19487+1852 MCA 58 (HD 187321)

19h 48m 43.64s +18° 52' 01.3" P.A. 100.00 sep 0.4 mag 7.37,9.34 Sp G0I+A dist. 1428.57 pc (4660 l.y.)
Coord 2000 19487+1852 Discov num MCA  58 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 19 48 43.64 +18 52 01.3
Date first 1981 Date last 2018 Obs 23
Pa first 97 Pa last 99.8 P.A. Now (θ) 99.8°
Sep first 0.4 Sep last 0.421 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.421"
Mag pri 7.37 Mag sec 9.34 delta mag (ΔM) 1.97 Spectral class G0I+A (yellow/white)
Pri motion ra -003 Sec motion ra -003
Pri motion dec -006 Sec motion dec -006
Notes N (See Notes)
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Name HD 187321 Constellation Sagitta SAO 105288 HIP 97476
Tycho2 1623-00800-1 Gaia DR2 1824570968607548416 HD 187321 BD BD+18 4252
Distance 1428.57 Distance ly 4660
WDS 19487+1852 MCA 58 (HD 187321) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
MCA 58 1998.657: Absolute quadrant determined by triple-correlation technique Pru2002b
refcode metd author reference
Pru2002b S j Prieur, J.-L., Koechlin, L., Ginestet, N., Carquillat, J.-M., Aristidi, E., 2002ApJS..142...95P
Pru2002b Scardia, M., Arnold, L., Avila, R., et al.
Pru2002b ApJS 142, 95, 2002
idgroup discov author
1 MCA McAlister, H.A.
67 PRU Prieur, J.-L., Oblak, E., Lampens, P., Kurpinska-Winiarska, M., Aristidi, E.,
67 PRU Koechlin, L., & Ruymaekers, G.
70 PRU Prieur, J.-L., Koechlin, L., Ginestet, N., Carquillat, J.-M., Aristidi, E.,
70 PRU Scardia, M., Arnold, L., Avila, R., et al.
71 PRU Prieur, J.-L., Carquillat, J.-M., Ginestet, N., Koechlin, L., Lannes, A.,
71 PRU Anterrieu, E., Roques, S., Aristidi, E., et al.
74 PRU Prieur, J.-L., Scardia, M., Pansecchi, L., Argyle, R.W., Sala, M., Ghigo, M.,
74 PRU Koechlin, L., & Aristidi, E.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19487+1852 MCA 58 1998 21 100 0.4 7.37 9.34 G0I+A N D 194843.64+185201.3
19487+1852 MCA 58 2007 22 134 0.1 7.37 9.34 G0I+A N D 194843.64+185201.3
19487+1852 MCA 58 2018 23 100 0.4 7.37 9.34 G0I+A N 194843.64+185201.3

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 19487+1852 MCA 58 (HD 187321) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 19487+1852 (HD 187321) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

19487+1852 MCA  58A mag 7.37 Sp G0I 19487+1852 MCA  58B sep 0.4 P.A. 100.30 mag 9.34 Sp A virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 19487+1852 (HD 187321) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 19h 48m 43.64s +18° 52' 01.3"
WDS 19487+1852 MCA 58 (HD 187321) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

