18285-6259 RST 983

18h 28m 24.96s -62° 58' 31.7" P.A. 242.00 sep 3.3 mag 10.19,11.50
Coord 2000 18285-6259 Discov num RST 983 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 18 28 24.96 -62 58 31.7
Date first 1928 Date last 1998 Obs 3
Pa first 242 Pa last 241.7 P.A. Now (θ) 241.7°
Sep first 3.2 Sep last 3.288 Sep. Now (ρ) 3.288"
Mag pri 10.19 Mag sec 11.50 delta mag (ΔM) 1.31 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +022 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec +002 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Pavo Tycho2 9072-00625-1 Gaia DR2 6630265504469149056
WDS 18285-6259 RST 983 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 RST Rossiter, R.A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
18285-6259 RST 983 1969 2 243 3.3 10.19 11.50 182824.96-625831.7
18285-6259 RST 983 1998 3 242 3.3 10.19 11.50 182824.96-625831.7
18285-6259 RST 983 2000 3 242 3.4 10.19 11.50 182824.96-625831.7

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 18285-6259 RST 983 : MEASURES
No records found.


18285-6259 RST 983A mag 10.19 18285-6259 RST 983B sep 2.0 P.A. 220.20 mag 11.5 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 18285-6259 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 18h 28m 24.96s -62° 58' 31.7"
WDS 18285-6259 RST 983 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

18285-6259  RST 983 distance=0' 18297-6259  RST 984 distance=9' 18294-6245  UC 3591 distance=15' 18255-6301  UC 3577AB distance=20' 18255-6301  ARY 108AC distance=20' 18252-6325  UC 3576 distance=35' 18278-6216  UC 3586 distance=43' 18231-6235  CPO  79 distance=44' 18314-6217  HUB  18AB distance=47' 18243-6219  KPP3098 distance=49' 18355-6319  RST 991 distance=53' 18334-6349  KPP2265 distance=61' 18191-6257  UC 3552 distance=64' 18231-6359  UC 3569BC distance=70' 18231-6359  UC 3569AB distance=70' 18388-6323  HDS2643 distance=75' 18255-6413  TDT 855 distance=77' 18285-6417  UC 3588 distance=79' 18197-6353  I   249 distance=81' 18262-6417  FIN 265 distance=81' 18380-6205  UC 3631 distance=86' 18209-6150  RSS 482 distance=86' 18201-6155  LDS 635 distance=87' 18157-6303  HJ 5024 distance=87' 18388-6353  BRT2012 distance=89' 18157-6233  B  1880AB distance=91' 18157-6233  LDS 628AB,C distance=91' 18418-6244  TDS 933 distance=93' 18232-6130  GLE   2 distance=96' 18297-6436  RST5448AB distance=98' 18143-6341  HDO9002 distance=105' 18431-6338  TDS 938 distance=107' 18150-6206  RSS 480 distance=107' 18414-6201  RSS 489 distance=108' 18415-6201  TDT1000 distance=108' 18319-6109  SPM  35 distance=113' 18445-6226  WIS 330 distance=116' 18200-6444  KPP 934 distance=120' 18123-6355  RST5601AB distance=123' 18187-6446  FIN 263 distance=125' 18147-6138  I   628 distance=125' 18125-6200  LDS 626 distance=125' 18451-6358  BIL   1 distance=127' 18471-6244  CPO  83 distance=129' 18106-6206  LDS 625 distance=133' 18106-6205  UC 3518 distance=135' 18231-6045  RST5110 distance=139' 18481-6214  CAB   8 distance=144' 18091-6154  LDS 624 distance=149' 18346-6034  RST5115 distance=151' 18383-6516  RST 993 distance=152' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 18285-6259 RST 983 242 3.3 0
Show 18297-6259 RST 984 308 3.1 9
Show 18294-6245 UC 3591 160 75.8 15
Show 18255-6301 UC 3577 AB 118 65.1 20
Show 18255-6301 ARY 108 AC 227 109.6 20
Show 18252-6325 UC 3576 113 71.4 35
Show 18278-6216 UC 3586 77 32.0 43
Show 18231-6235 CPO 79 55 5.6 44
Show 18314-6217 HUB 18 AB 169 3.1 47
Show 18243-6219 KPP3098 313 6.1 49
Show 18355-6319 RST 991 6 0.6 53
Show 18334-6349 KPP2265 292 18.9 61
Show 18191-6257 UC 3552 153 26.3 64
Show 18231-6359 UC 3569 BC 62 45.3 70
Show 18231-6359 UC 3569 AB 15 39.6 70
Show 18388-6323 HDS2643 148 0.2 75
Show 18255-6413 TDT 855 126 2.4 77
Show 18285-6417 UC 3588 154 23.5 79
Show 18197-6353 I 249 349 7.9 81
Show 18262-6417 FIN 265 143 2.3 81
Show 18380-6205 UC 3631 303 51.4 86
Show 18209-6150 RSS 482 207 9.0 86
Show 18201-6155 LDS 635 215 61.7 87
Show 18157-6303 HJ 5024 12 45.5 87
Show 18388-6353 BRT2012 352 4.7 89
Show 18157-6233 B 1880 AB 249 4.4 91
Show 18157-6233 LDS 628 AB,C 311 662.4 91
Show 18418-6244 TDS 933 235 0.7 93
Show 18232-6130 GLE 2 159 3.7 96
Show 18297-6436 RST5448 AB 181 0.3 98
Show 18143-6341 HDO9002 193 19.3 105
Show 18431-6338 TDS 938 306 1.4 107
Show 18150-6206 RSS 480 160 10.3 107
Show 18414-6201 RSS 489 100 14.1 108
Show 18415-6201 TDT1000 343 0.7 108
Show 18319-6109 SPM 35 345 34.4 113
Show 18445-6226 WIS 330 273 777.2 116
Show 18200-6444 KPP 934 27 7.7 120
Show 18123-6355 RST5601 AB 21 3.2 123
Show 18187-6446 FIN 263 234 0.1 125
Show 18147-6138 I 628 61 1.9 125
Show 18125-6200 LDS 626 217 186.6 125
Show 18451-6358 BIL 1 170 1.2 127
Show 18471-6244 CPO 83 3 1.8 129
Show 18106-6206 LDS 625 332 25.4 133
Show 18106-6205 UC 3518 349 14.9 135
Show 18231-6045 RST5110 211 2.8 139
Show 18481-6214 CAB 8 290 550.3 144
Show 18091-6154 LDS 624 90 19.3 149
Show 18346-6034 RST5115 77 0.6 151
Show 18383-6516 RST 993 42 0.4 152

WDS 18285-6259 : COMPONENTS
B pa=220.2°
18285-6259 A
Coord arcsec 2000 182824.96-625831.7 Mag 10.19 PmRA 22.00 PmDE 2.0
Tycho2 9072-00625-1
Tycho2 9072-00625-1 Pflag RAmdeg 277.10403843 DEmdeg -62.97547372
PmRA 20.0 PmDE -3.2 E RAmdeg 26 E DEmdeg 29
E pmRA 2.3 E pmDE 2.4 EpRAm 1984.35 EpDEm 1986.21
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 4.2 Q DEmdeg 2.0 Q pmRA 4.1
Q pmDE 2.0 BTmag 11.466 E BTmag 0.069 VTmag 10.194
E VTmag 0.039 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 277.10396778 DEdeg -62.97545917 EpRA 1990 1.63
EpDE 1990 1.71 E RAdeg 31.9 E DEdeg 32.6 Posflg
Corr 0.0
18285-6259 B
Coord arcsec 2000 182824.77-625833.3 Mag 11.5 Calc delta mag 1.31 Calc coord yes