02140+2431 POU 164

02h 13m 57.67s +24° 30' 57.5" P.A. 157.00 sep 6.7 mag 13.20,13.70
Coord 2000 02140+2431 Discov num POU 164 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 02 13 57.67 +24 30 57.5
Date first 1898 Date last 2014 Obs 9
Pa first 289 Pa last 156.8 P.A. Now (θ) 156.8°
Sep first 8.9 Sep last 6.653 Sep. Now (ρ) 6.653"
Mag pri 13.20 Mag sec 13.70 delta mag (ΔM) 0.5 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +027 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -008 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Aries Gaia DR2 104325928146739328
WDS 02140+2431 POU 164 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 POU Pourteau, M. A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
02140+2431 POU 164 1898 1 289 8.9 13.30 14.10 021358.00+243100.0
02140+2431 POU 164 1997 2 169 4.9 13.20 13.70 D 021357.67+243057.5
02140+2431 POU 164 2001 4 166 5.3 13.20 13.70 D 021357.67+243057.5
02140+2431 POU 164 2013 5 157 5.9 13.20 13.70 021357.67+243057.5
02140+2431 POU 164 2014 9 157 6.7 13.20 13.70 021357.67+243057.5

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 02140+2431 POU 164 : MEASURES
No records found.


02140+2431 POU 164A mag 13.2 02140+2431 POU 164B sep 6.6 P.A. 158.70 mag 13.7 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 02140+2431 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 02h 13m 57.67s +24° 30' 57.5"
WDS 02140+2431 POU 164 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

02140+2431  POU 164 distance=0' 02127+2439  POU 163 distance=20' 02159+2431  POU 166 distance=26' 02157+2426  HDO  57 distance=31' 02157+2503  RAO 635Ca,Cb distance=38' 02162+2455  POU 168 distance=39' 02157+2503  COU  79AB distance=40' 02123+2357  STF 226AB distance=41' 02123+2357  LEP   6AC distance=41' 02154+2507  POU 165 distance=41' 02168+2415  POU 170 distance=43' 02105+2435  POU 161 distance=48' 02140+2342  HU  424 distance=50' 02165+2355  POU 169 distance=50' 02136+2521  GRV 116 distance=52' 02174+2353  STF 240 distance=60' 02109+2348  HDS 292 distance=60' 02143+2326  AZC  22 distance=66' 02118+2327  POU 162 distance=71' 02092+2458  POU 160 distance=71' 02197+2446  POU 174 distance=81' 02194+2512  POU 173 distance=85' 02082+2356  UC  690 distance=86' 02203+2415  J  1120 distance=88' 02189+2529  POU 172 distance=90' 02204+2456  POU 175 distance=91' 02119+2301  GRV 115 distance=94' 02112+2604  BRT3260AB distance=101' 02112+2604  BRT3260AC distance=101' 02209+2353  POU 176 distance=103' 02083+2543  ALP   6AB distance=106' 02083+2543  ALP   6AC distance=106' 02094+2556  H 6  69AB distance=106' 02094+2556  H 6  69AC distance=106' 02131+2616  LDS3358 distance=106' 02085+2547  LDS3347 distance=106' 02218+2425  POU 179 distance=107' 02190+2309  BRT2308 distance=108' 02107+2253  KPP  17 distance=108' 02129+2244  COU 150AB distance=109' 02215+2348  POU 177 distance=111' 02062+2507  STF 212 distance=111' 02222+2437  POU 180 distance=113' 02216+2338  STF 254 distance=118' 02060+2520  POU 159 distance=119' 02068+2542  HO  312AB distance=121' 02068+2542  GII 122Aa,Ab distance=121' 02229+2417  LDS3376 distance=123' 02228+2406  HJL1017 distance=125' 02088+2248  SKF1667 distance=125' 02053+2352  BVD  22 distance=126' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 02140+2431 POU 164 157 6.7 0
Show 02127+2439 POU 163 133 12.4 20
Show 02159+2431 POU 166 11 14.3 26
Show 02157+2426 HDO 57 95 7.8 31
Show 02157+2503 RAO 635 Ca,Cb 150 0.7 38
Show 02162+2455 POU 168 355 4.2 39
Show 02157+2503 COU 79 AB 39 0.2 40
Show 02123+2357 STF 226 AB 231 1.8 41
Show 02123+2357 LEP 6 AC 102 252.6 41
Show 02154+2507 POU 165 125 15.9 41
Show 02168+2415 POU 170 77 4.8 43
Show 02105+2435 POU 161 18 20.5 48
Show 02140+2342 HU 424 335 1.4 50
Show 02165+2355 POU 169 75 5.2 50
Show 02136+2521 GRV 116 188 42.7 52
Show 02174+2353 STF 240 52 4.8 60
Show 02109+2348 HDS 292 148 0.1 60
Show 02143+2326 AZC 22 6 18.5 66
Show 02118+2327 POU 162 61 6.2 71
Show 02092+2458 POU 160 142 10.4 71
Show 02197+2446 POU 174 276 21.1 81
Show 02194+2512 POU 173 191 5.2 85
Show 02082+2356 UC 690 307 40.4 86
Show 02203+2415 J 1120 288 3.3 88
Show 02189+2529 POU 172 147 9.5 90
Show 02204+2456 POU 175 45 12.0 91
Show 02119+2301 GRV 115 322 53.4 94
Show 02112+2604 BRT3260 AB 176 3.9 101
Show 02112+2604 BRT3260 AC 186 4.1 101
Show 02209+2353 POU 176 223 3.7 103
Show 02083+2543 ALP 6 AB 117 31.8 106
Show 02083+2543 ALP 6 AC 304 31.8 106
Show 02094+2556 H 6 69 AB 35 93.1 106
Show 02094+2556 H 6 69 AC 279 106.0 106
Show 02131+2616 LDS3358 205 38.1 106
Show 02085+2547 LDS3347 86 358.0 106
Show 02218+2425 POU 179 78 19.1 107
Show 02190+2309 BRT2308 125 3.8 108
Show 02107+2253 KPP 17 183 7.3 108
Show 02129+2244 COU 150 AB 144 0.1 109
Show 02215+2348 POU 177 317 2.5 111
Show 02062+2507 STF 212 162 1.9 111
Show 02222+2437 POU 180 160 12.4 113
Show 02216+2338 STF 254 16 12.2 118
Show 02060+2520 POU 159 28 32.7 119
Show 02068+2542 HO 312 AB 341 1.8 121
Show 02068+2542 GII 122 Aa,Ab 133 0.1 121
Show 02229+2417 LDS3376 65 95.3 123
Show 02228+2406 HJL1017 256 114.3 125
Show 02088+2248 SKF1667 101 2.1 125
Show 02053+2352 BVD 22 1 44.7 126

WDS 02140+2431 : COMPONENTS
B pa=158.7°
02140+2431 A
Coord arcsec 2000 021357.67+243057.5 Mag 13.2 PmRA 27.00 PmDE -8.0
Ccdm 02140+2431 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs -2.33 DDEs -3.8
R dRAs 65 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 13.3 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
02140+2431 B
Coord arcsec 2000 021357.84+243051.4 Mag 13.7 Calc delta mag 0.5 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 02140+2431 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num POU 164 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1898 Theta 289 Rho 8.9
Obs 1 Vmag 14.1 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD