00127+6641 TDS 1342

00h 12m 43.91s +66° 41' 10.0" P.A. 70.00 sep 1.2 mag 10.84,11.04 Sp A0
Coord 2000 00127+6641 Discov num TDS1342 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 12 43.91 +66 41 10.0
Date first 1991 Date last 2016 Obs 2
Pa first 81 Pa last 69.8 P.A. Now (θ) 69.8°
Sep first 0.4 Sep last 1.179 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.179"
Mag pri 10.84 Mag sec 11.04 delta mag (ΔM) 0.2 Spectral class A0 (white)
Pri motion ra +000 Sec motion ra +000
Pri motion dec -006 Sec motion dec -006
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cassiopeia Tycho2 4026-00385-1 Gaia DR2 528291697647574144
WDS 00127+6641 TDS 1342 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 TDS Tycho Double Star (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00127+6641 TDS1342 1991 1 81 0.4 10.84 11.04 001243.91+664110.0
00127+6641 TDS1342 2016 2 70 1.2 10.84 11.04 A0 001243.91+664110.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00127+6641 TDS 1342 : MEASURES
No records found.


00127+6641 TDS1342A mag 10.84 Sp A0 00127+6641 TDS1342B sep 0.6 P.A. 47.10 mag 11.04 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00127+6641 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 12m 43.91s +66° 41' 10.0"
WDS 00127+6641 TDS 1342 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00127+6641  TDS1342 distance=0' 00121+6639  TOI1624 distance=5' 00119+6621  HJL   1 distance=21' 00161+6649  HU 1004 distance=22' 00154+6659  MLB 323 distance=24' 00089+6627  FAB   1 distance=27' 00107+6709  ES  114AB distance=31' 00107+6709  ES  114AC distance=31' 00118+6608  STT   1 distance=35' 00067+6638  KPP 729 distance=36' 00109+6715  ES  113 distance=36' 00150+6607  HDS  34 distance=37' 00069+6626  MLR 102 distance=38' 00102+6718  HU 1003 distance=40' 00088+6607  LDS3127 distance=42' 00050+6631  MLR 101 distance=47' 00214+6700  STT   6AB distance=55' 00214+6700  STF  26AB,C distance=55' 00218+6628  STT   7CD distance=56' 00218+6628  STT   7AB distance=56' 00218+6628  STT   7AC distance=56' 00218+6628  STT   7AD distance=56' 00042+6609  AZC 133 distance=61' 00231+6641  KPP2377 distance=62' 00223+6709  IPH   1 distance=63' 00185+6735  TDS1391 distance=64' 00230+6623  MLB 324 distance=65' 00149+6534  AZC 135 distance=69' 00026+6606  STF3053AB distance=71' 00026+6606  STF3053AC distance=71' 00217+6548  HU 1006 distance=76' 00210+6740  HJ 1018 distance=76' 00247+6616  MLB1052 distance=77' 00005+6713  HJ 1924 distance=79' 00260+6647  HJ 1026 distance=79' 00198+6752  MLR 285 distance=82' 00003+6557  MLR 280 distance=88' 00191+6513  MLB 243 distance=97' 00055+6513  MLB 242 distance=100' 00121+6826  MLR 281 distance=105' 00050+6822  WIS   2 distance=111' 00196+6457  CBL 568 distance=113' 00263+6515  MLR  80 distance=120' 00321+6715  MCY   1Aa,Ab distance=121' 00321+6715  VYS   2AB distance=121' 00295+6533  MLB 245 distance=123' 00319+6735  MLB 325 distance=124' 00202+6841  TDS1406 distance=128' 00325+6737  MLB 326 distance=129' 00211+6443  TDS  13 distance=130' 00323+6543  KPP4420 distance=132' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00127+6641 TDS1342 70 1.2 0