19487+1852  MCA  58 distance=0' 19493+1852  J  3012AB distance=7' 19493+1852  J  3012AC distance=7' 19494+1851  J  3013 distance=9' 19486+1844  FYM 277BE distance=9' 19486+1844  J  3011AB distance=9' 19486+1844  FYM 277AC distance=9' 19486+1844  FYM 277AD distance=9' 19486+1844  FYM 277CD distance=9' 19485+1843  J  3009 distance=10' 19481+1855  STJ  25 distance=10' 19486+1843  J  3010 distance=11' 19498+1844  J  3014 distance=16' 19497+1842  J  3344 distance=17' 19490+1909  AGC  11AB distance=17' 19490+1909  STF2585AB,C distance=17' 19490+1909  STF2585AB,D distance=17' 19484+1834  TDT1772 distance=19' 19477+1905  TDT1760 distance=20' 19477+1836  J   827 distance=23' 19492+1830  GRV 283 distance=23' 19477+1913  TDT1759 distance=25' 19474+1832  BLA   6 distance=28' 19505+1839  TDT1795 distance=28' 19476+1917  HU  347 distance=30' 19470+1911  HDS2812 distance=31' 19468+1839  OL   72 distance=32' 19492+1922  GRV 284 distance=32' 19465+1859  KPP  29BC distance=35' 19465+1859  J  3000AB distance=35' 19481+1814  GRV 280 distance=39' 19508+1917  BAZ  12 distance=40' 19465+1924  J  1335 distance=44' 19459+1832  OL   71 distance=44' 19480+1936  TDT1764 distance=45' 19463+1821  HU  344 distance=47' 19479+1806  J  1187 distance=49' 19477+1938  TDT1758 distance=49' 19481+1803  BPM1603 distance=50' 19473+1805  BPM1558 distance=51' 19498+1802  BPM1664 distance=53' 19477+1802  BPMA175 distance=53' 19450+1902  J  1185 distance=54' 19515+1815  KPP 446 distance=54' 19527+1848  J   151 distance=56' 19480+1758  BPM1599 distance=56' 19505+1802  TDT1796 distance=56' 19448+1907  BAZ  10 distance=57' 19500+1757  H 4  99AB distance=58' 19500+1757  H 4  99AC distance=58' 19500+1757  H 4  99AD distance=58' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 19487+1852 MCA 58 100 0.4 0
Show 19493+1852 J 3012 AB 272 6.6 7
Show 19493+1852 J 3012 AC 173 6.8 7
Show 19494+1851 J 3013 256 7.4 9
Show 19486+1844 FYM 277 BE 298 12.0 9
Show 19486+1844 J 3011 AB 305 10.0 9
Show 19486+1844 FYM 277 AC 253 19.0 9
Show 19486+1844 FYM 277 AD 268 19.0 9
Show 19486+1844 FYM 277 CD 346 3.0 9
Show 19485+1843 J 3009 124 6.6 10
Show 19481+1855 STJ 25 78 0.9 10
Show 19486+1843 J 3010 313 5.5 11
Show 19498+1844 J 3014 346 6.4 16
Show 19497+1842 J 3344 301 9.8 17
Show 19490+1909 AGC 11 AB 174 0.2 17
Show 19490+1909 STF2585 AB,C 311 8.3 17
Show 19490+1909 STF2585 AB,D 246 76.0 17
Show 19484+1834 TDT1772 139 0.6 19
Show 19477+1905 TDT1760 79 1.8 20
Show 19477+1836 J 827 35 3.2 23
Show 19492+1830 GRV 283 342 34.2 23
Show 19477+1913 TDT1759 354 0.7 25
Show 19474+1832 BLA 6 242 0.1 28
Show 19505+1839 TDT1795 115 0.6 28
Show 19476+1917 HU 347 324 1.5 30
Show 19470+1911 HDS2812 8 0.2 31
Show 19468+1839 OL 72 9 7.1 32
Show 19492+1922 GRV 284 36 52.5 32
Show 19465+1859 KPP 29 BC 237 15.8 35
Show 19465+1859 J 3000 AB 56 4.4 35
Show 19481+1814 GRV 280 228 40.0 39
Show 19508+1917 BAZ 12 288 2.5 40
Show 19465+1924 J 1335 182 1.4 44
Show 19459+1832 OL 71 182 4.9 44
Show 19480+1936 TDT1764 260 0.7 45
Show 19463+1821 HU 344 342 0.2 47
Show 19479+1806 J 1187 196 1.3 49
Show 19477+1938 TDT1758 230 0.4 49
Show 19481+1803 BPM1603 109 101.8 50
Show 19473+1805 BPM1558 27 62.2 51
Show 19498+1802 BPM1664 333 44.7 53
Show 19477+1802 BPMA175 152 225.0 53
Show 19450+1902 J 1185 100 5.2 54
Show 19515+1815 KPP 446 161 4.7 54
Show 19527+1848 J 151 196 4.2 56
Show 19480+1758 BPM1599 182 48.6 56
Show 19505+1802 TDT1796 48 1.9 56
Show 19448+1907 BAZ 10 56 3.3 57
Show 19500+1757 H 4 99 AB 83 25.6 58
Show 19500+1757 H 4 99 AC 256 68.8 58
Show 19500+1757 H 4 99 AD 340 44.1 58

