20037+3327 TDT 1942 (HD 227389)

20h 03m 42.35s +33° 27' 28.6" P.A. 11.00 sep 0.8 mag 11.48,11.70 Sp A0
Coord 2000 20037+3327 Discov num TDT1942 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 03 42.35 +33 27 28.6
Date first 1991 Date last 1991 Obs 1
Pa first 11 Pa last 11.2 P.A. Now (θ) 11.2°
Sep first 0.8 Sep last 0.78 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.78"
Mag pri 11.48 Mag sec 11.70 delta mag (ΔM) 0.22 Spectral class A0 (white)
Pri motion ra +000 Sec motion ra +000
Pri motion dec -006 Sec motion dec -006
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Name HD 227389 Constellation Cygnus Tycho2 2674-03662-1 Gaia DR2 2058179977860477952
HD 227389
WDS 20037+3327 TDT 1942 (HD 227389) : NOTES
No records found.

coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20037+3327 TDT1942 1991 1 11 0.8 11.48 11.70 200342.35+332728.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20037+3327 TDT 1942 (HD 227389) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 20037+3327 (HD 227389) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

20037+3327 TDT1942A mag 11.48 Sp A0 20037+3327 TDT1942B sep 0.8 P.A. 9.40 mag 11.7 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20037+3327 (HD 227389) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 03m 42.35s +33° 27' 28.6"
WDS 20037+3327 TDT 1942 (HD 227389) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20037+3327  TDT1942 distance=0' 20039+3329  TDT1945 distance=3' 20049+3334  ES 2350AB distance=17' 20049+3334  ES 2350BC distance=17' 20027+3340  HO  118AB distance=18' 20027+3340  DAM   7AC distance=18' 20031+3343  SEI 818 distance=18' 20027+3340  WAK  13CD distance=19' 20024+3320  SEI 803 distance=19' 20040+3309  SEI 832 distance=19' 20022+3332  SEI 801 distance=21' 20025+3341  HO  117AB distance=21' 20025+3341  BKO 520AC distance=21' 20039+3349  SEI 833 distance=23' 20031+3350  SEI 819 distance=24' 20027+3349  SEI 815AB distance=25' 20027+3349  SEI 816AC distance=25' 20027+3349  BKO 523AD distance=25' 20053+3343  SEI 844 distance=25' 20057+3329  ES 2351 distance=25' 20026+3352  BKO 521AB distance=28' 20026+3352  BKO 521BC distance=28' 20053+3307  COU1806 distance=29' 20021+3308  SEI 797 distance=29' 20032+3357  SEI 821 distance=30' 20027+3355  BKO 522DE distance=31' 20027+3355  BKO 522AB distance=31' 20027+3355  BKO 522AD distance=31' 20027+3355  BKO 522BC distance=31' 20023+3354  SEI 804 distance=31' 20062+3328  ES 2373AB distance=31' 20062+3328  ES 2373AC distance=31' 20019+3303  HO  586 distance=34' 20048+3359  SEI 841 distance=34' 20056+3303  TOI1193 distance=35' 20013+3346  SEI 789 distance=35' 20033+3403  SEI 822 distance=36' 20008+3337  SEI 784 distance=37' 20010+3346  SEI 785 distance=38' 20068+3329  ES 2352AB distance=39' 20068+3329  ES 2352BC distance=39' 20016+3358  SEI 794 distance=41' 20057+3255  TDT1968 distance=42' 20065+3302  GYL  23 distance=44' 20020+3411  SEI 800 distance=48' 20059+3247  COU1807 distance=49' 20030+3416  BKO 524 distance=50' 20041+3419  SEI 834 distance=52' 19596+3318  BEW   4 distance=52' 20034+3420  SEI 823 distance=53' 19596+3321  SEI 769 distance=53' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20037+3327 TDT1942 11 0.8 0
