18482-6100 RST 5123

18h 48m 12.28s -61° 00' 18.4" P.A. 320.00 sep 1.6 mag 10.65,12.60 Sp A5p
Coord 2000 18482-6100 Discov num RST5123 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 18 48 12.28 -61 00 18.4
Date first 1942 Date last 2016 Obs 3
Pa first 319 Pa last 320.3 P.A. Now (θ) 320.3°
Sep first 1.1 Sep last 1.621 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.621"
Mag pri 10.65 Mag sec 12.60 delta mag (ΔM) 1.95 Spectral class A5p (white)
Pri motion ra -001 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -032 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Pavo Tycho2 9069-01022-1 Gaia DR2 6632075261948379520
WDS 18482-6100 RST 5123 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 RST Rossiter, R.A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
18482-6100 RST5123 1968 2 317 1.2 10.65 12.60 A5p 184812.28-610018.4
18482-6100 RST5123 2016 3 320 1.6 10.65 12.60 A5p 184812.28-610018.4

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 18482-6100 RST 5123 : MEASURES
No records found.


18482-6100 RST5123A mag 10.65 Sp A5p 18482-6100 RST5123B sep 1.3 P.A. 338.10 mag 12.6 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 18482-6100 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 18h 48m 12.28s -61° 00' 18.4"
WDS 18482-6100 RST 5123 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

18482-6100  RST5123 distance=0' 18502-6104  RST5124 distance=15' 18516-6054  RST5126 distance=26' 18421-6046  TDT1011 distance=47' 18500-6005  TDT1078 distance=57' 18413-6026  TOK 619 distance=62' 18504-6203  RSS 492 distance=65' 18567-6031  TDT1142 distance=69' 18481-6214  CAB   8 distance=74' 18564-6149  HJ 5069AB distance=77' 18564-6149  HJ 5069AB,C distance=77' 18522-6211  HJ 5062 distance=77' 18414-6201  RSS 489 distance=78' 18415-6201  TDT1000 distance=78' 18595-6132  LPO  65 distance=88' 19003-6054  TVB 307 distance=89' 18445-6226  WIS 330 distance=90' 19013-6106  NSN 473 distance=96' 18380-6205  UC 3631 distance=98' 18346-6034  RST5115 distance=103' 18471-6244  CPO  83 distance=104' 18419-5926  UC 3641 distance=106' 18418-6244  TDS 933 distance=113' 18319-6109  SPM  35 distance=119' 18506-5902  B   947 distance=120' 18565-6247  KPP 429 distance=123' 19045-6018  RST5128 distance=128' 18424-5858  UC 3649 distance=131' 19068-6128  JSP 801 distance=138' 18314-6217  HUB  18AB distance=143' 18550-6314  RST1006AB distance=143' 18550-6314  UC 3720AC distance=143' 18319-5934  I   633 distance=149' 18445-5832  B  2457 distance=152' 18576-6321  SKF 372 distance=156' 18388-6323  HDS2643 distance=157' 18596-6318  UC 3749 distance=160' 18431-6338  TDS 938 distance=162' 18355-6319  RST 991 distance=165' 18306-5916  RST5114 distance=167' 19048-6301  HJ 5076 distance=168' 18597-6327  TSN 188 distance=168' 18294-6245  UC 3591 distance=170' 19015-5840  SKF 374 distance=173' 18283-5932  FIN 266 distance=173' 18297-6259  RST 984 distance=176' 18335-5843  HDS2633 distance=177' 18451-6358  BIL   1 distance=179' 18482-5759  UC 3675 distance=181' 18285-6259  RST 983 distance=183' 18550-6356  NZO  93 distance=183' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 18482-6100 RST5123 320 1.6 0
Show 18502-6104 RST5124 155 2.2 15
Show 18516-6054 RST5126 144 0.1 26
Show 18421-6046 TDT1011 43 0.7 47
Show 18500-6005 TDT1078 111 1.4 57
Show 18413-6026 TOK 619 19 999.9 62
Show 18504-6203 RSS 492 188 14.2 65
Show 18567-6031 TDT1142 152 2.7 69
Show 18481-6214 CAB 8 290 550.3 74
Show 18564-6149 HJ 5069 AB 84 0.4 77
Show 18564-6149 HJ 5069 AB,C 99 14.2 77
Show 18522-6211 HJ 5062 205 60.6 77
Show 18414-6201 RSS 489 100 14.1 78
Show 18415-6201 TDT1000 343 0.7 78
Show 18595-6132 LPO 65 214 5.2 88
Show 19003-6054 TVB 307 29 10.4 89
Show 18445-6226 WIS 330 273 777.2 90
Show 19013-6106 NSN 473 304 16.6 96
Show 18380-6205 UC 3631 303 51.4 98
Show 18346-6034 RST5115 77 0.6 103
Show 18471-6244 CPO 83 3 1.8 104
Show 18419-5926 UC 3641 149 13.9 106
Show 18418-6244 TDS 933 235 0.7 113
Show 18319-6109 SPM 35 345 34.4 119
Show 18506-5902 B 947 283 0.7 120
Show 18565-6247 KPP 429 113 3.8 123
Show 19045-6018 RST5128 211 2.1 128
Show 18424-5858 UC 3649 304 91.5 131
Show 19068-6128 JSP 801 234 0.7 138
Show 18314-6217 HUB 18 AB 169 3.1 143
Show 18550-6314 RST1006 AB 305 1.2 143
Show 18550-6314 UC 3720 AC 47 30.4 143
Show 18319-5934 I 633 334 0.5 149
Show 18445-5832 B 2457 246 1.4 152
Show 18576-6321 SKF 372 9 24.5 156
Show 18388-6323 HDS2643 148 0.2 157
Show 18596-6318 UC 3749 169 37.8 160
Show 18431-6338 TDS 938 306 1.4 162
Show 18355-6319 RST 991 6 0.6 165
Show 18306-5916 RST5114 288 1.5 167
Show 19048-6301 HJ 5076 232 10.4 168
Show 18597-6327 TSN 188 11 0.0 168
Show 18294-6245 UC 3591 160 75.8 170
Show 19015-5840 SKF 374 18 21.3 173
Show 18283-5932 FIN 266 142 0.7 173
Show 18297-6259 RST 984 308 3.1 176
Show 18335-5843 HDS2633 196 1.2 177
Show 18451-6358 BIL 1 170 1.2 179
Show 18482-5759 UC 3675 70 9.8 181
Show 18285-6259 RST 983 242 3.3 183
Show 18550-6356 NZO 93 335 3.6 183

