076 4 40.2 34
Show 20048-4215 B 984 32 2.4 35
Show 20071-4256 DON 979 258 0.9 56
Show 20055-4109 UC 4081 352 14.1 57
Show 20092-4105 GRV1264 114 1.9 59
Show 20125-4130 RST2136 48 0.6 63
Show 20033-4255 I 1490 152 0.9 73
Show 20063-4313 I 662 290 1.9 75
Show 20056-4048 UC 4083 34 47.0 76
Show 20055-4034 UC 4080 89 18.9 89
Show 20068-4031 WG 250 330 16.7 90
Show 20148-4258 CPO 616 312 5.8 99
Show 20140-4053 SKF1163 12 8.5 99
Show 19587-4151 TDT1895 91 0.5 100
Show 20058-4353 TDT1970 276 0.5 115
Show 20151-4332 KPP1654 179 12.7 124
Show 19592-4324 SKF1161 308 16.4 125
Show 19597-4030 HJ 5159 30 27.1 126
Show 20079-3952 UC 4093 108 23.5 129
Show 19574-4100 I 1408 94 0.4 130
Show 20079-3951 CRU9011 AB 185 82.5 130
Show 20079-3951 CRU9011 AC 96 80.1 130
Show 19587-4029 RST2125 91 0.6 136
Show 20123-3956 WG 251 306 9.6 136
Show 19580-4031 SKF1095 104 48.9 140
Show 20009-4402 UC 4063 255 30.3 142
Show 19572-4035 RST2124 74 3.0 145
Show 20149-4403 SKF1164 209 66.7 148
Show 20081-3929 RST2134 50 0.3 151
Show 20027-3939 RST2131 301 0.5 152
Show 19581-4012 CRU9010 46 13.1 153
Show 20190-4037 KPP2109 91 17.1 154
Show 20022-3936 UC 4068 138 34.2 157
Show 20014-4422 HJ 5161 314 11.3 158
Show 20178-4011 DUN 230 117 9.7 160
Show 20112-3926 HDS2878 37 0.3 161
Show 20052-4440 KPP 864 188 7.3 162
Show 20174-4004 WG 252 99 3.3 162
Show 20008-3938 WG 249 125 13.4 162
Show 19546-4322 UC 4051 174 23.1 165
Show 19543-4049 SKF1160 AB 225 140.4 166
Show 20148-3936 CRU9012 115 17.1 166
Show 20225-4203 HJ 5190 AB 312 40.0 167
Show 20225-4203 HJ 5190 AC 283 56.8 167
Show 20134-3927 TDT2102 269 0.5 167
Show 19554-4344 DON 972 84 0.2 169
Show 20090-4452 B 986 105 2.1 173
Show 20185-4000 B 474 AB 28 3.3 173
Show 20185-4000 WG 254 AC 20 14.3 173

WDS 20076-4200 : COMPONENTS
B pa=326.1°
20076-4200 A
Coord arcsec 2000 200733.27-420014.8 Mag 9.97 Spectral class F5V (yellow-white) PmRA 25.00
PmDE -47.0 HIP 99135 Tycho2 7955-01384-1 HD 190620
CD CD-4214688 CP CP-42 9010
Tycho2 7955-01384-1 Pflag RAmdeg 301.88870252 DEmdeg -42.00424172
PmRA 24.0 PmDE -49.7 E RAmdeg 17 E DEmdeg 20
E pmRA 1.3 E pmDE 1.3 EpRAm 1986.83 EpDEm 1984.07
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 0.5 Q DEmdeg 0.6 Q pmRA 0.5
Q pmDE 0.5 BTmag 10.471 E BTmag 0.034 VTmag 10.058
E VTmag 0.031 Prox 999 TYC T HIP 99135
CCDM RAdeg 301.88862889 DEdeg -42.00412417 EpRA 1990 1.72
EpDE 1990 1.42 E RAdeg 17.5 E DEdeg 23.0 Posflg
Corr 0.0
Catalog H HIP 99135 Proxy RAhms 20 07 33.27
DEdms -42 00 14.8 Vmag 9.94 VarFlag R Vmag G
RAdeg 301.889 DEdeg -42.0041 AstroRef Plx 6.47
CCDM N CCDM Nsys Ncomp 1
MultFlag X Source Qual M HIP
Theta Rho HD 190620 BD
CD CD-4214688 CP CP-42 9010 Dm number -4214688 VIred 0.58
SpType F5V R SpType Coord arcsec 2000 200733.27-420014.8
Hipparcos 2
HIP 99135 Sn 5 So 2 Nc 1
RArad 5.2689504751 DErad -0.7331101748 Plx 5.05 PmRA 22.22
PmDE -48.73 E RArad 1.41 E DErad 0.79 E Plx 1.84
E pmRA 2.83 E pmDE 1.57 Hpmag 10.0754 E Hpmag 0.0027
SHp 0.023 VA 0 BV 0.51 E BV 0.02
VI 0.58
Ccdm 20076-4200 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs -2.80 DDEs -14.0
R dRAs 40 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 9.8 Sp F5 PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number -4214688 Cat1 CD
Name2 -42 9010 Cat2 CPD HD 190620 M HD
HIC 99135
20076-4200 B
Coord arcsec 2000 200732.82-420007.4 Mag 15.7 PmRA -177.00 PmDE 165.0
Calc delta mag 5.73 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 20076-4200 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num RSU DRAs -3.33 DDEs -8.4
R dRAs 40 Year 1975 Theta 314 Rho 8.1
Obs Vmag Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
HIC 99135