Show 20039+3329 TDT1945 114 1.3 3
Show 20049+3334 ES 2350 AB 224 2.4 17
Show 20049+3334 ES 2350 BC 241 4.4 17
Show 20027+3340 HO 118 AB 28 3.0 18
Show 20027+3340 DAM 7 AC 308 60.7 18
Show 20031+3343 SEI 818 207 15.1 18
Show 20027+3340 WAK 13 CD 6 2.9 19
Show 20024+3320 SEI 803 272 22.6 19
Show 20040+3309 SEI 832 219 22.2 19
Show 20022+3332 SEI 801 107 7.9 21
Show 20025+3341 HO 117 AB 314 5.2 21
Show 20025+3341 BKO 520 AC 24 6.5 21
Show 20039+3349 SEI 833 146 6.0 23
Show 20031+3350 SEI 819 148 22.1 24
Show 20027+3349 SEI 815 AB 358 19.4 25
Show 20027+3349 SEI 816 AC 113 20.6 25
Show 20027+3349 BKO 523 AD 341 5.0 25
Show 20053+3343 SEI 844 6 22.5 25
Show 20057+3329 ES 2351 276 5.0 25
Show 20026+3352 BKO 521 AB 34 10.5 28
Show 20026+3352 BKO 521 BC 57 5.1 28
Show 20053+3307 COU1806 287 1.2 29
Show 20021+3308 SEI 797 86 25.7 29
Show 20032+3357 SEI 821 93 29.2 30
Show 20027+3355 BKO 522 DE 154 4.4 31
Show 20027+3355 BKO 522 AB 340 6.8 31
Show 20027+3355 BKO 522 AD 199 10.6 31
Show 20027+3355 BKO 522 BC 15 1.9 31
Show 20023+3354 SEI 804 270 27.4 31
Show 20062+3328 ES 2373 AB 104 6.1 31
Show 20062+3328 ES 2373 AC 53 12.6 31
Show 20019+3303 HO 586 172 6.8 34
Show 20048+3359 SEI 841 307 26.7 34
Show 20056+3303 TOI1193 255 0.1 35
Show 20013+3346 SEI 789 347 16.9 35
Show 20033+3403 SEI 822 212 24.3 36
Show 20008+3337 SEI 784 159 23.5 37
Show 20010+3346 SEI 785 137 29.2 38
Show 20068+3329 ES 2352 AB 52 32.4 39
Show 20068+3329 ES 2352 BC 248 4.3 39
Show 20016+3358 SEI 794 193 3.8 41
Show 20057+3255 TDT1968 244 0.6 42
Show 20065+3302 GYL 23 180 13.3 44
Show 20020+3411 SEI 800 350 24.9 48
Show 20059+3247 COU1807 299 0.2 49
Show 20030+3416 BKO 524 62 13.9 50
Show 20041+3419 SEI 834 135 21.9 52
Show 19596+3318 BEW 4 203 18.0 52
Show 20034+3420 SEI 823 232 17.2 53
Show 19596+3321 SEI 769 228 23.7 53

WDS 20037+3327 : COMPONENTS
B pa=9.4°
20037+3327 A
Name HD 227389 Coord arcsec 2000 200342.35+332728.6 Mag 11.48 Spectral class A0 (white)
PmRA 0.00 PmDE -6.0 Tycho2 2674-03662-1 HD 227389
Tycho2 2674-03662-1 Pflag RAmdeg 300.92649890 DEmdeg 33.45803982
PmRA 0.3 PmDE -6.4 E RAmdeg 30 E DEmdeg 30
E pmRA 1.7 E pmDE 1.7 EpRAm 1983.21 EpDEm 1983.28
Num 6 Q RAmdeg 1.1 Q DEmdeg 1.8 Q pmRA 1.1
Q pmDE 1.8 BTmag 11.365 E BTmag 0.061 VTmag 11.058
E VTmag 0.073 Prox 505 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 300.92648722 DEdeg 33.45803333 EpRA 1990 1.62
EpDE 1990 1.67 E RAdeg 42.1 E DEdeg 42.0 Posflg
Corr 0.1
20037+3327 B
Coord arcsec 2000 200342.36+332729.4 Mag 11.7 PmRA 0.00 PmDE -6.0
Calc delta mag 0.22 Calc coord yes