Query error (1062) Duplicate entry 'c15d60a11933596236cfbe3efbdd7b97a8790509' for key 'PRIMARY'
Line: 159
File: /var/www/vhosts/stelledoppie.it/web/include/dbi.inc.php
Executing script: /var/www/vhosts/stelledoppie.it/web/index2.php
Query: INSERT INTO sessioni (id,valori,datains) VALUES ('c15d60a11933596236cfbe3efbdd7b97a8790509','a:2:{s:11:\"REMOTE_ADDR\";s:11:\"\";s:5:\"trace\";a:1:{i:0;a:3:{s:4:\"page\";s:11:\"/index2.php\";s:4:\"date\";i:1738982177;s:3:\"GET\";a:2:{s:4:\"menu\";s:2:\"29\";s:8:\"iddoppia\";s:3:\"837\";}}}}',NOW())
Backtrace: Array
    [0] => Array
            [file] => /var/www/vhosts/stelledoppie.it/web/include/session.inc.php
            [line] => 73
            [function] => dbquery
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => INSERT INTO sessioni (id,valori,datains) VALUES ('c15d60a11933596236cfbe3efbdd7b97a8790509','a:2:{s:11:\"REMOTE_ADDR\";s:11:\"\";s:5:\"trace\";a:1:{i:0;a:3:{s:4:\"page\";s:11:\"/index2.php\";s:4:\"date\";i:1738982177;s:3:\"GET\";a:2:{s:4:\"menu\";s:2:\"29\";s:8:\"iddoppia\";s:3:\"837\";}}}}',NOW())


    [1] => Array
            [file] => /var/www/vhosts/stelledoppie.it/web/include/webengine.inc.php
            [line] => 49
            [function] => ses_start
            [class] => my_session
            [object] => my_session Object
                    [id] => c15d60a11933596236cfbe3efbdd7b97a8790509
                    [sessid] => SESSID
                    [expire] => 240
                    [newses] => 1
                    [values] => Array
                            [REMOTE_ADDR] =>
                            [trace] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [page] => /index2.php
                                            [date] => 1738982177
                                            [GET] => Array
                                                    [menu] => 29
                                                    [iddoppia] => 837





            [type] => ->
            [args] => Array


    [2] => Array
            [file] => /var/www/vhosts/stelledoppie.it/web/index2.php
            [line] => 22
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => /var/www/vhosts/stelledoppie.it/web/include/webengine.inc.php

            [function] => require_once

WDS 00126+5443 HEI 419

00126+5443 HEI 419

00h 12m 34.85s +54° 43' 07.6" P.A. 210.00 sep 3.7 mag 13.50,13.70
Coord 2000 00126+5443 Discov num HEI 419 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 12 34.85 +54 43 07.6
Date first 1984 Date last 2015 Obs 4
Pa first 208 Pa last 209.7 P.A. Now (θ) 209.7°
Sep first 3.0 Sep last 3.738 Sep. Now (ρ) 3.738"
Mag pri 13.50 Mag sec 13.70 delta mag (ΔM) 0.2 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +032 Sec motion ra -019
Pri motion dec +061 Sec motion dec -013
This double is not physical.
Constellation Cassiopeia Gaia DR2 420544613308229760
WDS 00126+5443 HEI 419 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 HEI Heintz, W.D.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00126+5443 HEI 419 1987 2 209 3.1 13.50 13.70 I 001234.85+544307.6
00126+5443 HEI 419 2000 3 210 2.9 13.50 13.70 001234.85+544307.6
00126+5443 HEI 419 2003 4 210 3.5 13.50 13.70 001234.85+544307.6
00126+5443 HEI 419 2015 4 210 3.7 13.50 13.70 001234.85+544307.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00126+5443 HEI 419 : MEASURES
No records found.


