01538+2420 POU 147

01h 53m 48.83s +24° 19' 37.2" P.A. 299.00 sep 15.0 mag 12.10,13.30
Coord 2000 01538+2420 Discov num POU 147 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 53 48.83 +24 19 37.2
Date first 1898 Date last 2015 Obs 9
Pa first 293 Pa last 298.7 P.A. Now (θ) 298.7°
Sep first 17.5 Sep last 14.97 Sep. Now (ρ) 14.97"
Mag pri 12.10 Mag sec 13.30 delta mag (ΔM) 1.2 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -005 Sec motion ra -004
Pri motion dec +003 Sec motion dec +014
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Aries Gaia DR2 105060814230664448
WDS 01538+2420 POU 147 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 POU Pourteau, M. A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01538+2420 POU 147 1997 2 298 15.2 12.10 13.30 D 015348.83+241937.2
01538+2420 POU 147 2003 4 298 15.2 12.10 13.30 D 015348.83+241937.2
01538+2420 POU 147 2010 5 299 15.0 12.10 13.30 015348.83+241937.2
01538+2420 POU 147 2015 6 299 15.0 12.10 13.30 015348.83+241937.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01538+2420 POU 147 : MEASURES
No records found.


01538+2420 POU 147A mag 12.1 01538+2420 POU 147B sep 14.0 P.A. 301.00 mag 13.3 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01538+2420 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 53m 48.83s +24° 19' 37.2"
WDS 01538+2420 POU 147 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01538+2420  POU 147 distance=0' 01553+2418  CVR1733 distance=21' 01543+2352  POU 148 distance=29' 01512+2439  HO  311 distance=41' 01555+2345  POU 149 distance=41' 01572+2429  POU 152BC distance=45' 01565+2456  POU 150 distance=52' 01578+2437  CVR  35 distance=57' 01568+2511  POU 151 distance=66' 01492+2443  LSC  17 distance=68' 01563+2520  COU 453 distance=70' 01579+2336  H 5  12AB distance=72' 01579+2336  H 5  12AC distance=72' 01579+2336  H 5  12AD distance=72' 01535+2308  SKF2669 distance=72' 01594+2444  CVR 408 distance=81' 01593+2450  STF 194 distance=81' 01485+2337  POU 146 distance=86' 01568+2303  BVD  21 distance=87' 01477+2358  POU 145 distance=88' 01518+2256  KPP1992 distance=89' 02003+2436  COU 753 distance=90' 01586+2521  POU 154 distance=91' 01597+2505  J   230 distance=94' 01474+2343  POU 144 distance=95' 01510+2551  COU 452 distance=100' 01593+2535  UC  653 distance=106' 01486+2301  SLW  85 distance=107' 02016+2405  STF 200 distance=108' 01584+2547  A  2011 distance=108' 02019+2430  POU 156 distance=111' 01463+2506  UC  627 distance=113' 02019+2415  POU 157 distance=125' 01572+2618  HJ 3243AB distance=127' 01572+2618  FMR   7BC distance=128' 01448+2351  COU 450 distance=128' 01445+2436  LDS3304 distance=128' 01444+2422  LDS3303 distance=129' 01469+2550  TDS2001 distance=131' 01452+2317  GIC  25 distance=133' 01585+2616  TOB  12 distance=133' 01462+2254  BU  784 distance=133' 01501+2217  STF 174 distance=134' 01498+2216  SLW  86 distance=136' 02033+2339  POU 158 distance=137' 01437+2436  POU 143 distance=141' 02034+2319  LDS3339 distance=146' 01529+2152  J   671 distance=148' 01599+2623  UC  656 distance=149' 01428+2421  GRF   1 distance=151' 01448+2548  UC  619 distance=151' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01538+2420 POU 147 299 15.0 0
Show 01553+2418 CVR1733 38 111.3 21
Show 01543+2352 POU 148 12 7.7 29
Show 01512+2439 HO 311 178 0.4 41
Show 01555+2345 POU 149 116 4.2 41
Show 01572+2429 POU 152 BC 292 6.7 45
Show 01565+2456 POU 150 183 7.4 52
Show 01578+2437 CVR 35 167 7.7 57
Show 01568+2511 POU 151 343 6.6 66
Show 01492+2443 LSC 17 39 1.0 68
Show 01563+2520 COU 453 282 0.7 70
Show 01579+2336 H 5 12 AB 48 37.3 72
Show 01579+2336 H 5 12 AC 76 190.4 72
Show 01579+2336 H 5 12 AD 85 272.3 72
Show 01535+2308 SKF2669 235 1.8 72
Show 01594+2444 CVR 408 10 10.6 81
Show 01593+2450 STF 194 279 1.3 81
Show 01485+2337 POU 146 95 16.0 86
Show 01568+2303 BVD 21 138 59.2 87
Show 01477+2358 POU 145 323 9.2 88
Show 01518+2256 KPP1992 68 15.8 89
Show 02003+2436 COU 753 97 1.8 90
Show 01586+2521 POU 154 248 10.7 91
Show 01597+2505 J 230 333 2.6 94
Show 01474+2343 POU 144 109 9.8 95
Show 01510+2551 COU 452 175 0.2 100
Show 01593+2535 UC 653 294 11.8 106
Show 01486+2301 SLW 85 275 17.1 107
Show 02016+2405 STF 200 124 8.1 108
Show 01584+2547 A 2011 297 3.7 108
Show 02019+2430 POU 156 205 13.4 111
Show 01463+2506 UC 627 203 18.4 113
Show 02019+2415 POU 157 182 14.4 125
Show 01572+2618 HJ 3243 AB 69 29.9 127
Show 01572+2618 FMR 7 BC 355 85.9 128
Show 01448+2351 COU 450 172 1.6 128
Show 01445+2436 LDS3304 192 51.8 128
Show 01444+2422 LDS3303 4 126.7 129
Show 01469+2550 TDS2001 244 1.0 131
Show 01452+2317 GIC 25 67 24.3 133
Show 01585+2616 TOB 12 144 27.2 133
Show 01462+2254 BU 784 43 2.1 133
Show 01501+2217 STF 174 164 2.9 134
Show 01498+2216 SLW 86 334 17.5 136
Show 02033+2339 POU 158 72 14.5 137
Show 01437+2436 POU 143 27 17.7 141
Show 02034+2319 LDS3339 172 130.4 146
Show 01529+2152 J 671 153 2.7 148
Show 01599+2623 UC 656 17 49.7 149
Show 01428+2421 GRF 1 4 46.9 151
Show 01448+2548 UC 619 90 54.6 151

WDS 01538+2420 : COMPONENTS
B pa=301.0°
01538+2420 A
Coord arcsec 2000 015348.83+241937.2 Mag 12.1 PmRA -5.00 PmDE 3.0
Ccdm 01538+2420 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs 0.85 DDEs -22.9
R dRAs 65 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 12.1 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
01538+2420 B
Coord arcsec 2000 015347.95+241944.4 Mag 13.3 PmRA -4.00 PmDE 14.0
Calc delta mag 1.2 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 01538+2420 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num POU 147 DRAs -0.14 DDEs -15.8
R dRAs 65 Year 1898 Theta 293 Rho 17.5
Obs 1 Vmag 13.3 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD