19364+3432 POP 96

19h 36m 19.94s +34° 30' 47.2" P.A. 113.00 sep 1.2 mag 11.89,11.90
Coord 2000 19364+3432 Discov num POP  96 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 19 36 19.94 +34 30 47.2
Date first 1973 Date last 2016 Obs 5
Pa first 110 Pa last 113.3 P.A. Now (θ) 113.3°
Sep first 1.2 Sep last 1.238 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.238"
Mag pri 11.89 Mag sec 11.90 delta mag (ΔM) 0.01 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +003 Sec motion ra +003
Pri motion dec -004 Sec motion dec -004
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cygnus Tycho2 2663-00961-2 Gaia DR2 2048022380219768064
WDS 19364+3432 POP 96 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 POP Popovic, G.M.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19364+3432 POP 96 1991 4 126 1.1 11.89 11.90 193619.94+343047.2
19364+3432 POP 96 2016 5 113 1.2 11.89 11.90 193619.94+343047.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 19364+3432 POP 96 : MEASURES
No records found.


19364+3432 POP  96A mag 11.89 19364+3432 POP  96B sep 1.1 P.A. 117.60 mag 11.9 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 19364+3432 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 19h 36m 19.94s +34° 30' 47.2"
Primaries only

19364+3432  POP  96 distance=0' 19365+3427  POP 206AB distance=4' 19365+3427  POP 206AC distance=4' 19375+3413  COU1802 distance=23' 19351+3412  STT 376 distance=25' 19341+3438  ES 2296 distance=29' 19385+3501  TDT1600 distance=41' 19389+3457  TDT1604 distance=41' 19335+3454  HU  950 distance=42' 19380+3353  YSC 135 distance=43' 19393+3406  J   775 distance=43' 19368+3514  SEI 648 distance=45' 19391+3500  COU1944 distance=45' 19380+3354  STT 379AB distance=45' 19380+3354  ACA   3AC distance=45' 19380+3354  ACA   3AD distance=45' 19381+3511  ALI   4 distance=46' 19326+3434  SEI 622AB distance=46' 19330+3453  SEI 626 distance=47' 19334+3506  SEI 627 distance=51' 19323+3417  HU  946 distance=51' 19404+3441  ES 2242 distance=51' 19346+3518  AG  232 distance=52' 19389+3512  LDS6336 distance=52' 19397+3359  HO  111AB distance=54' 19397+3359  HO  111AC distance=54' 19322+3415  POP  42 distance=54' 19389+3514  HU  953 distance=54' 19355+3523  ROE  19 distance=54' 19321+3416  COU1622 distance=55' 19322+3457  SEI 621 distance=58' 19336+3519  SEI 633 distance=59' 19361+3332  TDT1570 distance=59' 19375+3333  ES 2297AB distance=60' 19375+3333  ES 2297AC distance=60' 19375+3333  ABH 123AD distance=60' 19375+3333  ABH 123AE distance=60' 19375+3333  ABH 123AF distance=60' 19375+3333  ABH 123AG distance=60' 19375+3333  ABH 123AH distance=60' 19375+3333  BKO  74AI distance=60' 19375+3333  BKO  74AJ distance=60' 19375+3333  BKO  74AK distance=60' 19375+3333  BKO  74AL distance=60' 19375+3333  BKO  74AM distance=60' 19375+3333  BKO  74AN distance=60' 19375+3333  BKO  74AO distance=60' 19375+3333  BKO  74AP distance=60' 19375+3333  BKO  74AQ distance=60' 19401+3509  SEI 656 distance=61' 19412+3427  ES 2298 distance=62' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 19364+3432 POP 96 113 1.2 0
Show 19365+3427 POP 206 AB 78 3.3 4
Show 19365+3427 POP 206 AC 199 14.4 4
Show 19375+3413 COU1802 297 2.1 23
Show 19351+3412 STT 376 237 2.9 25
Show 19341+3438 ES 2296 131 3.6 29
Show 19385+3501 TDT1600 333 1.4 41
Show 19389+3457 TDT1604 6 2.3 41
Show 19335+3454 HU 950 139 0.4 42
Show 19380+3353 YSC 135 106 0.0 43
Show 19393+3406 J 775 96 2.6 43
Show 19368+3514 SEI 648 177 17.7 45
Show 19391+3500 COU1944 340 0.5 45
Show 19380+3354 STT 379 AB 83 25.1 45
Show 19380+3354 ACA 3 AC 123 29.0 45
Show 19380+3354 ACA 3 AD 99 38.8 45
Show 19381+3511 ALI 4 233 5.6 46
Show 19326+3434 SEI 622 AB 303 8.3 46
Show 19330+3453 SEI 626 177 13.6 47
Show 19334+3506 SEI 627 172 20.3 51
Show 19323+3417 HU 946 214 8.7 51
Show 19404+3441 ES 2242 354 2.0 51
Show 19346+3518 AG 232 278 10.6 52
Show 19389+3512 LDS6336 78 3.9 52
Show 19397+3359 HO 111 AB 18 1.3 54
Show 19397+3359 HO 111 AC 169 25.4 54
Show 19322+3415 POP 42 288 5.2 54
Show 19389+3514 HU 953 40 0.3 54
Show 19355+3523 ROE 19 161 9.2 54
Show 19321+3416 COU1622 34 0.8 55
Show 19322+3457 SEI 621 60 15.3 58
Show 19336+3519 SEI 633 88 12.2 59
Show 19361+3332 TDT1570 121 2.5 59
Show 19375+3333 ES 2297 AB 181 7.6 60
Show 19375+3333 ES 2297 AC 284 20.5 60
Show 19375+3333 ABH 123 AD 146 26.8 60
Show 19375+3333 ABH 123 AE 137 85.1 60
Show 19375+3333 ABH 123 AF 146 90.2 60
Show 19375+3333 ABH 123 AG 233 112.1 60
Show 19375+3333 ABH 123 AH 49 84.1 60
Show 19375+3333 BKO 74 AI 151 108.8 60
Show 19375+3333 BKO 74 AJ 276 63.0 60
Show 19375+3333 BKO 74 AK 204 87.1 60
Show 19375+3333 BKO 74 AL 242 39.8 60
Show 19375+3333 BKO 74 AM 200 31.1 60
Show 19375+3333 BKO 74 AN 164 44.0 60
Show 19375+3333 BKO 74 AO 148 56.5 60
Show 19375+3333 BKO 74 AP 233 98.4 60
Show 19375+3333 BKO 74 AQ 196 67.9 60
Show 19401+3509 SEI 656 288 11.4 61
Show 19412+3427 ES 2298 319 8.1 62

WDS 19364+3432 : COMPONENTS
B pa=117.6°
19364+3432 A
Coord arcsec 2000 193619.94+343047.2 Mag 11.89 PmRA 3.00 PmDE -4.0
Tycho2 2663-00961-1
Tycho2 2663-00961-1 Pflag P RAmdeg 294.08310247 DEmdeg 34.51312102
PmRA 2.8 PmDE -4.0 E RAmdeg 107 E DEmdeg 108
E pmRA 3.2 E pmDE 3.1 EpRAm 1969.59 EpDEm 1969.79
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 1.6 Q DEmdeg 1.0 Q pmRA 1.6
Q pmDE 1.0 BTmag 12.385 E BTmag 0.183 VTmag 11.897
E VTmag 0.172 Prox 11 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 294.08295444 DEdeg 34.51322861 EpRA 1990 1.63
EpDE 1990 1.68 E RAdeg 132.3 E DEdeg 130.0 Posflg D
Corr 0.2
19364+3432 B
Coord arcsec 2000 193620.02+343046.7 Mag 11.9 PmRA 3.00 PmDE -4.0
Calc delta mag 0.01 Calc coord yes