WDS 19487+1852 : COMPONENTS
B pa=100.3°
19487+1852 A
Name HD 187321 Coord arcsec 2000 194843.64+185201.3 Mag 7.37 Spectral class G0I (yellow)
PmRA -3.00 PmDE -6.0 SAO 105288 HIP 97476
Tycho2 1623-00800-1 HD 187321 BD BD+18 4252
Tycho2 1623-00800-1 Pflag RAmdeg 297.18183502 DEmdeg 18.86704059
PmRA -2.8 PmDE -5.9 E RAmdeg 4 E DEmdeg 5
E pmRA 1.1 E pmDE 1.1 EpRAm 1991.52 EpDEm 1991.35
Num 12 Q RAmdeg 1.0 Q DEmdeg 1.4 Q pmRA 1.1
Q pmDE 1.4 BTmag 8.203 E BTmag 0.016 VTmag 7.226
E VTmag 0.010 Prox 999 TYC T HIP 97476
CCDM AB RAdeg 297.18184194 DEdeg 18.86705389 EpRA 1990 1.76
EpDE 1990 1.73 E RAdeg 3.9 E DEdeg 4.5 Posflg P
Corr 0.2
SAO 105288 DelFlag RA1950 PmRA1950 0.0002
DE1950 PmDE1950 0.003 Vmag 7.6 SpType +++
Double code Source 28 CatNum 7704 DM BD+18 4252
DMcomp BDsup HD 187321 M HD 9
GC RA1950rad 5.17709303 DE1950rad 0.32709622 PmRA2000 0.0003
PmDE2000 0.002
Catalog H HIP 97476 Proxy H RAhms 19 48 43.64
DEdms +18 52 01.4 Vmag 7.09 VarFlag R Vmag H
RAdeg 297.182 DEdeg 18.8671 AstroRef A Plx -0.36
CCDM 19487+1852 N CCDM M Nsys 1 Ncomp 2
MultFlag C Source Qual A M HIP AB
Theta 99 Rho 0.403 HD 187321 BD BD+18 4252
CD CP Dm number +18 4252 VIred 0.87
SpType G5II-III R SpType Coord arcsec 2000 194843.64+185201.4
Hipparcos 2
HIP 97476 Sn 15 So 3 Nc 2
RArad 5.1868011412 DErad 0.3292922955 Plx 0.7 PmRA -3.98
PmDE -6.16 E RArad 0.62 E DErad 0.42 E Plx 0.8
E pmRA 0.67 E pmDE 0.46 Hpmag 7.2428 E Hpmag 0.001
SHp 0.011 VA 0 BV 0.856 E BV 0.007
VI 0.87
Ccdm 19487+1852 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs 1.63 DDEs 1.3
R dRAs 81 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 7.0 Sp G0 PmNote @
PmRA -2 PmDE -4 Dm number +18 4252 Cat1 BD
Name2 +18 1925 Cat2 AGK2/3 HD 187321 M HD
HIC 97476
19487+1852 B
Coord arcsec 2000 194843.67+185201.2 Mag 9.34 Spectral class A (white) PmRA -3.00
PmDE -6.0 Calc delta mag 1.97 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 19487+1852 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num MAL 58 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1981 Theta 98 Rho 0.4
Obs 8 Vmag Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
HIC 97476