20076+3837 A 1416 (HD 191257)

20h 07m 34.39s +38° 37' 51.5" P.A. 42.00 sep 4.7 mag 8.34,11.20 Sp A3V
Coord 2000 20076+3837 Discov num A  1416 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 07 34.39 +38 37 51.5
Date first 1889 Date last 2015 Obs 11
Pa first 42 Pa last 41.7 P.A. Now (θ) 41.7°
Sep first 4.9 Sep last 4.719 Sep. Now (ρ) 4.719"
Mag pri 8.34 Mag sec 11.20 delta mag (ΔM) 2.86 Spectral class A3V (white)
Pri motion ra -003 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -025 Sec motion dec
Notes N (See Notes)
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Name HD 191257 Constellation Cygnus Tycho2 3150-01173-1 Gaia DR2 2061859493553462784
HD 191257 ADS 13408
WDS 20076+3837 A 1416 (HD 191257) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
A 1416 Aka STH 8. Dam2016d
refcode metd author reference
Dam2016d C j Damm, F. ...................
Dam2016d +E+ private communication, email #173, 2016
Dam2016d +H+
Dam2016d +P+
idgroup discov author
1 A Aitken, R.G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20076+3837 A 1416 1998 8 41 4.6 8.34 11.20 A3V D 200734.39+383751.5
20076+3837 A 1416 2002 9 42 4.7 8.34 11.20 A3V D 200734.39+383751.5
20076+3837 A 1416 2015 11 42 4.7 8.34 11.20 A3V N 200734.39+383751.5

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

WDS 20076+3837 A 1416 (HD 191257) : VISUAL OBSERVATIONS REPORTS
No records found.

WDS 20076+3837 A 1416 (HD 191257) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 20076+3837 (HD 191257) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