WDS 18482-6100 : COMPONENTS
B pa=338.1°
18482-6100 A
Coord arcsec 2000 184812.28-610018.4 Mag 10.65 Spectral class A5p (white) PmRA -1.00
PmDE -32.0 Tycho2 9069-01022-1
Tycho2 9069-01022-1 Pflag RAmdeg 282.05116973 DEmdeg -61.00512524
PmRA 7.8 PmDE -39.7 E RAmdeg 40 E DEmdeg 41
E pmRA 3.0 E pmDE 2.8 EpRAm 1989.31 EpDEm 1988.98
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 1.2 Q DEmdeg 1.4 Q pmRA 1.2
Q pmDE 1.4 BTmag 11.033 E BTmag 0.064 VTmag 10.651
E VTmag 0.067 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 282.05113194 DEdeg -61.00503222 EpRA 1990 1.58
EpDE 1990 1.63 E RAdeg 41.3 E DEdeg 41.8 Posflg
Corr 0.0
Ccdm 18482-6100 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs 0.20 DDEs -16.5
R dRAs 10 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 9.9 Sp A5 PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number -61 6238 Cat1 CPD
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
18482-6100 B
Coord arcsec 2000 184812.21-610017.2 Mag 12.6 Calc delta mag 1.95 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 18482-6100 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num RST5123 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1942 Theta 319 Rho 1.1
Obs 1 Vmag 11.9 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD