01535+3030 MLB 737

01h 53m 31.21s +30° 29' 20.4" P.A. 135.00 sep 3.2 mag 12.50,13.50
Coord 2000 01535+3030 Discov num MLB 737 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 53 31.21 +30 29 20.4
Date first 1932 Date last 2016 Obs 5
Pa first 141 Pa last 135 P.A. Now (θ) 135°
Sep first 3.4 Sep last 3.207 Sep. Now (ρ) 3.207"
Mag pri 12.50 Mag sec 13.50 delta mag (ΔM) 1 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -012 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec +000 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Triangulum Gaia DR2 304033038302807296
WDS 01535+3030 MLB 737 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 MLB Milburn, W. (Espin, T.E.)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01535+3030 MLB 737 1932 1 141 3.4 12.50 13.50 015331.21+302920.4
01535+3030 MLB 737 2000 2 135 3.0 12.50 13.50 015331.21+302920.4
01535+3030 MLB 737 2001 3 133 3.1 12.50 13.50 015331.21+302920.4
01535+3030 MLB 737 2015 3 135 3.2 12.50 13.50 015331.21+302920.4
01535+3030 MLB 737 2016 5 135 3.2 12.50 13.50 015331.21+302920.4

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01535+3030 MLB 737 : MEASURES
No records found.


01535+3030 MLB 737A mag 12.5 01535+3030 MLB 737B sep 3.0 P.A. 139.20 mag 13.5 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01535+3030 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 53m 31.21s +30° 29' 20.4"
WDS 01535+3030 MLB 737 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01535+3030  MLB 737 distance=0' 01563+3032  GRV 105 distance=37' 01564+3026  FRK   2 distance=38' 01568+3033  KO    4 distance=43' 01504+3050  TDS2020 distance=45' 01571+3034  ES  321 distance=48' 01572+3027  J  2720 distance=49' 01496+3037  TDS2015 distance=51' 01531+2935  BUP  27AB (Mothallah) distance=55' 01531+2935  BUP  27AC (Mothallah) distance=55' 01531+2935  BUP  27AD (Mothallah) distance=55' 01531+2935  DAL  51AE (Mothallah) distance=55' 01531+2935  DAL  51AF (Mothallah) distance=55' 01570+3101  A   819AB distance=56' 01570+3101  A   819AB,C distance=56' 01539+2932  AZC  18 distance=58' 01531+2935  DAL  51FG distance=59' 01580+3033  KPP 759 distance=59' 01526+3127  HJ  645 distance=60' 01581+3041  TDS2070 distance=61' 01504+2942  MLB1059 distance=63' 01596+3044  COU 669 distance=80' 01479+2952  GRV  98 distance=81' 01576+3134  BAR  21BC distance=83' 01576+3134  STF 187AB distance=83' 01576+3134  BAR  21AD distance=83' 01597+3003  UC  655 distance=85' 01590+2941  AZC  19 distance=87' 01529+3201  LDS3321 distance=92' 01483+2925  GRV  99 distance=93' 01464+3101  KPP  79 distance=97' 02011+3051  LDS3335 distance=101' 01467+2937  HO  496 distance=104' 01551+2847  STF 183AB distance=104' 01551+2847  STF 183AB,C distance=104' 01524+2845  AZC  17 distance=106' 01465+2936  COU 451 distance=106' 01576+3202  UC   20 distance=107' 01585+3155  AG   28 distance=107' 01455+3103  GRV  97 distance=109' 01452+3011  WFC 249 distance=109' 02021+3031  UC   21 distance=111' 01450+3059  KPP 863 distance=114' 01586+2855  GRV 107 distance=116' 02009+3141  ES 2404 distance=119' 01495+2842  STF 176 distance=120' 02012+3147  ES 2405 distance=125' 01441+3057  A   947 distance=126' 02021+3146  CVR 410 distance=135' 01432+3006  MLB 680 distance=137' 01512+3245  TDS2024 distance=139' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01535+3030 MLB 737 135 3.2 0
Show 01563+3032 GRV 105 280 23.0 37
Show 01564+3026 FRK 2 307 53.4 38
Show 01568+3033 KO 4 191 299.1 43
Show 01504+3050 TDS2020 184 2.2 45
Show 01571+3034 ES 321 186 3.4 48
Show 01572+3027 J 2720 318 7.9 49
Show 01496+3037 TDS2015 276 0.9 51
Show Mothallah 01531+2935 BUP 27 AB 319 100.2 55
Show Mothallah 01531+2935 BUP 27 AC 183 198.5 55
Show Mothallah 01531+2935 BUP 27 AD 172 277.2 55
Show Mothallah 01531+2935 DAL 51 AE 340 146.7 55
Show Mothallah 01531+2935 DAL 51 AF 148 229.5 55
Show 01570+3101 A 819 AB 1 0.1 56
Show 01570+3101 A 819 AB,C 271 66.4 56
Show 01539+2932 AZC 18 354 13.9 58
Show 01531+2935 DAL 51 FG 314 12.6 59
Show 01580+3033 KPP 759 302 6.6 59
Show 01526+3127 HJ 645 106 7.8 60
Show 01581+3041 TDS2070 244 0.7 61
Show 01504+2942 MLB1059 296 2.5 63
Show 01596+3044 COU 669 289 1.0 80
Show 01479+2952 GRV 98 143 17.1 81
Show 01576+3134 BAR 21 BC 253 2.3 83
Show 01576+3134 STF 187 AB 189 10.9 83
Show 01576+3134 BAR 21 AD 244 19.8 83
Show 01597+3003 UC 655 265 65.9 85
Show 01590+2941 AZC 19 131 9.8 87
Show 01529+3201 LDS3321 150 63.3 92
Show 01483+2925 GRV 99 28 36.3 93
Show 01464+3101 KPP 79 270 3.5 97
Show 02011+3051 LDS3335 237 113.0 101
Show 01467+2937 HO 496 178 14.4 104
Show 01551+2847 STF 183 AB 142 0.3 104
Show 01551+2847 STF 183 AB,C 162 5.6 104
Show 01524+2845 AZC 17 134 19.0 106
Show 01465+2936 COU 451 80 0.2 106
Show 01576+3202 UC 20 316 19.2 107
Show 01585+3155 AG 28 175 3.2 107
Show 01455+3103 GRV 97 229 64.8 109
Show 01452+3011 WFC 249 94 10.3 109
Show 02021+3031 UC 21 215 53.0 111
Show 01450+3059 KPP 863 21 7.3 114
Show 01586+2855 GRV 107 261 43.9 116
Show 02009+3141 ES 2404 338 10.4 119
Show 01495+2842 STF 176 331 23.8 120
Show 02012+3147 ES 2405 270 8.6 125
Show 01441+3057 A 947 6 4.9 126
Show 02021+3146 CVR 410 21 10.5 135
Show 01432+3006 MLB 680 117 2.6 137
Show 01512+3245 TDS2024 289 0.6 139

WDS 01535+3030 : COMPONENTS
B pa=139.2°
01535+3030 A
Coord arcsec 2000 015331.21+302920.4 Mag 12.5 PmRA -12.00 PmDE 0.0
01535+3030 B
Coord arcsec 2000 015331.36+302918.1 Mag 13.5 Calc delta mag 1 Calc coord yes