19480-2211 DON 968

19h 48m 01.26s -22° 10' 32.6" P.A. 232.00 sep 1.8 mag 10.13,13.30 Sp F6/7V
Coord 2000 19480-2211 Discov num DON 968 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 19 48 01.26 -22 10 32.6
Date first 1929 Date last 2016 Obs 4
Pa first 229 Pa last 232.4 P.A. Now (θ) 232.4°
Sep first 1.2 Sep last 1.827 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.827"
Mag pri 10.13 Mag sec 13.30 delta mag (ΔM) 3.17 Spectral class F6/7V (yellow-white)
Pri motion ra -002 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -002 Sec motion dec
Notes S (Parallax indidates non-physical)
This double is not physical.
Constellation Sagittarius SAO 188579 Tycho2 6324-00746-1 Gaia DR2 6864828168306597888
HD 186939 DM CD-2214236
WDS 19480-2211 DON 968 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 DON Donner, H.F.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19480-2211 DON 968 1940 2 233 1.4 10.13 13.30 F6/7V 194801.26-221032.6
19480-2211 DON 968 2015 3 232 1.8 10.13 13.30 F6/7V S 194801.26-221032.6
19480-2211 DON 968 2016 4 232 1.8 10.13 13.30 F6/7V S 194801.26-221032.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 19480-2211 DON 968 : MEASURES
No records found.


19480-2211 DON 968A mag 10.13 Sp F6/7V 19480-2211 DON 968B sep 1.7 P.A. 230.30 mag 13.3 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 19480-2211 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 19h 48m 01.26s -22° 10' 32.6"
WDS 19480-2211 DON 968 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

19480-2211  DON 968 distance=0' 19475-2150  STN  49 distance=23' 19490-2236  DON 969 distance=30' 19454-2201  DON 966 distance=38' 19460-2142  LDS4817 distance=41' 19488-2129  TDS1016 distance=44' 19465-2131  BU  467 distance=45' 19496-2254  UC 4031 distance=49' 19453-2245  B  2879 distance=52' 19459-2113  ARA1571 distance=65' 19524-2246  OCC 188 distance=70' 19480-2057  HDS2815 distance=74' 19455-2319  B   446AB distance=77' 19455-2319  B   446AC distance=77' 19531-2126  HJ 2902 distance=84' 19420-2223  HDS2793 distance=85' 19528-2309  OCC 189 distance=89' 19440-2058  ARA1570 distance=92' 19499-2343  SEE 396 distance=97' 19449-2338  MTG   4 distance=98' 19501-2034  TDT1788 distance=101' 19437-2335  UC 4013 distance=104' 19446-2039  ARA1198 distance=104' 19535-2054  ARA1572 distance=109' 19537-2327  UC 4047 distance=110' 19512-2030  TDT1804 distance=110' 19404-2244  UC 4002 distance=111' 19399-2204  I   656 distance=113' 19536-2048  LDS4822 distance=113' 19562-2206  BRT1556 distance=114' 19448-2029  DON 965AB distance=114' 19448-2029  DON 965AC distance=114' 19448-2029  HJ 2890AD distance=114' 19448-2029  HJ 2890AE distance=114' 19408-2115  UC 4005 distance=115' 19512-2023  SHN 240 distance=116' 19422-2046  CVN  65 distance=118' 19441-2027  BHA  34 distance=118' 19438-2028  UC 4014 distance=118' 19563-2138  LDS 694 distance=120' 19422-2339  B  2480 distance=120' 19549-2325  ARA2268 distance=121' 19428-2034  ARA1195 distance=122' 19542-2339  ARA2267 distance=124' 19417-2338  OCC9189 distance=124' 19392-2234  UC 3997 distance=125' 19404-2320  OCC 802 distance=127' 19472-2003  BRT1555 distance=128' 19431-2023  RST3234 distance=129' 19449-2412  LDS4816 distance=129' 19559-2103  ARA1573 distance=129' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 19480-2211 DON 968 232 1.8 0
Show 19475-2150 STN 49 336 1.4 23
Show 19490-2236 DON 969 12 1.9 30
Show 19454-2201 DON 966 288 3.2 38
Show 19460-2142 LDS4817 106 127.9 41
Show 19488-2129 TDS1016 270 0.8 44
Show 19465-2131 BU 467 137 3.7 45
Show 19496-2254 UC 4031 286 25.5 49
Show 19453-2245 B 2879 150 13.0 52
Show 19459-2113 ARA1571 332 15.4 65
Show 19524-2246 OCC 188 -1 0.5 70
Show 19480-2057 HDS2815 19 0.2 74
Show 19455-2319 B 446 AB 251 3.3 77
Show 19455-2319 B 446 AC 162 29.2 77
Show 19531-2126 HJ 2902 31 16.2 84
Show 19420-2223 HDS2793 181 0.1 85
Show 19528-2309 OCC 189 -1 0.1 89
Show 19440-2058 ARA1570 64 9.8 92
Show 19499-2343 SEE 396 271 6.8 97
Show 19449-2338 MTG 4 313 0.2 98
Show 19501-2034 TDT1788 228 0.6 101
Show 19437-2335 UC 4013 80 18.6 104
Show 19446-2039 ARA1198 72 14.7 104
Show 19535-2054 ARA1572 255 9.0 109
Show 19537-2327 UC 4047 224 54.9 110
Show 19512-2030 TDT1804 242 0.5 110
Show 19404-2244 UC 4002 282 111.9 111
Show 19399-2204 I 656 11 0.1 113
Show 19536-2048 LDS4822 267 45.3 113
Show 19562-2206 BRT1556 35 3.5 114
Show 19448-2029 DON 965 AB 241 2.8 114
Show 19448-2029 DON 965 AC 208 4.8 114
Show 19448-2029 HJ 2890 AD 280 30.7 114
Show 19448-2029 HJ 2890 AE 348 30.0 114
Show 19408-2115 UC 4005 234 11.8 115
Show 19512-2023 SHN 240 -1 0.3 116
Show 19422-2046 CVN 65 27 5.9 118
Show 19441-2027 BHA 34 108 6.5 118
Show 19438-2028 UC 4014 52 45.0 118
Show 19563-2138 LDS 694 212 10.2 120
Show 19422-2339 B 2480 45 9.4 120
Show 19549-2325 ARA2268 2 2.6 121
Show 19428-2034 ARA1195 186 12.5 122
Show 19542-2339 ARA2267 197 12.0 124
Show 19417-2338 OCC9189 -1 0.2 124
Show 19392-2234 UC 3997 255 78.9 125
Show 19404-2320 OCC 802 -1 0.1 127
Show 19472-2003 BRT1555 247 3.9 128
Show 19431-2023 RST3234 158 1.2 129
Show 19449-2412 LDS4816 151 25.9 129
Show 19559-2103 ARA1573 207 8.9 129

