19511+3800 ALI 636

19h 51m 07.89s +37° 59' 53.0" P.A. 79.00 sep 10.4 mag 13.30,13.30
Coord 2000 19511+3800 Discov num ALI 636 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 19 51 07.89 +37 59 53.0
Date first 1929 Date last 2015 Obs 8
Pa first 81 Pa last 78.7 P.A. Now (θ) 78.7°
Sep first 9.7 Sep last 10.367 Sep. Now (ρ) 10.367"
Mag pri 13.30 Mag sec 13.30 delta mag (ΔM) 0 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -006 Sec motion ra -002
Pri motion dec -012 Sec motion dec -005
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cygnus Gaia DR2 2072175244762076160
WDS 19511+3800 ALI 636 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 ALI Ali, A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19511+3800 ALI 636 1998 2 80 10.3 13.30 13.30 D 195107.89+375953.0
19511+3800 ALI 636 2002 3 80 10.3 13.30 13.30 D 195107.89+375953.0
19511+3800 ALI 636 2015 4 79 10.4 13.30 13.30 195107.89+375953.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 19511+3800 ALI 636 : MEASURES
No records found.


19511+3800 ALI 636A mag 13.3 19511+3800 ALI 636B sep 8.3 P.A. 75.80 mag 13.3 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 19511+3800 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 19h 51m 07.89s +37° 59' 53.0"
WDS 19511+3800 ALI 636 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

19511+3800  ALI 636 distance=1' 19512+3800  SMA 103AB distance=2' 19512+3800  WSI 146BC distance=2' 19513+3758  ALI 639 distance=3' 19511+3755  SMA 102 distance=4' 19520+3802  HJ 1448 distance=11' 19514+3746  ES 2114 distance=15' 19519+3811  KPP4174 distance=15' 19519+3745  ES 2115 distance=17' 19518+3815  ALI 904 distance=18' 19527+3757  SEI 711 distance=20' 19494+3806  ALI 634 distance=21' 19500+3738  BRT2227 distance=26' 19533+3758  ALI 642 distance=27' 19526+3822  ALI 905 distance=28' 19527+3737  BRT2619 distance=29' 19513+3829  ALI 903 distance=30' 19513+3830  COU2529 distance=31' 19530+3825  COU2532 distance=34' 19515+3726  ALI 640 distance=34' 19501+3832  MLB 766 distance=35' 19512+3724  SMA 104 distance=36' 19537+3742  SMA 108 distance=36' 19539+3746  ALI 644 distance=36' 19536+3823  ES 2042 distance=38' 19543+3803  TDT1838 distance=39' 19490+3731  ES 2499 distance=39' 19482+3818  SEI 685 distance=40' 19534+3831  SEI 715 distance=40' 19503+3721  GII  14BC distance=40' 19503+3721  GII  14AB distance=40' 19541+3740  ALI 645 distance=41' 19528+3724  SMA 107 distance=41' 19542+3820  TDT1836 distance=42' 19515+3718  SEI 703 distance=43' 19506+3843  HJ  603BC distance=44' 19506+3843  HJ  603BE distance=44' 19506+3843  HJ  603AB distance=44' 19506+3843  HJ  603AD distance=44' 19506+3843  HJ  603AC distance=44' 19506+3715  COU2285 distance=46' 19529+3840  OPI9001AB distance=46' 19523+3717  RAO 421 distance=46' 19477+3739  POP 127AB distance=46' 19477+3739  POP 127AC distance=46' 19477+3739  POP 127AD distance=46' 19477+3739  POP 127AE distance=46' 19529+3840  DAM 817BC distance=47' 19477+3739  POP 127EF distance=47' 19495+3843  ES   84BC distance=47' 19495+3843  ES   84AB distance=48' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 19511+3800 ALI 636 79 10.4 1
Show 19512+3800 SMA 103 AB 122 10.1 2
Show 19512+3800 WSI 146 BC 285 4.5 2
Show 19513+3758 ALI 639 178 12.7 3
Show 19511+3755 SMA 102 44 4.3 4
Show 19520+3802 HJ 1448 168 11.5 11
Show 19514+3746 ES 2114 43 13.6 15
Show 19519+3811 KPP4174 71 2.3 15
Show 19519+3745 ES 2115 215 5.6 17
Show 19518+3815 ALI 904 106 10.8 18
Show 19527+3757 SEI 711 235 20.3 20
Show 19494+3806 ALI 634 53 4.9 21
Show 19500+3738 BRT2227 266 2.6 26
Show 19533+3758 ALI 642 352 8.4 27
Show 19526+3822 ALI 905 262 13.5 28
Show 19527+3737 BRT2619 207 2.2 29
Show 19513+3829 ALI 903 201 10.9 30
Show 19513+3830 COU2529 205 1.3 31
Show 19530+3825 COU2532 155 0.4 34
Show 19515+3726 ALI 640 83 6.5 34
Show 19501+3832 MLB 766 351 6.5 35
Show 19512+3724 SMA 104 51 7.9 36
Show 19537+3742 SMA 108 221 10.7 36
Show 19539+3746 ALI 644 210 14.5 36
Show 19536+3823 ES 2042 87 6.9 38
Show 19543+3803 TDT1838 140 0.7 39
Show 19490+3731 ES 2499 156 6.1 39
Show 19482+3818 SEI 685 233 23.6 40
Show 19534+3831 SEI 715 319 32.2 40
Show 19503+3721 GII 14 BC 331 2.4 40
Show 19503+3721 GII 14 AB 334 9.3 40
Show 19541+3740 ALI 645 37 6.7 41
Show 19528+3724 SMA 107 112 13.7 41
Show 19542+3820 TDT1836 85 0.5 42
Show 19515+3718 SEI 703 0 22.2 43
Show 19506+3843 HJ 603 BC 309 150.5 44
Show 19506+3843 HJ 603 BE 10 20.8 44
Show 19506+3843 HJ 603 AB 115 56.8 44
Show 19506+3843 HJ 603 AD 309 163.8 44
Show 19506+3843 HJ 603 AC 318 96.6 44
Show 19506+3715 COU2285 68 1.5 46
Show 19529+3840 OPI9001 AB 28 45.9 46
Show 19523+3717 RAO 421 343 3.1 46
Show 19477+3739 POP 127 AB 155 33.0 46
Show 19477+3739 POP 127 AC 285 44.0 46
Show 19477+3739 POP 127 AD 297 41.5 46
Show 19477+3739 POP 127 AE 296 56.8 46
Show 19529+3840 DAM 817 BC 120 5.9 47
Show 19477+3739 POP 127 EF 5 3.0 47
Show 19495+3843 ES 84 BC 66 20.0 47
Show 19495+3843 ES 84 AB 158 10.3 48

WDS 19511+3800 : COMPONENTS
B pa=75.8°
19511+3800 A
Coord arcsec 2000 195107.89+375953.0 Mag 13.3 PmRA -6.00 PmDE -12.0
Ccdm 19511+3800 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs 2.77 DDEs -4.4
R dRAs 65 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 13.3 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
19511+3800 B
Coord arcsec 2000 195108.57+375955.0 Mag 13.3 PmRA -2.00 PmDE -5.0
Calc coord yes
Ccdm 19511+3800 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num ALI 636 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1929 Theta 081 Rho 9.7
Obs 1 Vmag 13.3 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD