17526+2443 POU 3318

17h 52m 35.09s +24° 42' 11.7" P.A. 237.00 sep 8.4 mag 12.90,13.30
Coord 2000 17526+2443 Discov num POU3318 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 17 52 35.09 +24 42 11.7
Date first 1900 Date last 2015 Obs 11
Pa first 234 Pa last 237.1 P.A. Now (θ) 237.1°
Sep first 8.1 Sep last 8.405 Sep. Now (ρ) 8.405"
Mag pri 12.90 Mag sec 13.30 delta mag (ΔM) 0.4 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +001 Sec motion ra -007
Pri motion dec +002 Sec motion dec +003
This double is not physical.
Constellation Hercules Gaia DR2 4581065345449249152
WDS 17526+2443 POU 3318 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 POU Pourteau, M. A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
17526+2443 POU3318 2000 2 237 8.5 12.90 13.30 D 175235.09+244211.7
17526+2443 POU3318 2003 4 237 8.4 12.90 13.30 D 175235.09+244211.7
17526+2443 POU3318 2012 5 238 8.3 12.90 13.30 D 175235.09+244211.7
17526+2443 POU3318 2015 7 237 8.4 12.90 13.30 175235.09+244211.7

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 17526+2443 POU 3318 : MEASURES
No records found.


17526+2443 POU3318A mag 12.9 17526+2443 POU3318B sep 7.9 P.A. 234.50 mag 13.3 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 17526+2443 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 17h 52m 35.09s +24° 42' 11.7"
WDS 17526+2443 POU 3318 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

17526+2443  POU3318 distance=0' 17530+2446  POU3321 distance=6' 17515+2449  CTI1091 distance=17' 17537+2450  TDT 561 distance=18' 17529+2424  POU3320 distance=19' 17533+2459  A   235 distance=20' 17516+2425  POU3316 distance=22' 17511+2421  TDT 534 distance=29' 17499+2447  TDT 523 distance=37' 17504+2505  HJ 1305 distance=38' 17557+2425  POU3326 distance=46' 17503+2517  STF2232 distance=48' 17556+2508  COU 503 distance=49' 17495+2416  POU3314 distance=50' 17490+2450  J   754AB distance=50' 17490+2450  J   754AC distance=50' 17545+2526  A   236 distance=52' 17526+2536  A   234AB distance=55' 17526+2536  LBU   1AB,C distance=55' 17487+2500  TDT 516 distance=56' 17528+2347  HDS2522 distance=56' 17490+2511  COU 501 distance=58' 17549+2347  POU3323 distance=64' 17514+2338  POU3315 distance=66' 17565+2404  POU3328 distance=67' 17556+2343  POU3325 distance=73' 17528+2328  POU3319 distance=75' 17572+2400  MCA  50 distance=77' 17566+2346  TDT 587 distance=79' 17526+2323  POU3317 distance=80' 17550+2330  POU3324 distance=80' 17552+2557  TDT 570 distance=83' 17572+2349  POU3330 distance=83' 17486+2339  BAR   8 distance=84' 17478+2536  HJ 1304 distance=85' 17520+2317  TDT 541 distance=86' 17586+2417  POU3331AB distance=86' 17565+2331  POU3327 distance=89' 17543+2317  POU3322 distance=89' 17461+2439  CRC  26 distance=89' 17591+2428  POU3335 distance=91' 17488+2557  KPP4063AB distance=92' 17491+2601  SLW1213 distance=92' 17532+2617  TDT 555 distance=95' 17561+2319  TDT 581 distance=96' 17536+2307  HJ 2813 distance=96' 17595+2419  POU3336 distance=98' 17586+2348  CBL 521 distance=98' 17580+2547  UC 3459 distance=99' 17597+2422  POU3337 distance=100' 18000+2449  COU 115 distance=102' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 17526+2443 POU3318 237 8.4 0
Show 17530+2446 POU3321 239 7.5 6
Show 17515+2449 CTI1091 31 3.2 17
Show 17537+2450 TDT 561 104 0.8 18
Show 17529+2424 POU3320 36 16.3 19
Show 17533+2459 A 235 76 0.4 20
Show 17516+2425 POU3316 245 14.0 22
Show 17511+2421 TDT 534 341 0.9 29
Show 17499+2447 TDT 523 283 0.8 37
Show 17504+2505 HJ 1305 292 23.6 38
Show 17557+2425 POU3326 104 10.8 46
Show 17503+2517 STF2232 140 6.1 48
Show 17556+2508 COU 503 118 0.4 49
Show 17495+2416 POU3314 121 16.5 50
Show 17490+2450 J 754 AB 49 1.7 50
Show 17490+2450 J 754 AC 303 41.0 50
Show 17545+2526 A 236 248 4.8 52
Show 17526+2536 A 234 AB 160 0.1 55
Show 17526+2536 LBU 1 AB,C 253 34.6 55
Show 17487+2500 TDT 516 356 0.7 56
Show 17528+2347 HDS2522 148 0.2 56
Show 17490+2511 COU 501 319 1.8 58
Show 17549+2347 POU3323 190 8.8 64
Show 17514+2338 POU3315 302 14.6 66
Show 17565+2404 POU3328 320 3.4 67
Show 17556+2343 POU3325 344 6.6 73
Show 17528+2328 POU3319 331 16.0 75
Show 17572+2400 MCA 50 163 0.1 77
Show 17566+2346 TDT 587 343 0.5 79
Show 17526+2323 POU3317 164 13.5 80
Show 17550+2330 POU3324 152 12.2 80
Show 17552+2557 TDT 570 28 2.7 83
Show 17572+2349 POU3330 154 7.0 83
Show 17486+2339 BAR 8 238 1.2 84
Show 17478+2536 HJ 1304 224 7.5 85
Show 17520+2317 TDT 541 223 0.6 86
Show 17586+2417 POU3331 AB 212 8.3 86
Show 17565+2331 POU3327 43 14.2 89
Show 17543+2317 POU3322 302 13.2 89
Show 17461+2439 CRC 26 357 6.4 89
Show 17591+2428 POU3335 234 11.6 91
Show 17488+2557 KPP4063 AB 358 4.4 92
Show 17491+2601 SLW1213 349 16.4 92
Show 17532+2617 TDT 555 260 0.9 95
Show 17561+2319 TDT 581 20 0.4 96
Show 17536+2307 HJ 2813 223 21.3 96
Show 17595+2419 POU3336 194 9.0 98
Show 17586+2348 CBL 521 265 19.8 98
Show 17580+2547 UC 3459 300 26.6 99
Show 17597+2422 POU3337 151 5.0 100
Show 18000+2449 COU 115 112 0.3 102

WDS 17526+2443 : COMPONENTS
B pa=234.5°
17526+2443 A
Coord arcsec 2000 175235.09+244211.7 Mag 12.9 PmRA 1.00 PmDE 2.0
17526+2443 B
Coord arcsec 2000 175234.62+244207.1 Mag 13.3 PmRA -7.00 PmDE 3.0
Calc delta mag 0.4 Calc coord yes