20045+2009 BRT 2465

20h 04m 33.96s +20° 08' 32.7" P.A. 209.00 sep 3.0 mag 12.70,12.74
Coord 2000 20045+2009 Discov num BRT2465 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 04 33.96 +20 08 32.7
Date first 1895 Date last 2016 Obs 5
Pa first 192 Pa last 209.3 P.A. Now (θ) 209.3°
Sep first 2.6 Sep last 2.973 Sep. Now (ρ) 2.973"
Mag pri 12.70 Mag sec 12.74 delta mag (ΔM) 0.04 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +027 Sec motion ra +001
Pri motion dec +018 Sec motion dec -010
Notes B (Blue magnitudes)
This double is not physical.
Constellation Sagitta Gaia DR2 1823454448881234432
WDS 20045+2009 BRT 2465 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 BRT Barton, S.G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20045+2009 BRT2465 2007 2 210 3.0 12.70 12.74 B 200433.96+200832.7
20045+2009 BRT2465 2015 4 209 3.0 12.70 12.74 B 200433.96+200832.7
20045+2009 BRT2465 2016 5 209 3.0 12.70 12.74 B 200433.96+200832.7

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20045+2009 BRT 2465 : MEASURES
No records found.


20045+2009 BRT2465A mag 12.7 20045+2009 BRT2465B sep 2.9 P.A. 207.80 mag 12.74 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20045+2009 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 04m 33.96s +20° 08' 32.7"
WDS 20045+2009 BRT 2465 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20045+2009  BRT2465 distance=0' 20042+1952  J   819 distance=18' 20039+2034  COU 216 distance=28' 20026+2006  HU  353 distance=28' 20063+1954  WAK  19 distance=30' 20033+2034  BRT2463 distance=31' 20040+1940  J  3046 distance=31' 20045+1937  J  3048 distance=32' 20051+2039  BUP 203AB distance=32' 20051+2039  BUP 203AC distance=32' 20051+2039  BLL  44AD distance=32' 20065+1957  DAM 191BD distance=32' 20065+1957  J  1233AB distance=32' 20065+1957  DAM 191AC distance=32' 20023+2009  COU 215 distance=33' 20036+2050  GRV 308 distance=45' 20037+1926  BRT2464 distance=45' 20078+1950  WEB  12 distance=49' 20004+2018  BRT2462 distance=61' 20024+2105  HDS2855 distance=65' 20086+2041  BRT2467 distance=66' 20065+1908  STJ  26 distance=67' 20062+1906  HJL 271 distance=67' 20093+2004  HU  355 distance=68' 20072+2106  STF2631 distance=69' 20013+1917  J   784 distance=70' 19597+1947  J  1140AB distance=72' 19597+1947  J  1140AC distance=72' 20039+1856  DAM 189 distance=74' 20041+1854  J  3047 distance=76' 20082+2105  J  1168 distance=78' 19595+1940  J  3039AB distance=81' 19595+1940  J  3039BC distance=82' 19588+2029  TDT1896 distance=84' 20000+1911  RUC  13 distance=87' 20099+2055  STF2637AB distance=89' 20099+2055  STF2637AD distance=89' 20099+2055  STF2637AC distance=89' 20099+2055  STF2637BC distance=89' 20108+2029  HDS2875 distance=90' 20078+1852  TDT2005 distance=90' 19581+2003  TDS1027 distance=91' 20099+2100  S   737 distance=92' 20056+1838  COU 326 distance=93' 20103+1915  J  3053 distance=96' 19579+2032  BU  981AB distance=97' 19579+2032  BU  981AC distance=97' 20115+2013  GRV 320 distance=100' 20023+1835  ARN 109 distance=100' 20029+2145  HJ 2924 distance=100' 19575+2018  BU  425AB distance=100' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20045+2009 BRT2465 209 3.0 0
Show 20042+1952 J 819 134 2.1 18
Show 20039+2034 COU 216 218 0.5 28
Show 20026+2006 HU 353 3 0.5 28
Show 20063+1954 WAK 19 166 2.0 30
Show 20033+2034 BRT2463 13 3.2 31
Show 20040+1940 J 3046 99 5.2 31
Show 20045+1937 J 3048 272 5.9 32
Show 20051+2039 BUP 203 AB 247 13.4 32
Show 20051+2039 BUP 203 AC 102 59.4 32
Show 20051+2039 BLL 44 AD 95 75.3 32
Show 20065+1957 DAM 191 BD 218 9.8 32
Show 20065+1957 J 1233 AB 245 6.9 32
Show 20065+1957 DAM 191 AC 179 9.8 32
Show 20023+2009 COU 215 269 0.3 33
Show 20036+2050 GRV 308 213 38.1 45
Show 20037+1926 BRT2464 181 7.4 45
Show 20078+1950 WEB 12 77 40.1 49
Show 20004+2018 BRT2462 288 2.9 61
Show 20024+2105 HDS2855 146 0.1 65
Show 20086+2041 BRT2467 55 4.4 66
Show 20065+1908 STJ 26 276 1.0 67
Show 20062+1906 HJL 271 342 18.7 67
Show 20093+2004 HU 355 352 1.2 68
Show 20072+2106 STF2631 339 4.7 69
Show 20013+1917 J 784 165 2.2 70
Show 19597+1947 J 1140 AB 282 2.1 72
Show 19597+1947 J 1140 AC 324 17.1 72
Show 20039+1856 DAM 189 343 7.9 74
Show 20041+1854 J 3047 342 4.4 76
Show 20082+2105 J 1168 193 0.9 78
Show 19595+1940 J 3039 AB 187 9.9 81
Show 19595+1940 J 3039 BC 172 7.4 82
Show 19588+2029 TDT1896 38 0.6 84
Show 20000+1911 RUC 13 63 1.8 87
Show 20099+2055 STF2637 AB 331 11.6 89
Show 20099+2055 STF2637 AD 226 172.8 89
Show 20099+2055 STF2637 AC 222 91.9 89
Show 20099+2055 STF2637 BC 215 95.7 89
Show 20108+2029 HDS2875 231 0.3 90
Show 20078+1852 TDT2005 147 1.6 90
Show 19581+2003 TDS1027 78 1.0 91
Show 20099+2100 S 737 128 101.0 92
Show 20056+1838 COU 326 256 1.8 93
Show 20103+1915 J 3053 248 7.7 96
Show 19579+2032 BU 981 AB 107 3.0 97
Show 19579+2032 BU 981 AC 56 30.3 97
Show 20115+2013 GRV 320 152 31.3 100
Show 20023+1835 ARN 109 191 30.7 100
Show 20029+2145 HJ 2924 345 15.1 100
Show 19575+2018 BU 425 AB 240 1.4 100

WDS 20045+2009 : COMPONENTS
B pa=207.8°
20045+2009 A
Coord arcsec 2000 200433.96+200832.7 Mag 12.7 PmRA 27.00 PmDE 18.0
20045+2009 B
Coord arcsec 2000 200433.86+200830.1 Mag 12.74 PmRA 1.00 PmDE -10.0
Calc delta mag 0.04 Calc coord yes