20049+3641 SEI 842

20h 04m 52.03s +36° 40' 39.0" P.A. 243.00 sep 22.7 mag 10.30,13.19 Sp F8V
Coord 2000 20049+3641 Discov num SEI 842 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 04 52.03 +36 40 39.0
Date first 1896 Date last 2015 Obs 9
Pa first 240 Pa last 242.6 P.A. Now (θ) 242.6°
Sep first 24.7 Sep last 22.69 Sep. Now (ρ) 22.69"
Mag pri 10.30 Mag sec 13.19 delta mag (ΔM) 2.89 Spectral class F8V (yellow-white)
Pri motion ra -010 Sec motion ra -009
Pri motion dec -029 Sec motion dec -008
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cygnus Tycho2 2682-02704-1 Gaia DR2 2059901950546140288 HD 227510
WDS 20049+3641 SEI 842 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 SEI Scheiner, J.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20049+3641 SEI 842 1998 2 242 22.9 10.30 12.50 F8V D 200452.03+364039.0
20049+3641 SEI 842 2002 3 242 22.8 10.30 12.50 F8V D 200452.03+364039.0
20049+3641 SEI 842 2010 4 242 22.8 10.30 13.19 F8V 200452.03+364039.0
20049+3641 SEI 842 2015 5 243 22.7 10.30 13.19 F8V 200452.03+364039.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20049+3641 SEI 842 : MEASURES
No records found.


20049+3641 SEI 842A mag 10.3 Sp F8V 20049+3641 SEI 842B sep 19.2 P.A. 237.10 mag 13.19 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20049+3641 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 04m 52.03s +36° 40' 39.0"
WDS 20049+3641 SEI 842 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20049+3641  SEI 842 distance=0' 20046+3641  A  1413 distance=4' 20046+3639  SEI 840 distance=5' 20035+3639  TDT1940 distance=16' 20063+3642  SEI 875 distance=17' 20037+3626  SEI 830 distance=21' 20068+3628  KPP 804 distance=27' 20050+3707  COU2212 distance=27' 20042+3707  ALI 403 distance=28' 20046+3614  SEI 839 distance=28' 20070+3651  SEI 889 distance=29' 20030+3701  COU2211 distance=31' 20057+3711  SEI 850 distance=32' 20062+3708  SEI 874 distance=33' 20023+3625  COU2210 distance=35' 20076+3627  SEI 898AB distance=36' 20076+3627  SEI 899BC distance=36' 20072+3616  BKO  89EF distance=36' 20060+3714  SEI 866AB distance=37' 20060+3714  TOB 165AD distance=37' 20060+3714  TOB 165BC distance=37' 20060+3714  TOB 165CD distance=37' 20072+3616  BKO  89CD distance=37' 20060+3606  SEI 864 distance=38' 20072+3616  SEI 891AB distance=38' 20072+3616  BKO  89AC distance=38' 20072+3616  BKO  89AE distance=38' 20065+3609  BKO  85BD distance=38' 20068+3611  SEI 884AB distance=38' 20068+3611  BKO  87AC distance=38' 20068+3611  BKO  87CD distance=38' 20065+3609  SEI 880AB distance=38' 20065+3609  BKO  85AC distance=38' 20058+3605  SEI 853 distance=38' 20075+3618  TOB 167 distance=39' 20075+3619  SEI 897 distance=40' 20024+3706  SEI 810 distance=40' 20067+3607  SEI 883AB distance=41' 20067+3607  BKO  86AC distance=41' 20035+3601  STF2624BC distance=43' 20035+3601  MCA  59Aa,Ab distance=43' 20035+3601  STF2624AB distance=43' 20035+3601  STF2624AD distance=43' 20035+3601  STF2624AC distance=43' 20078+3617  SEI 903 distance=43' 20077+3709  POP 190CD distance=44' 20017+3703  GRV 306 distance=44' 20077+3709  POP 190AB distance=44' 20077+3709  POP 190AC distance=44' 20069+3718  A  1415 distance=45' 20085+3648  SEI 913 distance=45' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20049+3641 SEI 842 243 22.7 0
Show 20046+3641 A 1413 139 2.4 4
Show 20046+3639 SEI 840 69 13.6 5
Show 20035+3639 TDT1940 304 0.8 16
Show 20063+3642 SEI 875 116 17.1 17
Show 20037+3626 SEI 830 0 29.7 21
Show 20068+3628 KPP 804 42 6.9 27
Show 20050+3707 COU2212 198 0.5 27
Show 20042+3707 ALI 403 130 13.7 28
Show 20046+3614 SEI 839 140 15.8 28
Show 20070+3651 SEI 889 209 9.0 29
Show 20030+3701 COU2211 257 1.0 31
Show 20057+3711 SEI 850 339 25.8 32
Show 20062+3708 SEI 874 347 25.5 33
Show 20023+3625 COU2210 292 0.2 35
Show 20076+3627 SEI 898 AB 165 29.1 36
Show 20076+3627 SEI 899 BC 111 23.1 36
Show 20072+3616 BKO 89 EF 19 7.6 36
Show 20060+3714 SEI 866 AB 326 22.7 37
Show 20060+3714 TOB 165 AD 42 42.2 37
Show 20060+3714 TOB 165 BC 33 22.3 37
Show 20060+3714 TOB 165 CD 102 29.6 37
Show 20072+3616 BKO 89 CD 192 9.7 37
Show 20060+3606 SEI 864 61 10.0 38
Show 20072+3616 SEI 891 AB 171 18.7 38
Show 20072+3616 BKO 89 AC 349 29.1 38
Show 20072+3616 BKO 89 AE 282 120.8 38
Show 20065+3609 BKO 85 BD 271 28.8 38
Show 20068+3611 SEI 884 AB 351 24.3 38
Show 20068+3611 BKO 87 AC 226 41.5 38
Show 20068+3611 BKO 87 CD 298 10.3 38
Show 20065+3609 SEI 880 AB 298 20.0 38
Show 20065+3609 BKO 85 AC 255 9.4 38
Show 20058+3605 SEI 853 55 7.5 38
Show 20075+3618 TOB 167 133 12.8 39
Show 20075+3619 SEI 897 287 18.2 40
Show 20024+3706 SEI 810 157 20.2 40
Show 20067+3607 SEI 883 AB 137 26.1 41
Show 20067+3607 BKO 86 AC 97 14.9 41
Show 20035+3601 STF2624 BC 328 44.7 43
Show 20035+3601 MCA 59 Aa,Ab 340 0.1 43
Show 20035+3601 STF2624 AB 174 1.9 43
Show 20035+3601 STF2624 AD 171 29.0 43
Show 20035+3601 STF2624 AC 327 42.3 43
Show 20078+3617 SEI 903 187 12.0 43
Show 20077+3709 POP 190 CD 310 4.4 44
Show 20017+3703 GRV 306 213 29.1 44
Show 20077+3709 POP 190 AB 186 5.6 44
Show 20077+3709 POP 190 AC 230 40.8 44
Show 20069+3718 A 1415 235 4.0 45
Show 20085+3648 SEI 913 46 5.3 45

