19464+3030 BRT 269

19h 46m 26.24s +30° 31' 09.2" P.A. 94.00 sep 4.5 mag 12.02,12.80
Coord 2000 19464+3030 Discov num BRT 269 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 19 46 26.24 +30 31 09.2
Date first 1902 Date last 1902 Obs 1
Pa first 94 Pa last 93.6 P.A. Now (θ) 93.6°
Sep first 4.5 Sep last 4.5 Sep. Now (ρ) 4.5"
Mag pri 12.02 Mag sec 12.80 delta mag (ΔM) 0.78 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +012 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec +018 Sec motion dec
Notes X (Dubious double)
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cygnus Tycho2 2656-03460-1 Gaia DR2 2032140720718026624
WDS 19464+3030 BRT 269 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 BRT Barton, S.G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19464+3030 BRT 269 1902 1 94 4.5 12.02 12.80 194626.24+303109.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 19464+3030 BRT 269 : MEASURES
No records found.


19464+3030 BRT 269A mag 12.02 19464+3030 BRT 269B sep 3.9 P.A. 94.20 mag 12.8 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 19464+3030 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 19h 46m 26.24s +30° 31' 09.2"
WDS 19464+3030 BRT 269 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

19464+3030  BRT 269 distance=0' 19467+3042  GRV 276 distance=12' 19473+3018  GRV 278 distance=18' 19453+3048  AG  237 distance=23' 19480+3016  BRT  44 distance=27' 19443+3021  BEW   3 distance=30' 19442+3015  HJ 1434 distance=32' 19487+3044  TDT1774 distance=32' 19471+3107  TDT1746 distance=38' 19479+2956  TDT1763 distance=40' 19439+3105  BRT 268AB distance=48' 19439+3105  BRT 268AC distance=48' 19439+3105  BRT 268BC distance=48' 19502+3027  HJ 1441AB distance=49' 19502+3027  HJ 1441AC distance=49' 19493+3000  TDT1778 distance=49' 19501+3017  TDT1787 distance=49' 19443+3114  TDT1688 distance=51' 19467+3124  ES 2426 distance=53' 19456+3123  GRV 273 distance=54' 19425+3102  BRT 266 distance=59' 19493+3116  GRV 285 distance=59' 19418+3056  TDT1645 distance=65' 19414+3023  TDT1636Aa,Ab distance=67' 19414+3023  SLE 669AB distance=67' 19413+3043  BU  145AB distance=68' 19413+3043  BU  145AC distance=68' 19413+3043  BU  145AD distance=68' 19495+3127  TDT1780 distance=69' 19417+3103  A   371 distance=69' 19477+2924  BRT  43 distance=70' 19414+2959  BRT  41 distance=70' 19457+3141  NSN 804 distance=71' 19425+3120  TDT1660 distance=71' 19472+3141  DAM 374 distance=71' 19431+2935  TDT1670 distance=72' 19421+2934  OL  121 distance=73' 19498+2933  TDT1784 distance=73' 19467+3143  HJ  898AB distance=73' 19467+3143  HJ  898AC distance=73' 19462+2917  TDT1721 distance=74' 19503+3127  COU1468 distance=75' 19501+3130  J   780 distance=76' 19484+3144  ES  354 distance=77' 19517+3108  ES  357AB distance=78' 19517+3108  STT 389AC distance=78' 19404+3026  SLE 664 distance=78' 19448+2916  ISM   4Aa,Ab distance=79' 19448+2916  WRH  23AE distance=79' 19448+2916  WRH  23AF distance=79' 19448+2916  WRH  23AG distance=79' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 19464+3030 BRT 269 94 4.5 0
Show 19467+3042 GRV 276 333 52.5 12
Show 19473+3018 GRV 278 208 13.4 18
Show 19453+3048 AG 237 140 2.5 23
Show 19480+3016 BRT 44 177 3.3 27
Show 19443+3021 BEW 3 302 11.5 30
Show 19442+3015 HJ 1434 300 8.3 32
Show 19487+3044 TDT1774 296 0.5 32
Show 19471+3107 TDT1746 131 0.6 38
Show 19479+2956 TDT1763 89 2.7 40
Show 19439+3105 BRT 268 AB 324 1.5 48
Show 19439+3105 BRT 268 AC 132 4.5 48
Show 19439+3105 BRT 268 BC 132 4.6 48
Show 19502+3027 HJ 1441 AB 37 14.8 49
Show 19502+3027 HJ 1441 AC 192 28.6 49
Show 19493+3000 TDT1778 159 1.9 49
Show 19501+3017 TDT1787 337 2.1 49
Show 19443+3114 TDT1688 226 1.8 51
Show 19467+3124 ES 2426 263 4.1 53
Show 19456+3123 GRV 273 13 40.3 54
Show 19425+3102 BRT 266 161 6.4 59
Show 19493+3116 GRV 285 357 24.6 59
Show 19418+3056 TDT1645 207 1.1 65
Show 19414+3023 TDT1636 Aa,Ab 183 0.5 67
Show 19414+3023 SLE 669 AB 292 10.8 67
Show 19413+3043 BU 145 AB 271 0.9 68
Show 19413+3043 BU 145 AC 28 7.9 68
Show 19413+3043 BU 145 AD 156 26.7 68
Show 19495+3127 TDT1780 53 0.4 69
Show 19417+3103 A 371 19 1.9 69
Show 19477+2924 BRT 43 108 4.7 70
Show 19414+2959 BRT 41 156 3.7 70
Show 19457+3141 NSN 804 123 19.8 71
Show 19425+3120 TDT1660 6 0.8 71
Show 19472+3141 DAM 374 296 9.1 71
Show 19431+2935 TDT1670 308 1.5 72
Show 19421+2934 OL 121 221 0.9 73
Show 19498+2933 TDT1784 57 0.7 73
Show 19467+3143 HJ 898 AB 271 5.8 73
Show 19467+3143 HJ 898 AC 266 37.3 73
Show 19462+2917 TDT1721 195 0.7 74
Show 19503+3127 COU1468 151 0.7 75
Show 19501+3130 J 780 91 2.5 76
Show 19484+3144 ES 354 334 9.7 77
Show 19517+3108 ES 357 AB 309 10.1 78
Show 19517+3108 STT 389 AC 184 12.7 78
Show 19404+3026 SLE 664 180 6.9 78
Show 19448+2916 ISM 4 Aa,Ab 167 0.0 79
Show 19448+2916 WRH 23 AE 289 24.8 79
Show 19448+2916 WRH 23 AF 18 71.1 79
Show 19448+2916 WRH 23 AG 88 75.9 79

WDS 19464+3030 : COMPONENTS
B pa=94.2°
19464+3030 A
Coord arcsec 2000 194626.24+303109.2 Mag 12.02 PmRA 12.00 PmDE 18.0
Tycho2 2656-03460-1
Tycho2 2656-03460-1 Pflag RAmdeg 296.60933183 DEmdeg 30.51924878
PmRA 11.8 PmDE 17.6 E RAmdeg 93 E DEmdeg 78
E pmRA 2.8 E pmDE 2.7 EpRAm 1977.43 EpDEm 1981.07
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.4 Q DEmdeg 2.5 Q pmRA 0.4
Q pmDE 2.4 BTmag 12.846 E BTmag 0.243 VTmag 12.025
E VTmag 0.165 Prox 999 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 296.60929944 DEdeg 30.51920778 EpRA 1990 1.46
EpDE 1990 1.69 E RAdeg 100.9 E DEdeg 83.2 Posflg
Corr 0.1
19464+3030 B
Coord arcsec 2000 194626.54+303108.9 Mag 12.8 Calc delta mag 0.78 Calc coord yes