02063+4538 CBL 13

02h 06m 19.92s +45° 38' 03.7" P.A. 318.00 sep 50.2 mag 10.30,11.63 Sp G5
Coord 2000 02063+4538 Discov num CBL  13 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 02 06 19.92 +45 38 03.7
Date first 1894 Date last 2016 Obs 15
Pa first 317 Pa last 317.7 P.A. Now (θ) 317.7°
Sep first 50.1 Sep last 50.177 Sep. Now (ρ) 50.177"
Mag pri 10.30 Mag sec 11.63 delta mag (ΔM) 1.33 Spectral class G5 (yellow)
Pri motion ra +034 Sec motion ra +034
Pri motion dec -051 Sec motion dec -051
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
This double is physical.
Constellation Andromeda Tycho2 3281-00851-1 Gaia DR2 352870428528021632
WDS 02063+4538 CBL 13 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 CBL Caballero, R.
24 CBL (updated coordinates and proper motions for 57 LDS pairs, from 2MASS, UCAC3,
24 CBL NOMAD. New measures from 2MASS)
32 CBL Caballero, R., Genet, R., Armstrong, J.D., McGaughey, S., Krach, C.,
32 CBL Leatualli, A., Rohzinski, A., Rohzinski, C., Rohzinski, E., Rohzinski, N.,
32 CBL Wandell, M., Martinez, J. & Smith, T.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
02063+4538 CBL 13 1998 6 317 50.0 10.20 11.30 VD 020619.92+453803.7
02063+4538 CBL 13 2004 7 318 50.2 10.20 11.30 VD 020619.92+453803.7
02063+4538 CBL 13 2013 8 318 50.1 10.30 11.63 G5 V 020619.92+453803.7
02063+4538 CBL 13 2015 10 318 50.2 10.30 11.63 G5 V 020619.92+453803.7
02063+4538 CBL 13 2016 15 318 50.2 10.30 11.63 G5 V 020619.92+453803.7

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 02063+4538 CBL 13 : MEASURES
No records found.


02063+4538 CBL  13A mag 10.3 Sp G5 02063+4538 CBL  13B sep 44.0 P.A. 327.50 mag 11.63 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 02063+4538 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 02h 06m 19.92s +45° 38' 03.7"
Primaries only

