19292-4149 B 971 (HD 183005)

19h 29m 11.59s -41° 49' 24.2" P.A. 42.00 sep 2.2 mag 10.21,10.55 Sp G8/K0
Coord 2000 19292-4149 Discov num B   971 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 19 29 11.59 -41 49 24.2
Date first 1897 Date last 2016 Obs 7
Pa first 46 Pa last 42.1 P.A. Now (θ) 42.1°
Sep first 1.2 Sep last 2.152 Sep. Now (ρ) 2.152"
Mag pri 10.21 Mag sec 10.55 delta mag (ΔM) 0.34 Spectral class G8/K0 (yellow)
Pri motion ra -014 Sec motion ra +008
Pri motion dec -007 Sec motion dec +017
This double is not physical.
Name HD 183005 Constellation Sagittarius Tycho2 7939-01282-1 Gaia DR2 6713368002042233728
HD 183005
WDS 19292-4149 B 971 (HD 183005) : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 B van den Bos, W.H.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19292-4149 B 971 1991 5 40 2.1 10.21 10.55 G8/K0 192911.59-414924.2
19292-4149 B 971 2015 6 42 2.2 10.21 10.55 G8/K0 192911.59-414924.2
19292-4149 B 971 2016 7 42 2.2 10.21 10.55 G8/K0 192911.59-414924.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

WDS 19292-4149 B 971 (HD 183005) : VISUAL OBSERVATIONS REPORTS
No records found.

WDS 19292-4149 B 971 (HD 183005) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 19292-4149 (HD 183005) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

19292-4149 B   971A mag 10.21 Sp G8/K0 19292-4149 B   971B sep 1.9 P.A. 34.00 mag 10.55 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 19292-4149 (HD 183005) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 19h 29m 11.59s -41° 49' 24.2"
WDS 19292-4149 B 971 (HD 183005) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

