19531+3517 POP 37

19h 53m 09.42s +35° 15' 39.2" P.A. 332.00 sep 2.5 mag 9.80,10.10 Sp G0V
Coord 2000 19531+3517 Discov num POP  37 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 19 53 09.42 +35 15 39.2
Date first 1970 Date last 2016 Obs 11
Pa first 332 Pa last 332.3 P.A. Now (θ) 332.3°
Sep first 2.5 Sep last 2.47 Sep. Now (ρ) 2.47"
Mag pri 9.80 Mag sec 10.10 delta mag (ΔM) 0.3 Spectral class G0V (yellow)
Pri motion ra +022 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec +018 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cygnus Gaia DR2 2035602365616305280
WDS 19531+3517 POP 37 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 POP Popovic, G.M.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19531+3517 POP 37 1998 6 332 2.5 9.80 10.10 195309.42+351539.2
19531+3517 POP 37 2005 8 332 2.4 9.80 10.10 195309.42+351539.2
19531+3517 POP 37 2015 9 332 2.5 9.80 10.10 G0V 195309.42+351539.2
19531+3517 POP 37 2016 11 332 2.5 9.80 10.10 G0V 195309.42+351539.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 19531+3517 POP 37 : MEASURES
No records found.


19531+3517 POP  37A mag 9.8 Sp G0V 19531+3517 POP  37B sep 2.4 P.A. 336.80 mag 10.1 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 19531+3517 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 19h 53m 09.42s +35° 15' 39.2"
Primaries only

19531+3517  POP  37 distance=0' 19518+3501  SEI 705 distance=23' 19524+3537  HU  685 distance=23' 19522+3449  ES 2300 distance=29' 19547+3453  SEI 723AB distance=30' 19547+3453  TOB 162AC distance=30' 19520+3449  ES 2299 distance=30' 19513+3535  SEI 702 distance=31' 19550+3454  GRF  12AB distance=32' 19550+3454  GRF  12AC distance=32' 19550+3454  GRF  12AD distance=32' 19537+3442  SEI 716 distance=35' 19561+3457  HLM  34 distance=38' 19563+3505  BU  980CE distance=40' 19563+3505  BU  980CF distance=40' 19563+3505  BU  980AB distance=41' 19563+3505  HJ 1455AC distance=41' 19563+3505  HJ 1455AD distance=41' 19563+3505  BU  980AE distance=41' 19511+3443  OLE   2 distance=42' 19510+3443  SEI 697 distance=42' 19512+3551  ES 2246 distance=43' 19551+3552  DOO  12 distance=44' 19495+3517  SEI 689 distance=46' 19557+3443  HLM  33AB distance=46' 19557+3443  HLM  33AC distance=46' 19557+3443  HLM  33AD distance=46' 19514+3434  J  1161 distance=46' 19568+3530  TDT1869 distance=47' 19564+3448  SEI 737 distance=47' 19514+3435  J  1160AB distance=48' 19514+3435  J  1160AC distance=48' 19514+3435  COU2709AD distance=48' 19521+3600  ALI 164 distance=48' 19513+3434  SEI 699AB distance=48' 19513+3434  SEI 700AC distance=48' 19492+3514  SEI 688 distance=48' 19553+3435  ES  200 distance=49' 19551+3551  COU1945 distance=50' 19496+3448  SEI 690 distance=52' 19527+3425  SEI 709 distance=52' 19572+3502  HDS2840 distance=52' 19497+3547  POP 102AB distance=53' 19497+3547  POP 102AC distance=53' 19493+3542  POP 100 distance=54' 19496+3545  DAM1259BC distance=54' 19496+3545  POP 101AB distance=54' 19508+3430  SEI 696 distance=54' 19509+3429  POP  13AB distance=55' 19509+3429  POP  13AC distance=55' 19487+3519  STT 387 distance=55' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 19531+3517 POP 37 332 2.5 0
Show 19518+3501 SEI 705 131 9.3 23
Show 19524+3537 HU 685 63 1.6 23
Show 19522+3449 ES 2300 250 5.9 29
Show 19547+3453 SEI 723 AB 42 12.6 30
Show 19547+3453 TOB 162 AC 254 23.9 30
Show 19520+3449 ES 2299 124 5.8 30
Show 19513+3535 SEI 702 258 18.4 31
Show 19550+3454 GRF 12 AB 339 125.5 32
Show 19550+3454 GRF 12 AC 354 89.5 32
Show 19550+3454 GRF 12 AD 198 128.3 32
Show 19537+3442 SEI 716 110 23.2 35
Show 19561+3457 HLM 34 12 9.9 38
Show 19563+3505 BU 980 CE 206 70.3 40
Show 19563+3505 BU 980 CF 264 8.3 40
Show 19563+3505 BU 980 AB 206 7.2 41
Show 19563+3505 HJ 1455 AC 333 45.9 41
Show 19563+3505 HJ 1455 AD 163 47.5 41
Show 19563+3505 BU 980 AE 247 56.5 41
Show 19511+3443 OLE 2 309 4.0 42
Show 19510+3443 SEI 697 310 4.0 42
Show 19512+3551 ES 2246 244 7.1 43
Show 19551+3552 DOO 12 263 1.6 44
Show 19495+3517 SEI 689 301 20.9 46
Show 19557+3443 HLM 33 AB 77 11.8 46
Show 19557+3443 HLM 33 AC 292 14.7 46
Show 19557+3443 HLM 33 AD 130 13.5 46
Show 19514+3434 J 1161 314 5.0 46
Show 19568+3530 TDT1869 228 1.7 47
Show 19564+3448 SEI 737 67 25.8 47
Show 19514+3435 J 1160 AB 293 6.2 48
Show 19514+3435 J 1160 AC 57 6.8 48
Show 19514+3435 COU2709 AD 149 10.7 48
Show 19521+3600 ALI 164 276 10.5 48
Show 19513+3434 SEI 699 AB 241 4.0 48
Show 19513+3434 SEI 700 AC 178 25.8 48
Show 19492+3514 SEI 688 198 10.8 48
Show 19553+3435 ES 200 231 4.5 49
Show 19551+3551 COU1945 120 0.4 50
Show 19496+3448 SEI 690 296 15.8 52
Show 19527+3425 SEI 709 330 12.6 52
Show 19572+3502 HDS2840 79 0.2 52
Show 19497+3547 POP 102 AB 139 4.9 53
Show 19497+3547 POP 102 AC 81 14.5 53
Show 19493+3542 POP 100 286 2.3 54
Show 19496+3545 DAM1259 BC 79 2.4 54
Show 19496+3545 POP 101 AB 134 6.2 54
Show 19508+3430 SEI 696 129 19.3 54
Show 19509+3429 POP 13 AB 357 4.0 55
Show 19509+3429 POP 13 AC 273 8.4 55
Show 19487+3519 STT 387 94 0.5 55

WDS 19531+3517 : COMPONENTS
B pa=336.8°
19531+3517 A
Coord arcsec 2000 195309.42+351539.2 Mag 9.8 Spectral class G0V (yellow) PmRA 22.00
PmDE 18.0
19531+3517 B
Coord arcsec 2000 195309.34+351541.4 Mag 10.1 Calc delta mag 0.3 Calc coord yes