20033+2209 OL 110

20h 03m 12.82s +22° 08' 50.0" P.A. 331.00 sep 8.3 mag 11.40,11.60
Coord 2000 20033+2209 Discov num OL  110 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 03 12.82 +22 08 50.0
Date first 1922 Date last 2012 Obs 3
Pa first 349 Pa last 331.2 P.A. Now (θ) 331.2°
Sep first 1.2 Sep last 8.297 Sep. Now (ρ) 8.297"
Mag pri 11.40 Mag sec 11.60 delta mag (ΔM) 0.2 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -001 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -005 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Vulpecula Tycho2 1629-02239-1 Gaia DR2 1832970550221836160
WDS 20033+2209 OL 110 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 OL Olivier, C.P.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20033+2209 OL 110 1935 2 351 1.0 11.40 11.60 200312.82+220850.0
20033+2209 OL 110 2012 3 331 8.3 11.40 11.60 200312.82+220850.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20033+2209 OL 110 : MEASURES
No records found.


20033+2209 OL  110A mag 11.4 20033+2209 OL  110B sep 8.2 P.A. 333.00 mag 11.6 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20033+2209 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 03m 12.82s +22° 08' 50.0"
WDS 20033+2209 OL 110 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20033+2209  OL  110 distance=0' 20035+2215  GII  49 distance=7' 20029+2145  HJ 2924 distance=25' 20011+2203  ROE  11 distance=31' 20034+2243  J  1222 distance=34' 20063+2200  STJ  37 distance=45' 20027+2256  MMA  22 distance=48' 20007+2243  BAK   1AB distance=49' 20007+2243  HLA  23AC distance=49' 20007+2243  HLA  23AD distance=49' 20007+2243  HLA  23AE distance=49' 20007+2243  HLA  23AF distance=49' 19593+2215  WFC 262 distance=56' 19590+2206  HO  583 distance=58' 20059+2254  TVB  10 distance=59' 20003+2251  A   169 distance=59' 20002+2251  ROE  10 distance=60' 19593+2237  COU 519 distance=61' 19596+2243  CUD   6 distance=61' 20079+2207  BRT2466 distance=65' 20024+2105  HDS2855 distance=65' 19585+2202  L    47 distance=65' 20039+2314  BAZ  13 distance=65' 20043+2313  POU4200 distance=66' 20076+2139  TDT2000 distance=68' 20080+2224  RAO 426 distance=69' 20050+2313  CHR  92 distance=69' 19583+2208  AG  244AB distance=69' 19583+2208  AG  244AC distance=69' 19583+2218  A  2791 distance=69' 20033+2318  POU4196 distance=70' 20039+2320  HLA  25 distance=73' 20032+2322  POU4193 distance=73' 20058+2313  POU4212 distance=74' 20028+2325  POU4189 distance=77' 19590+2118  TDT1899 distance=78' 20036+2050  GRV 308 distance=79' 20044+2325  POU4201 distance=79' 20057+2320  POU4209AB distance=80' 20057+2320  POU4210AC distance=80' 20057+2320  BKO 759AD distance=80' 19574+2213  TDT1874 distance=81' 20059+2320  BKO 760 distance=81' 20058+2323  POU4213 distance=83' 20028+2331  POU4188AB distance=83' 20028+2331  BKO 756AC distance=83' 20051+2327  POU4206 distance=83' 20028+2331  BKO 756BC distance=83' 20055+2326  BKO 758 distance=84' 20072+2106  STF2631 distance=85' 19570+2206  BOW   9 distance=87' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20033+2209 OL 110 331 8.3 0
Show 20035+2215 GII 49 331 4.2 7
Show 20029+2145 HJ 2924 345 15.1 25
Show 20011+2203 ROE 11 215 5.7 31
Show 20034+2243 J 1222 72 1.9 34
Show 20063+2200 STJ 37 198 1.4 45
Show 20027+2256 MMA 22 31 11.6 48
Show 20007+2243 BAK 1 AB 244 11.3 49
Show 20007+2243 HLA 23 AC 208 7.3 49
Show 20007+2243 HLA 23 AD 228 8.3 49
Show 20007+2243 HLA 23 AE 203 9.2 49
Show 20007+2243 HLA 23 AF 309 12.7 49
Show 19593+2215 WFC 262 31 13.2 56
Show 19590+2206 HO 583 256 1.4 58
Show 20059+2254 TVB 10 156 21.1 59
Show 20003+2251 A 169 190 1.3 59
Show 20002+2251 ROE 10 66 9.1 60
Show 19593+2237 COU 519 72 0.7 61
Show 19596+2243 CUD 6 214 6.6 61
Show 20079+2207 BRT2466 185 8.1 65
Show 20024+2105 HDS2855 146 0.1 65
Show 19585+2202 L 47 303 2.4 65
Show 20039+2314 BAZ 13 76 2.7 65
Show 20043+2313 POU4200 275 13.1 66
Show 20076+2139 TDT2000 71 0.7 68
Show 20080+2224 RAO 426 302 3.0 69
Show 20050+2313 CHR 92 34 0.0 69
Show 19583+2208 AG 244 AB 273 1.5 69
Show 19583+2208 AG 244 AC 245 13.4 69
Show 19583+2218 A 2791 136 0.5 69
Show 20033+2318 POU4196 1 9.1 70
Show 20039+2320 HLA 25 1 9.0 73
Show 20032+2322 POU4193 170 6.5 73
Show 20058+2313 POU4212 106 11.9 74
Show 20028+2325 POU4189 84 5.3 77
Show 19590+2118 TDT1899 295 0.5 78
Show 20036+2050 GRV 308 213 38.1 79
Show 20044+2325 POU4201 163 17.0 79
Show 20057+2320 POU4209 AB 51 15.1 80
Show 20057+2320 POU4210 AC 286 13.8 80
Show 20057+2320 BKO 759 AD 222 1.6 80
Show 19574+2213 TDT1874 342 5.4 81
Show 20059+2320 BKO 760 233 9.1 81
Show 20058+2323 POU4213 28 9.5 83
Show 20028+2331 POU4188 AB 313 16.6 83
Show 20028+2331 BKO 756 AC 296 16.9 83
Show 20051+2327 POU4206 155 12.8 83
Show 20028+2331 BKO 756 BC 218 5.2 83
Show 20055+2326 BKO 758 339 8.0 84
Show 20072+2106 STF2631 339 4.7 85
Show 19570+2206 BOW 9 52 0.8 87

WDS 20033+2209 : COMPONENTS
B pa=333.0°
20033+2209 A
Coord arcsec 2000 200312.82+220850.0 Mag 11.4 PmRA -1.00 PmDE -5.0
Tycho2 1629-02239-1
Tycho2 1629-02239-1 Pflag RAmdeg 300.80344005 DEmdeg 22.14722605
PmRA -1.0 PmDE -5.2 E RAmdeg 25 E DEmdeg 31
E pmRA 1.5 E pmDE 1.5 EpRAm 1985.89 EpDEm 1983.84
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 0.7 Q DEmdeg 0.9 Q pmRA 0.7
Q pmDE 0.9 BTmag 11.991 E BTmag 0.085 VTmag 10.763
E VTmag 0.046 Prox 763 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 300.80343861 DEdeg 22.14723000 EpRA 1990 1.76
EpDE 1990 1.68 E RAdeg 31.3 E DEdeg 39.9 Posflg
Corr 0.4
20033+2209 B
Coord arcsec 2000 200312.55+220857.3 Mag 11.6 Calc delta mag 0.2 Calc coord yes