00126+5443 HEI 419A mag 13.5 00126+5443 HEI 419B sep 3.4 P.A. 198.20 mag 13.7 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00126+5443 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 12m 34.85s +54° 43' 07.6"
WDS 00126+5443 HEI 419 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00126+5443  HEI 419 distance=1' 00126+5455  STI1297 distance=12' 00110+5445  HEI 416 distance=15' 00109+5438  STI1290 distance=16' 00118+5429  HEI 417AB distance=16' 00118+5429  HEI 417AC distance=16' 00122+5424  HEI 418 distance=20' 00107+5453  WOR  37 distance=20' 00125+5415  TDS1341 distance=29' 00088+5439  STI1283 distance=33' 00148+5415  TDS1355 distance=35' 00104+5415  J  2383 distance=35' 00167+5439  STF  16 distance=36' 00151+5414  TDS1358 distance=37' 00115+5521  STI1294 distance=40' 00142+5405  TDS1353 distance=41' 00099+5409  ES  929 distance=42' 00151+5407  TDS1359 distance=43' 00168+5505  STI1314 distance=43' 00078+5434  STI1279 distance=43' 00153+5528  TDS1361 distance=51' 00099+5529  TDS1324 distance=52' 00100+5530  TDS1326 distance=52' 00068+5430  ES  611 distance=53' 00186+5452  ES  612 distance=54' 00186+5433  STI1319 distance=54' 00156+5530  TDS1365 distance=54' 00071+5507  STI1278 distance=54' 00066+5501  ES  610 distance=55' 00146+5350  HLD   1 distance=57' 00156+5534  TDS1364AB distance=58' 00156+5534  DAM 830AC distance=58' 00156+5534  DAM 830AD distance=58' 00061+5457  TDS1289 distance=58' 00180+5517  STI1315 distance=59' 00185+5514  STI1318 distance=61' 00105+5540  ES  930 distance=61' 00058+5456  STI1266 distance=61' 00134+5342  TDS1348 distance=62' 00192+5509  TDS1398 distance=63' 00150+5542  KR    3 distance=63' 00065+5526  STI1274AB distance=66' 00065+5526  MRI  42AC distance=66' 00199+5427  CBL   2 distance=66' 00121+5337  BU 1026AB distance=66' 00121+5337  CHR   1AC distance=66' 00131+5550  TDS   6 distance=67' 00056+5516  A  1251 distance=69' 00183+5531  A   906 distance=70' 00173+5346  TDS1383 distance=71' 00097+5551  STI1284 distance=72' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00126+5443 HEI 419 210 3.7 1
Show 00126+5455 STI1297 33 12.4 12
Show 00110+5445 HEI 416 65 1.4 15
Show 00109+5438 STI1290 323 11.9 16
Show 00118+5429 HEI 417 AB 59 4.3 16
Show 00118+5429 HEI 417 AC 31 8.5 16
Show 00122+5424 HEI 418 37 3.2 20
Show 00107+5453 WOR 37 249 19.5 20
Show 00125+5415 TDS1341 310 0.6 29
Show 00088+5439 STI1283 125 13.0 33
Show 00148+5415 TDS1355 312 0.4 35
Show 00104+5415 J 2383 45 4.8 35
Show 00167+5439 STF 16 40 5.8 36
Show 00151+5414 TDS1358 325 0.4 37
Show 00115+5521 STI1294 19 10.0 40
Show 00142+5405 TDS1353 177 0.7 41
Show 00099+5409 ES 929 117 3.3 42
Show 00151+5407 TDS1359 199 1.8 43
Show 00168+5505 STI1314 75 7.8 43
Show 00078+5434 STI1279 172 6.7 43
Show 00153+5528 TDS1361 15 0.7 51
Show 00099+5529 TDS1324 76 2.5 52
Show 00100+5530 TDS1326 27 0.4 52
Show 00068+5430 ES 611 291 9.9 53
Show 00186+5452 ES 612 265 2.9 54
Show 00186+5433 STI1319 105 8.3 54
Show 00156+5530 TDS1365 303 0.6 54
Show 00071+5507 STI1278 113 13.2 54
Show 00066+5501 ES 610 204 4.2 55
Show 00146+5350 HLD 1 13 2.2 57
Show 00156+5534 TDS1364 AB 7 2.4 58
Show 00156+5534 DAM 830 AC 310 4.8 58
Show 00156+5534 DAM 830 AD 15 10.5 58
Show 00061+5457 TDS1289 127 1.0 58
Show 00180+5517 STI1315 106 12.0 59
Show 00185+5514 STI1318 254 14.8 61
Show 00105+5540 ES 930 339 2.7 61
Show 00058+5456 STI1266 185 14.7 61
Show 00134+5342 TDS1348 34 0.6 62
Show 00192+5509 TDS1398 115 0.7 63
Show 00150+5542 KR 3 222 3.4 63
Show 00065+5526 STI1274 AB 196 14.4 66
Show 00065+5526 MRI 42 AC 324 5.0 66
Show 00199+5427 CBL 2 112 22.0 66
Show 00121+5337 BU 1026 AB 325 0.4 66
Show 00121+5337 CHR 1 AC 298 0.3 66
Show 00131+5550 TDS 6 111 0.9 67
Show 00056+5516 A 1251 334 4.6 69
Show 00183+5531 A 906 311 2.9 70
Show 00173+5346 TDS1383 46 0.6 71
Show 00097+5551 STI1284 313 13.9 72

WDS 00126+5443 : COMPONENTS
B pa=198.2°
00126+5443 A
Coord arcsec 2000 001234.85+544307.6 Mag 13.5 PmRA 32.00 PmDE 61.0
00126+5443 B
Coord arcsec 2000 001234.73+544304.4 Mag 13.7 PmRA -19.00 PmDE -13.0
Calc delta mag 0.2 Calc coord yes