20076+3837 A  1416A mag 8.34 Sp A3V 20076+3837 A  1416B sep 4.3 P.A. 34.80 mag 11.2 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20076+3837 (HD 191257) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 07m 34.39s +38° 37' 51.5"
WDS 20076+3837 A 1416 (HD 191257) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20076+3837  A  1416 distance=0' 20082+3831  ALI 920 distance=11' 20066+3836  BRT2229 distance=12' 20082+3823  DAM 194 distance=17' 20074+3819  POP 187 distance=18' 20060+3821  POP 185EF distance=25' 20060+3821  POP 185AB distance=26' 20060+3821  POP 185AC distance=26' 20060+3821  POP 185AD distance=26' 20060+3821  POP 185AE distance=26' 20060+3821  POP 185AG distance=26' 20052+3829  BU 1481AB distance=30' 20052+3829  WAL 126AC distance=30' 20052+3829  LLO  21AD distance=30' 20052+3829  LLO  21AE distance=30' 20084+3808  HJ  606 distance=31' 20089+3905  MLB 770 distance=32' 20101+3826  ALI 921 distance=32' 20048+3837  SEI 843 distance=32' 20091+3907  MLB 771 distance=34' 20052+3857  BU 1480 distance=35' 20057+3905  J  1072 distance=36' 20051+3814  COU2213 distance=37' 20088+3915  MLB 769 distance=40' 20044+3820  TOR  20 distance=42' 20042+3851  ALI 915 distance=42' 20040+3847  ALI 914AB distance=43' 20107+3900  ES 2046 distance=44' 20109+3857  DAM 198 distance=44' 20073+3753  SKF 290 distance=46' 20112+3854  MLB 950 distance=46' 20039+3822  SEI 835 distance=47' 20059+3755  ES 2119AB distance=47' 20074+3751  POP 191 distance=47' 20059+3755  ES 2119BC distance=47' 20113+3855  DAM 199 distance=48' 20114+3824  SLE 955 distance=48' 20041+3815  TOR  18 distance=48' 20115+3823  SLE 956 distance=49' 20117+3843  TDT2073 distance=49' 20081+3926  ES 1972 distance=50' 20037+3820  HJ 1470 distance=50' 20116+3853  A  1418 distance=50' 20035+3837  COU2533 distance=51' 20093+3926  TDT2028 distance=53' 20034+3815  A  1412 distance=55' 20122+3827  STT 401 distance=56' 20056+3746  A  1414 distance=58' 20042+3755  TOR  19 distance=58' 20106+3751  SEI 949 distance=59' 20085+3936  MLB 768 distance=59' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20076+3837 A 1416 42 4.7 0
Show 20082+3831 ALI 920 149 14.0 11
Show 20066+3836 BRT2229 156 3.4 12
Show 20082+3823 DAM 194 77 3.1 17
Show 20074+3819 POP 187 90 5.3 18
Show 20060+3821 POP 185 EF 258 3.0 25
Show 20060+3821 POP 185 AB 125 43.5 26
Show 20060+3821 POP 185 AC 185 64.9 26
Show 20060+3821 POP 185 AD 62 128.5 26
Show 20060+3821 POP 185 AE 101 120.0 26
Show 20060+3821 POP 185 AG 293 19.1 26
Show 20052+3829 BU 1481 AB 240 42.7 30
Show 20052+3829 WAL 126 AC 212 70.4 30
Show 20052+3829 LLO 21 AD 212 4.9 30
Show 20052+3829 LLO 21 AE 169 9.1 30
Show 20084+3808 HJ 606 229 44.0 31
Show 20089+3905 MLB 770 284 6.1 32
Show 20101+3826 ALI 921 200 6.9 32
Show 20048+3837 SEI 843 132 13.3 32
Show 20091+3907 MLB 771 17 3.7 34
Show 20052+3857 BU 1480 328 8.2 35
Show 20057+3905 J 1072 252 4.1 36
Show 20051+3814 COU2213 174 2.5 37
Show 20088+3915 MLB 769 131 4.9 40
Show 20044+3820 TOR 20 158 17.3 42
Show 20042+3851 ALI 915 198 14.9 42
Show 20040+3847 ALI 914 AB 230 14.8 43
Show 20107+3900 ES 2046 100 6.2 44
Show 20109+3857 DAM 198 263 6.4 44
Show 20073+3753 SKF 290 157 22.9 46
Show 20112+3854 MLB 950 185 4.2 46
Show 20039+3822 SEI 835 10 25.6 47
Show 20059+3755 ES 2119 AB 256 12.8 47
Show 20074+3751 POP 191 61 4.2 47
Show 20059+3755 ES 2119 BC 256 5.7 47
Show 20113+3855 DAM 199 70 6.5 48
Show 20114+3824 SLE 955 27 15.2 48
Show 20041+3815 TOR 18 116 13.2 48
Show 20115+3823 SLE 956 236 9.9 49
Show 20117+3843 TDT2073 151 1.6 49
Show 20081+3926 ES 1972 146 4.4 50
Show 20037+3820 HJ 1470 340 29.3 50
Show 20116+3853 A 1418 330 3.0 50
Show 20035+3837 COU2533 102 1.0 51
Show 20093+3926 TDT2028 187 1.5 53
Show 20034+3815 A 1412 228 0.8 55
Show 20122+3827 STT 401 69 12.8 56
Show 20056+3746 A 1414 34 0.3 58
Show 20042+3755 TOR 19 97 8.8 58
Show 20106+3751 SEI 949 134 10.4 59
Show 20085+3936 MLB 768 111 5.1 59

WDS 20076+3837 : COMPONENTS
B pa=34.8°
20076+3837 A
Name HD 191257 Coord arcsec 2000 200734.39+383751.5 Mag 8.34 Spectral class A3V (white)
PmRA -3.00 PmDE -25.0 Tycho2 3150-01173-1 HD 191257
ADS 13408 DM BD+38 3913
Tycho2 3150-01173-1 Pflag RAmdeg 301.89331767 DEmdeg 38.63097975
PmRA -0.4 PmDE -23.3 E RAmdeg 6 E DEmdeg 6
E pmRA 1.3 E pmDE 1.3 EpRAm 1991.35 EpDEm 1991.46
Num 5 Q RAmdeg 1.2 Q DEmdeg 0.3 Q pmRA 1.2
Q pmDE 0.4 BTmag 8.482 E BTmag 0.015 VTmag 8.338
E VTmag 0.012 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 301.89331889 DEdeg 38.63103333 EpRA 1990 1.61
EpDE 1990 1.70 E RAdeg 5.6 E DEdeg 5.6 Posflg
Corr 0.0
20076+3837 B
Coord arcsec 2000 200734.60+383755.0 Mag 11.2 Calc delta mag 2.86 Calc coord yes