02063+4538  CBL  13 distance=0' 02070+4512  WOR   1AB distance=28' 02070+4512  BKO  12AC distance=28' 02070+4512  LMP  27AD distance=28' 02021+4530  COU1665 distance=45' 02005+4525  ES 1362 distance=63' 02096+4443  POP 148 distance=66' 02042+4641  ADM   1 distance=68' 02043+4648  UC   25 distance=73' 02137+4559  TDS2169 distance=80' 02077+4658  TDS2129 distance=81' 02079+4659  TDS  69 distance=83' 02107+4426  COU1667 distance=86' 02122+4440  HJ 2117BC distance=86' 02122+4440  HJ 2117BD distance=86' 02122+4440  RUC   2Aa,Ab distance=86' 02122+4440  HJ 2117AB distance=86' 02122+4440  ABH   8AE distance=86' 02122+4440  RUC   2AF distance=86' 02122+4440  HJ 2117AC distance=86' 02122+4440  HJ 2117AD distance=86' 02122+4440  WNO  13CD distance=86' 02053+4408  HDS 279 distance=91' 02002+4427  STF 195 distance=97' 02087+4715  TDS  72 distance=101' 01573+4620  COU1860 distance=101' 02113+4407  ES 2590 distance=106' 02031+4356  WIS  50 distance=108' 01561+4559  KPP1392 distance=110' 02132+4414  CHR   5 distance=112' 01577+4434  A  1526 distance=112' 01583+4657  TDS2073 distance=116' 01566+4635  TDS2060 distance=116' 01550+4519  ES  453 distance=121' 02091+4341  LDS3349 distance=121' 01550+4611  BJN   9 distance=123' 01570+4653  ES 1214 distance=123' 02182+4513  BLL   5 distance=128' 01545+4613  BJN  14 distance=129' 02018+4738  A   820 distance=129' 02073+4330  TDS2123 distance=129' 02014+4340  A  1527 distance=130' 02047+4329  TDS2103 distance=131' 02109+4337  TDS2147 distance=131' 02045+4750  WFC   7 distance=134' 01553+4647  BJN   4 distance=134' 01573+4402  UC  650 distance=136' 02140+4729  STF 228 distance=137' 02059+4321  TDS2114 distance=138' 01579+4726  COU2008 distance=139' 02196+4542  LDS3367 distance=139' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 02063+4538 CBL 13 318 50.2 0
Show 02070+4512 WOR 1 AB 327 33.0 28
Show 02070+4512 BKO 12 AC 273 11.5 28
Show 02070+4512 LMP 27 AD 296 49.6 28
Show 02021+4530 COU1665 108 0.5 45
Show 02005+4525 ES 1362 293 9.2 63
Show 02096+4443 POP 148 117 4.5 66
Show 02042+4641 ADM 1 111 2.9 68
Show 02043+4648 UC 25 253 28.4 73
Show 02137+4559 TDS2169 236 0.4 80
Show 02077+4658 TDS2129 185 1.7 81
Show 02079+4659 TDS 69 274 1.9 83
Show 02107+4426 COU1667 62 0.1 86
Show 02122+4440 HJ 2117 BC 201 21.7 86
Show 02122+4440 HJ 2117 BD 268 27.3 86
Show 02122+4440 RUC 2 Aa,Ab 29 2.2 86
Show 02122+4440 HJ 2117 AB 34 8.7 86
Show 02122+4440 ABH 8 AE 221 80.3 86
Show 02122+4440 RUC 2 AF 134 13.3 86
Show 02122+4440 HJ 2117 AC 193 13.4 86
Show 02122+4440 HJ 2117 AD 285 23.2 86
Show 02122+4440 WNO 13 CD 315 27.3 86
Show 02053+4408 HDS 279 132 0.2 91
Show 02002+4427 STF 195 195 3.0 97
Show 02087+4715 TDS 72 220 1.8 101
Show 01573+4620 COU1860 172 0.7 101
Show 02113+4407 ES 2590 128 39.1 106
Show 02031+4356 WIS 50 351 999.9 108
Show 01561+4559 KPP1392 70 10.4 110
Show 02132+4414 CHR 5 187 0.2 112
Show 01577+4434 A 1526 186 0.2 112
Show 01583+4657 TDS2073 133 1.1 116
Show 01566+4635 TDS2060 92 0.6 116
Show 01550+4519 ES 453 259 5.8 121
Show 02091+4341 LDS3349 112 4.6 121
Show 01550+4611 BJN 9 347 14.4 123
Show 01570+4653 ES 1214 220 3.9 123
Show 02182+4513 BLL 5 36 100.1 128
Show 01545+4613 BJN 14 140 23.5 129
Show 02018+4738 A 820 246 2.0 129
Show 02073+4330 TDS2123 113 4.6 129
Show 02014+4340 A 1527 238 5.3 130
Show 02047+4329 TDS2103 20 0.6 131
Show 02109+4337 TDS2147 244 0.5 131
Show 02045+4750 WFC 7 120 5.3 134
Show 01553+4647 BJN 4 169 7.2 134
Show 01573+4402 UC 650 37 10.1 136
Show 02140+4729 STF 228 314 0.5 137
Show 02059+4321 TDS2114 274 2.6 138
Show 01579+4726 COU2008 117 0.1 139
Show 02196+4542 LDS3367 256 20.2 139

WDS 02063+4538 : COMPONENTS
B pa=327.5°
02063+4538 A
Coord arcsec 2000 020619.92+453803.7 Mag 10.3 Spectral class G5 (yellow) PmRA 34.00
PmDE -51.0 Tycho2 3281-00851-1
Tycho2 3281-00851-1 Pflag RAmdeg 31.58301985 DEmdeg 45.63436210
PmRA 36.5 PmDE -49.2 E RAmdeg 24 E DEmdeg 33
E pmRA 1.3 E pmDE 1.3 EpRAm 1987.97 EpDEm 1984.12
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 1.0 Q DEmdeg 0.7 Q pmRA 1.0
Q pmDE 0.8 BTmag 11.030 E BTmag 0.055 VTmag 10.301
E VTmag 0.043 Prox 502 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 31.58290194 DEdeg 45.63447556 EpRA 1990 1.88
EpDE 1990 1.68 E RAdeg 25.3 E DEdeg 34.3 Posflg
Corr 0.0
02063+4538 B
Coord arcsec 2000 020617.67+453840.8 Mag 11.63 PmRA 34.00 PmDE -51.0
Tycho2 3281-00317-1 Calc delta mag 1.33 Calc coord yes
Tycho2 3281-00317-1 Pflag RAmdeg 31.56956795 DEmdeg 45.64465210
PmRA 33.3 PmDE -52.9 E RAmdeg 88 E DEmdeg 98
E pmRA 1.9 E pmDE 2.1 EpRAm 1952.86 EpDEm 1937.59
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 0.7 Q DEmdeg 2.8 Q pmRA 0.7
Q pmDE 2.9 BTmag 12.121 E BTmag 0.145 VTmag 11.408
E VTmag 0.112 Prox 502 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 31.56945833 DEdeg 45.64476222 EpRA 1990 1.84
EpDE 1990 1.68 E RAdeg 116.1 E DEdeg 151.1 Posflg
Corr -0.1