WDS 20049+3641 : COMPONENTS
B pa=237.1°
20049+3641 A
Coord arcsec 2000 200452.03+364039.0 Mag 10.3 Spectral class F8V (yellow-white) PmRA -10.00
PmDE -29.0 Tycho2 2682-02704-1 HD 227510 DM BD+36 3857
Tycho2 2682-02704-1 Pflag RAmdeg 301.21682117 DEmdeg 36.67751128
PmRA -7.6 PmDE -26.3 E RAmdeg 23 E DEmdeg 21
E pmRA 1.8 E pmDE 1.8 EpRAm 1987.59 EpDEm 1988.29
Num 6 Q RAmdeg 1.3 Q DEmdeg 0.6 Q pmRA 1.3
Q pmDE 0.6 BTmag 10.949 E BTmag 0.045 VTmag 10.300
E VTmag 0.037 Prox 35 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 301.21683611 DEdeg 36.67756861 EpRA 1990 1.59
EpDE 1990 1.73 E RAdeg 27.0 E DEdeg 24.2 Posflg
Corr 0.0
Ccdm 20049+3641 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs -2.06 DDEs -18.2
R dRAs 80 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 10.6 Sp F8 PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number +36 3857 Cat1 BD
Name2 Cat2 HD 227510 M HD
20049+3641 B
Coord arcsec 2000 200450.69+364028.6 Mag 13.19 PmRA -9.00 PmDE -8.0
Calc delta mag 2.89 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 20049+3641 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num SEI 842 DRAs -2.77 DDEs -24.2
R dRAs 80 Year 1896 Theta 240 Rho 24.6
Obs 1 Vmag 12.8 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD