19389+3457 TDT 1604

19h 38m 51.58s +34° 56' 54.0" P.A. 6.00 sep 2.3 mag 11.73,12.23
Coord 2000 19389+3457 Discov num TDT1604 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 19 38 51.58 +34 56 54.0
Date first 1991 Date last 1991 Obs 1
Pa first 6 Pa last 5.9 P.A. Now (θ) 5.9°
Sep first 2.3 Sep last 2.31 Sep. Now (ρ) 2.31"
Mag pri 11.73 Mag sec 12.23 delta mag (ΔM) 0.5 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -005 Sec motion ra -005
Pri motion dec +017 Sec motion dec +017
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cygnus Tycho2 2663-01121-1 Gaia DR2 2047401426722367488
WDS 19389+3457 TDT 1604 : NOTES
No records found.

coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19389+3457 TDT1604 1991 1 6 2.3 11.73 12.23 193851.56+345651.9

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 19389+3457 TDT 1604 : MEASURES
No records found.


19389+3457 TDT1604A mag 11.73 19389+3457 TDT1604B sep 2.3 P.A. 4.80 mag 12.23 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 19389+3457 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 19h 38m 51.58s +34° 56' 54.0"
WDS 19389+3457 TDT 1604 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

19389+3457  TDT1604 distance=0' 19391+3500  COU1944 distance=4' 19385+3501  TDT1600 distance=7' 19389+3512  LDS6336 distance=16' 19381+3511  ALI   4 distance=17' 19389+3514  HU  953 distance=18' 19401+3509  SEI 656 distance=20' 19404+3441  ES 2242 distance=25' 19404+3514  ALI 156 distance=27' 19368+3514  SEI 648 distance=32' 19421+3451  ES 2243 distance=41' 19364+3432  POP  96 distance=41' 19376+3535  RAO 412 distance=42' 19419+3516  TDT1647 distance=42' 19412+3528  POP  59 distance=43' 19365+3427  POP 206AB distance=43' 19365+3427  POP 206AC distance=43' 19412+3427  ES 2298 distance=43' 19375+3413  COU1802 distance=45' 19366+3536  TDT1579 distance=49' 19368+3538  SEI 649 distance=49' 19364+3536  HJ 1421 distance=50' 19393+3406  J   775 distance=52' 19355+3523  ROE  19 distance=52' 19424+3526  ALI 159 distance=52' 19363+3540  FYM 180CD distance=53' 19429+3512  ALI   6 distance=53' 19363+3540  STT 377AB distance=54' 19363+3540  STT 377AB,C distance=54' 19363+3540  STT 377BC distance=54' 19364+3541  ARN  82AB distance=54' 19364+3541  SEI 647AC distance=54' 19365+3540  COU1942 distance=55' 19412+3544  TDT1633 distance=56' 19346+3518  AG  232 distance=56' 19435+3450  AG  236AB distance=58' 19435+3450  AG  236AC distance=58' 19430+3433  SEI 663 distance=58' 19430+3526  J   122 distance=59' 19420+3541  HU  680 distance=59' 19392+3556  HDS2789 distance=59' 19397+3359  HO  111AB distance=60' 19397+3359  HO  111AC distance=60' 19373+3555  SEI 650AB distance=61' 19373+3555  TOB 158AC distance=61' 19435+3516  ALI 160 distance=61' 19341+3438  ES 2296 distance=62' 19390+3559  COU1943 distance=62' 19435+3519  SEI 670 distance=62' 19435+3433  SEI 669 distance=63' 19380+3354  STT 379AB distance=63' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 19389+3457 TDT1604 6 2.3 0
Show 19391+3500 COU1944 340 0.5 4
Show 19385+3501 TDT1600 333 1.4 7
Show 19389+3512 LDS6336 78 3.9 16
Show 19381+3511 ALI 4 233 5.6 17
Show 19389+3514 HU 953 40 0.3 18
Show 19401+3509 SEI 656 288 11.4 20
Show 19404+3441 ES 2242 354 2.0 25
Show 19404+3514 ALI 156 312 12.5 27
Show 19368+3514 SEI 648 177 17.7 32
Show 19421+3451 ES 2243 216 3.2 41
Show 19364+3432 POP 96 113 1.2 41
Show 19376+3535 RAO 412 286 3.1 42
Show 19419+3516 TDT1647 111 1.7 42
Show 19412+3528 POP 59 257 6.1 43
Show 19365+3427 POP 206 AB 78 3.3 43
Show 19365+3427 POP 206 AC 199 14.4 43
Show 19412+3427 ES 2298 319 8.1 43
Show 19375+3413 COU1802 297 2.1 45
Show 19366+3536 TDT1579 306 1.5 49
Show 19368+3538 SEI 649 252 23.7 49
Show 19364+3536 HJ 1421 231 14.7 50
Show 19393+3406 J 775 96 2.6 52
Show 19355+3523 ROE 19 161 9.2 52
Show 19424+3526 ALI 159 57 11.5 52
Show 19363+3540 FYM 180 CD 165 11.4 53
Show 19429+3512 ALI 6 255 9.9 53
Show 19363+3540 STT 377 AB 34 0.9 54
Show 19363+3540 STT 377 AB,C 155 25.5 54
Show 19363+3540 STT 377 BC 154 25.3 54
Show 19364+3541 ARN 82 AB 34 43.5 54
Show 19364+3541 SEI 647 AC 177 27.7 54
Show 19365+3540 COU1942 226 0.7 55
Show 19412+3544 TDT1633 104 0.8 56
Show 19346+3518 AG 232 278 10.6 56
Show 19435+3450 AG 236 AB 148 4.3 58
Show 19435+3450 AG 236 AC 335 11.5 58
Show 19430+3433 SEI 663 296 28.2 58
Show 19430+3526 J 122 55 9.5 59
Show 19420+3541 HU 680 170 0.4 59
Show 19392+3556 HDS2789 217 2.4 59
Show 19397+3359 HO 111 AB 18 1.3 60
Show 19397+3359 HO 111 AC 169 25.4 60
Show 19373+3555 SEI 650 AB 152 16.1 61
Show 19373+3555 TOB 158 AC 323 29.0 61
Show 19435+3516 ALI 160 343 9.3 61
Show 19341+3438 ES 2296 131 3.6 62
Show 19390+3559 COU1943 164 0.3 62
Show 19435+3519 SEI 670 176 28.6 62
Show 19435+3433 SEI 669 47 17.3 63
Show 19380+3354 STT 379 AB 83 25.1 63

WDS 19389+3457 : COMPONENTS
B pa=4.8°
19389+3457 A
Coord arcsec 2000 193851.58+345654.0 Mag 11.73 PmRA -5.00 PmDE 17.0
19389+3457 B
Coord arcsec 2000 193851.60+345656.3 Mag 12.23 PmRA -5.00 PmDE 17.0
Tycho2 2663-01121-1 Calc delta mag 0.5 Calc coord yes
Tycho2 2663-01121-1 Pflag RAmdeg 294.71490166 DEmdeg 34.94835543
PmRA -4.9 PmDE 16.5 E RAmdeg 89 E DEmdeg 82
E pmRA 4.9 E pmDE 5.6 EpRAm 1983.99 EpDEm 1987.00
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.9 Q DEmdeg 1.1 Q pmRA 0.9
Q pmDE 1.1 BTmag 12.537 E BTmag 0.201 VTmag 12.127
E VTmag 0.191 Prox 530 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 294.71491583 DEdeg 34.94831694 EpRA 1990 1.52
EpDE 1990 1.60 E RAdeg 95.6 E DEdeg 86.0 Posflg
Corr 0.1