WDS 19480-2211 : COMPONENTS
B pa=230.3°
19480-2211 A
Coord arcsec 2000 194801.26-221032.6 Mag 10.13 Spectral class F6/7V (yellow-white) PmRA -2.00
PmDE -2.0 SAO 188579 Tycho2 6324-00746-1 HD 186939
DM CD-2214236
Tycho2 6324-00746-1 Pflag RAmdeg 297.00526028 DEmdeg -22.17573568
PmRA 0.7 PmDE -6.6 E RAmdeg 23 E DEmdeg 31
E pmRA 2.7 E pmDE 2.8 EpRAm 1990.67 EpDEm 1989.75
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 1.6 Q DEmdeg 0.1 Q pmRA 1.6
Q pmDE 0.1 BTmag 10.645 E BTmag 0.044 VTmag 10.126
E VTmag 0.039 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 297.00525861 DEdeg -22.17572028 EpRA 1990 1.69
EpDE 1990 1.55 E RAdeg 23.0 E DEdeg 30.6 Posflg
Corr -0.2
SAO 188579 DelFlag RA1950 PmRA1950 0.0013
DE1950 PmDE1950 0.012 Vmag 9.4 SpType F8
Double code Source 25 CatNum 13795 DM CD-2214236
DMcomp BDsup HD 186939 M HD 0
GC RA1950rad 5.17076006 DE1950rad -0.38921602 PmRA2000 0.0013
PmDE2000 0.011
Ccdm 19480-2211 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs 1.31 DDEs 28.4
R dRAs 10 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 9.6 Sp F8 PmNote *
PmRA 18 PmDE 12 Dm number -22 5235 Cat1 BD
Name2 188579 Cat2 SAO HD 186939 M HD
19480-2211 B
Coord arcsec 2000 194801.16-221033.7 Mag 13.3 Calc delta mag 3.17 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 19480-2211 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num DON 968 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1929 Theta 230 Rho 1.3
Obs 2 Vmag 12.8 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD