02150+2213 GRV 119

02h 15m 05.66s +22° 13' 58.2" P.A. 197.00 sep 42.1 mag 9.47,13.21 Sp G0
Coord 2000 02150+2213 Discov num GRV 119 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 02 15 05.66 +22 13 58.2
Date first 1953 Date last 2013 Obs 6
Pa first 197 Pa last 196.8 P.A. Now (θ) 196.8°
Sep first 41.8 Sep last 42.065 Sep. Now (ρ) 42.065"
Mag pri 9.47 Mag sec 13.21 delta mag (ΔM) 3.74 Spectral class G0 (yellow)
Pri motion ra -017 Sec motion ra -071
Pri motion dec -018 Sec motion dec -034
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Aries Tycho2 1220-00030-1 Gaia DR2 100774879250357504
WDS 02150+2213 GRV 119 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 GRV Greaves, J.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
02150+2213 GRV 119 2000 2 197 42.0 9.40 12.50 D 021505.66+221358.2
02150+2213 GRV 119 2010 5 197 42.0 9.47 13.21 G0 021505.66+221358.2
02150+2213 GRV 119 2013 6 197 42.1 9.47 13.21 G0 021505.66+221358.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 02150+2213 GRV 119 : MEASURES
No records found.


02150+2213 GRV 119A mag 9.47 Sp G0 02150+2213 GRV 119B sep 41.8 P.A. 195.60 mag 13.21 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 02150+2213 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 02h 15m 05.66s +22° 13' 58.2"
WDS 02150+2213 GRV 119 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

02150+2213  GRV 119 distance=0' 02176+2214  STF 244 distance=35' 02127+2203  AZC  20 distance=36' 02155+2138  GRV 120 distance=36' 02129+2244  COU 150AB distance=43' 02121+2224  UC  697 distance=44' 02128+2140  AZC  21 distance=48' 02187+2225  SLW 108 distance=52' 02119+2301  GRV 115 distance=65' 02197+2157  LDS3369 distance=68' 02107+2253  KPP  17 distance=73' 02143+2326  AZC  22 distance=73' 02190+2309  BRT2308 distance=77' 02205+2235  GRV 122 distance=79' 02118+2327  POU 162 distance=86' 02140+2342  HU  424 distance=90' 02085+2227  BRT2307 distance=93' 02212+2136  HU  425Aa,Ab distance=94' 02212+2136  FMR  24AB distance=94' 02088+2248  SKF1667 distance=94' 02093+2123  GRV 112 distance=95' 02165+2355  POU 169 distance=103' 02190+2047  UC  715 distance=103' 02174+2353  STF 240 distance=103' 02221+2252  AHD  30 distance=105' 02181+2038  SLW 107 distance=106' 02109+2348  HDS 292 distance=111' 02123+2357  STF 226AB distance=111' 02123+2357  LEP   6AC distance=111' 02224+2303  UC  726 distance=113' 02222+2116  GRV 124 distance=115' 02233+2230  LDS3378 distance=116' 02236+2228  SKF 300 distance=119' 02168+2415  POU 170 distance=123' 02216+2338  STF 254 distance=123' 02062+2207  COU 149 distance=124' 02064+2142  TDS2117 distance=126' 02209+2353  POU 176 distance=127' 02215+2348  POU 177 distance=130' 02157+2426  HDO  57 distance=133' 02089+2031  CHE  61 distance=134' 02084+2038  CHE  57 distance=136' 02097+2021  STF 221AB distance=136' 02097+2021  STF 221AC distance=136' 02159+2431  POU 166 distance=138' 02140+2431  POU 164 distance=138' 02230+2340  POU 181 distance=139' 02203+2415  J  1120 distance=140' 02082+2356  UC  690 distance=140' 02076+2040  CHE  53 distance=142' 02180+1958  GWP 294 distance=143' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 02150+2213 GRV 119 197 42.1 0
Show 02176+2214 STF 244 290 4.4 35
Show 02127+2203 AZC 20 210 9.6 36
Show 02155+2138 GRV 120 54 23.6 36
Show 02129+2244 COU 150 AB 144 0.1 43
Show 02121+2224 UC 697 29 66.9 44
Show 02128+2140 AZC 21 160 8.7 48
Show 02187+2225 SLW 108 303 21.4 52
Show 02119+2301 GRV 115 322 53.4 65
Show 02197+2157 LDS3369 310 31.8 68
Show 02107+2253 KPP 17 183 7.3 73
Show 02143+2326 AZC 22 6 18.5 73
Show 02190+2309 BRT2308 125 3.8 77
Show 02205+2235 GRV 122 197 18.8 79
Show 02118+2327 POU 162 61 6.2 86
Show 02140+2342 HU 424 335 1.4 90
Show 02085+2227 BRT2307 243 2.9 93
Show 02212+2136 HU 425 Aa,Ab 143 0.7 94
Show 02212+2136 FMR 24 AB 100 11.4 94
Show 02088+2248 SKF1667 101 2.1 94
Show 02093+2123 GRV 112 11 62.5 95
Show 02165+2355 POU 169 75 5.2 103
Show 02190+2047 UC 715 269 6.9 103
Show 02174+2353 STF 240 52 4.8 103
Show 02221+2252 AHD 30 348 28.3 105
Show 02181+2038 SLW 107 274 14.1 106
Show 02109+2348 HDS 292 148 0.1 111
Show 02123+2357 STF 226 AB 231 1.8 111
Show 02123+2357 LEP 6 AC 102 252.6 111
Show 02224+2303 UC 726 98 49.2 113
Show 02222+2116 GRV 124 231 63.4 115
Show 02233+2230 LDS3378 91 12.7 116
Show 02236+2228 SKF 300 89 26.1 119
Show 02168+2415 POU 170 77 4.8 123
Show 02216+2338 STF 254 16 12.2 123
Show 02062+2207 COU 149 61 0.4 124
Show 02064+2142 TDS2117 14 2.1 126
Show 02209+2353 POU 176 223 3.7 127
Show 02215+2348 POU 177 317 2.5 130
Show 02157+2426 HDO 57 95 7.8 133
Show 02089+2031 CHE 61 204 10.1 134
Show 02084+2038 CHE 57 93 5.3 136
Show 02097+2021 STF 221 AB 145 8.4 136
Show 02097+2021 STF 221 AC 227 67.0 136
Show 02159+2431 POU 166 11 14.3 138
Show 02140+2431 POU 164 157 6.7 138
Show 02230+2340 POU 181 23 14.1 139
Show 02203+2415 J 1120 288 3.3 140
Show 02082+2356 UC 690 307 40.4 140
Show 02076+2040 CHE 53 2 4.0 142
Show 02180+1958 GWP 294 7 76.0 143

WDS 02150+2213 : COMPONENTS
B pa=195.6°
02150+2213 A
Coord arcsec 2000 021505.66+221358.2 Mag 9.47 Spectral class G0 (yellow) PmRA -17.00
PmDE -18.0 Tycho2 1220-00030-1
Tycho2 1220-00030-1 Pflag RAmdeg 33.77360711 DEmdeg 22.23283991
PmRA -15.7 PmDE -18.3 E RAmdeg 14 E DEmdeg 16
E pmRA 1.1 E pmDE 1.0 EpRAm 1988.41 EpDEm 1986.81
Num 10 Q RAmdeg 0.7 Q DEmdeg 0.9 Q pmRA 0.7
Q pmDE 0.9 BTmag 10.224 E BTmag 0.032 VTmag 9.468
E VTmag 0.023 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 33.77364556 DEdeg 22.23287972 EpRA 1990 1.74
EpDE 1990 1.71 E RAdeg 14.9 E DEdeg 18.3 Posflg
Corr 0.0
02150+2213 B
Coord arcsec 2000 021504.85+221317.9 Mag 13.21 PmRA -71.00 PmDE -34.0
Calc delta mag 3.74 Calc coord yes