Show 00121+6639 TOI1624 312 21.0 5
Show 00119+6621 HJL 1 350 31.0 21
Show 00161+6649 HU 1004 184 0.8 22
Show 00154+6659 MLB 323 141 1.7 24
Show 00089+6627 FAB 1 181 14.9 27
Show 00107+6709 ES 114 AB 164 4.5 31
Show 00107+6709 ES 114 AC 18 111.6 31
Show 00118+6608 STT 1 212 1.6 35
Show 00067+6638 KPP 729 353 6.4 36
Show 00109+6715 ES 113 127 7.0 36
Show 00150+6607 HDS 34 194 0.1 37
Show 00069+6626 MLR 102 85 0.2 38
Show 00102+6718 HU 1003 34 2.4 40
Show 00088+6607 LDS3127 280 28.7 42
Show 00050+6631 MLR 101 126 1.8 47
Show 00214+6700 STT 6 AB 153 0.7 55
Show 00214+6700 STF 26 AB,C 115 13.1 55
Show 00218+6628 STT 7 CD 95 155.5 56
Show 00218+6628 STT 7 AB 129 0.9 56
Show 00218+6628 STT 7 AC 259 48.5 56
Show 00218+6628 STT 7 AD 102 109.7 56
Show 00042+6609 AZC 133 212 16.9 61
Show 00231+6641 KPP2377 261 20.5 62
Show 00223+6709 IPH 1 282 21.2 63
Show 00185+6735 TDS1391 167 2.0 64
Show 00230+6623 MLB 324 142 6.4 65
Show 00149+6534 AZC 135 183 21.9 69
Show 00026+6606 STF3053 AB 70 15.2 71
Show 00026+6606 STF3053 AC 291 98.5 71
Show 00217+6548 HU 1006 195 2.8 76
Show 00210+6740 HJ 1018 87 1.5 76
Show 00247+6616 MLB1052 225 14.2 77
Show 00005+6713 HJ 1924 225 8.0 79
Show 00260+6647 HJ 1026 192 12.5 79
Show 00198+6752 MLR 285 190 1.3 82
Show 00003+6557 MLR 280 9 1.5 88
Show 00191+6513 MLB 243 313 5.0 97
Show 00055+6513 MLB 242 73 4.1 100
Show 00121+6826 MLR 281 219 1.1 105
Show 00050+6822 WIS 2 216 999.9 111
Show 00196+6457 CBL 568 12 24.7 113
Show 00263+6515 MLR 80 15 0.3 120
Show 00321+6715 MCY 1 Aa,Ab 276 0.3 121
Show 00321+6715 VYS 2 AB 186 3.5 121
Show 00295+6533 MLB 245 169 3.6 123
Show 00319+6735 MLB 325 316 3.0 124
Show 00202+6841 TDS1406 15 2.0 128
Show 00325+6737 MLB 326 134 3.1 129
Show 00211+6443 TDS 13 290 2.6 130
Show 00323+6543 KPP4420 1 2.3 132

WDS 00127+6641 : COMPONENTS
B pa=47.1°
00127+6641 A
Coord arcsec 2000 001243.91+664110.0 Mag 10.84 Spectral class A0 (white) PmRA 0.00
PmDE -6.0 Tycho2 4026-00385-1
Tycho2 4026-00385-1 Pflag RAmdeg 3.18310219 DEmdeg 66.68613351
PmRA -0.3 PmDE -6.2 E RAmdeg 18 E DEmdeg 21
E pmRA 1.7 E pmDE 1.8 EpRAm 1990.53 EpDEm 1990.13
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.9 Q DEmdeg 0.9 Q pmRA 0.9
Q pmDE 0.8 BTmag 10.721 E BTmag 0.033 VTmag 10.242
E VTmag 0.031 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 3.18310361 DEdeg 66.68614806 EpRA 1990 1.65
EpDE 1990 1.58 E RAdeg 18.3 E DEdeg 21.1 Posflg
Corr 0.1
00127+6641 B
Coord arcsec 2000 001243.98+664110.4 Mag 11.04 PmRA 0.00 PmDE -6.0
Calc delta mag 0.2 Calc coord yes