19292-4149  B   971 distance=1' 19322-4139  UC 3970 distance=36' 19332-4212  B   975 distance=50' 19294-4057  B  1385 distance=53' 19292-4054  KPP1490 distance=56' 19229-4141  B  1383 distance=71' 19352-4125  SEE 382 distance=72' 19336-4057  RST2110 distance=72' 19242-4253  RSS 524 distance=85' 19244-4302  TDT1433 distance=90' 19268-4316  BRT1095 distance=92' 19208-4155  CPO 611 distance=94' 19273-4321  BRT1096 distance=95' 19377-4128  VOU  34 distance=98' 19340-4028  UC 3979 distance=98' 19298-4007  KPP1413 distance=103' 19244-4019  UC 3917 distance=106' 19381-4225  UC 3990 distance=106' 19333-4329  TDT1539 distance=110' 19273-4002  SEE 374 distance=110' 19389-4207  B   979 distance=110' 19336-4011  UC 3976AB distance=111' 19198-4233  UC 3886 distance=114' 19394-4133  HJ 5134 distance=116' 19272-3953  HJ 5115 distance=119' 19358-4327  DON 963 distance=122' 19197-4049  I  1036 distance=124' 19284-4353  HJ 5117 distance=125' 19388-4302  HU 1330 distance=130' 19173-4138  CPO9283 distance=135' 19172-4130  UC 3876 distance=136' 19259-3937  RSS 526 distance=138' 19403-4050  UC 4000 distance=139' 19176-4242  DON 956 distance=140' 19382-4006  RST2113 distance=146' 19206-3959  HDS2736 distance=148' 19160-4143  UC 3870 distance=148' 19426-4143  RSS 532 distance=151' 19215-4357  TDT1398 distance=153' 19326-3921  KPP3113 distance=154' 19311-3918  SKF2077 distance=154' 19149-4136  UC 3866 distance=161' 19224-4414  UC 3909 distance=163' 19435-4106  RST4047 distance=167' 19164-4323  B  1381 distance=170' 19151-4053  I  1085 distance=170' 19148-4058  I  1084 distance=171' 19236-3911  HDS2746 distance=171' 19162-4022  WG  242 distance=172' 19269-3900  I  1402 distance=172' 19397-3945  SEE 388 distance=173' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 19292-4149 B 971 42 2.2 1
Show 19322-4139 UC 3970 221 87.7 36
Show 19332-4212 B 975 15 1.0 50
Show 19294-4057 B 1385 152 0.2 53
Show 19292-4054 KPP1490 296 11.2 56
Show 19229-4141 B 1383 236 0.3 71
Show 19352-4125 SEE 382 306 2.0 72
Show 19336-4057 RST2110 291 0.3 72
Show 19242-4253 RSS 524 28 14.4 85
Show 19244-4302 TDT1433 3 0.4 90
Show 19268-4316 BRT1095 250 4.5 92
Show 19208-4155 CPO 611 64 5.3 94
Show 19273-4321 BRT1096 78 6.4 95
Show 19377-4128 VOU 34 314 0.2 98
Show 19340-4028 UC 3979 161 17.7 98
Show 19298-4007 KPP1413 169 10.6 103
Show 19244-4019 UC 3917 282 12.3 106
Show 19381-4225 UC 3990 300 31.4 106
Show 19333-4329 TDT1539 278 0.9 110
Show 19273-4002 SEE 374 125 5.6 110
Show 19389-4207 B 979 184 1.0 110
Show 19336-4011 UC 3976 AB 246 7.2 111
Show 19198-4233 UC 3886 247 27.1 114
Show 19394-4133 HJ 5134 126 12.1 116
Show 19272-3953 HJ 5115 65 10.8 119
Show 19358-4327 DON 963 178 0.4 122
Show 19197-4049 I 1036 80 0.5 124
Show 19284-4353 HJ 5117 258 5.7 125
Show 19388-4302 HU 1330 309 1.4 130
Show 19173-4138 CPO9283 88 4.3 135
Show 19172-4130 UC 3876 168 56.2 136
Show 19259-3937 RSS 526 42 10.6 138
Show 19403-4050 UC 4000 231 35.9 139
Show 19176-4242 DON 956 323 1.9 140
Show 19382-4006 RST2113 231 0.6 146
Show 19206-3959 HDS2736 224 0.3 148
Show 19160-4143 UC 3870 68 12.3 148
Show 19426-4143 RSS 532 342 10.3 151
Show 19215-4357 TDT1398 229 0.6 153
Show 19326-3921 KPP3113 123 1.9 154
Show 19311-3918 SKF2077 108 114.4 154
Show 19149-4136 UC 3866 125 74.1 161
Show 19224-4414 UC 3909 230 83.7 163
Show 19435-4106 RST4047 208 0.1 167
Show 19164-4323 B 1381 56 0.9 170
Show 19151-4053 I 1085 275 2.3 170
Show 19148-4058 I 1084 71 1.8 171
Show 19236-3911 HDS2746 151 19.7 171
Show 19162-4022 WG 242 171 2.6 172
Show 19269-3900 I 1402 314 0.3 172
Show 19397-3945 SEE 388 190 2.4 173

WDS 19292-4149 : COMPONENTS
B pa=34.0°
19292-4149 A
Name HD 183005 Coord arcsec 2000 192911.59-414924.2 Mag 10.21 Spectral class G8/K0 (yellow)
PmRA -14.00 PmDE -7.0
19292-4149 B
Coord arcsec 2000 192911.69-414922.6 Mag 10.55 PmRA 8.00 PmDE 17.0
Tycho2 7939-01282-2 Calc delta mag 0.34 Calc coord yes
Tycho2 7939-01282-2 Pflag RAmdeg 292.29876596 DEmdeg -41.82296867
PmRA 8.2 PmDE 16.6 E RAmdeg 30 E DEmdeg 34
E pmRA 1.8 E pmDE 2.0 EpRAm 1977.22 EpDEm 1972.17
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 4.4 Q DEmdeg 5.3 Q pmRA 4.3
Q pmDE 5.2 BTmag 11.351 E BTmag 0.093 VTmag 10.550
E VTmag 0.069 Prox 21 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 292.29878056 DEdeg -41.82294139 EpRA 1990 1.84
EpDE 1990 1.78 E RAdeg 42.5 E DEdeg 60.8 Posflg D
Corr 0.2