16271-2440 ALO 4

16h 27m 07.90s -24° 40' 18.0" P.A. 354.00 sep 7.7 mag 16.70,20.00
Coord 2000 16271-2440 Discov num ALO   4 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 16 27 07.90 -24 40 18.0
Date first 1998 Date last 1998 Obs 1
Pa first 354 Pa last 354 P.A. Now (θ) 354°
Sep first 7.7 Sep last 7.7 Sep. Now (ρ) 7.7"
Mag pri 16.70 Mag sec 20.00 delta mag (ΔM) 3.3 Spectral class
Pri motion ra Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec Sec motion dec
Notes K (K-band or other infrared magnitudes)
Visually invisible, K-band or other infrared star : Summary line gives K-band or other infrared (>1 micron) magnitudes
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Ophiuchus
WDS 16271-2440 ALO 4 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 ALO Allen, L.E., Myers, P.C., Di Francesco, J., Mathieu, R., Chen, H., & Young, E.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
16271-2440 ALO 4 1998 1 354 7.7 16.70 20.00 162707.90-244018.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 16271-2440 ALO 4 : MEASURES
No records found.


16271-2440 ALO   4A mag 16.7 16271-2440 ALO   4B sep 7.7 P.A. 354.50 mag 20 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 16271-2440 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 16h 27m 07.90s -24° 40' 18.0"
Primaries only

16271-2440  ALO   4 distance=1' 16273-2439  YLW  11AB distance=2' 16273-2439  RES   1CD distance=3' 16273-2439  RIE   1BC distance=3' 16273-2439  RES   1BD distance=3' 16273-2442  CST   8AB distance=3' 16273-2442  ALO   7AB,C distance=3' 16273-2442  ALO   7AB,D distance=3' 16273-2442  YLW  13AB,E distance=3' 16273-2442  ALO   7Ca,Cb distance=4' 16274-2441  GRT   1Aa,Ab distance=5' 16274-2441  ALO  10AB distance=5' 16275-2440  YLW  16AB distance=5' 16275-2440  TER   2Aa,Ab distance=5' 16268-2438  BNY   2 distance=5' 16270-2436  YLW   4AB distance=5' 16270-2436  YLW   4AC distance=5' 16270-2436  YLW   4BC distance=6' 16270-2446  COR   8Ba,Bb distance=6' 16270-2446  CST   6Aa,Ab distance=6' 16270-2446  HER  17AB distance=6' 16267-2440  RAT   7 distance=7' 16276-2438  DCH  79 distance=7' 16276-2439  DCH  80 distance=8' 16277-2443  DCH  81 distance=8' 16277-2439  DCH  82AB distance=9' 16277-2439  DCH  82AC distance=9' 16277-2439  DCH  82AD distance=9' 16265-2438  CST   4 distance=9' 16275-2433  DCH  78 distance=10' 16275-2431  CST  10Aa,Ab distance=11' 16275-2431  DCH  77AB distance=11' 16279-2441  AGE   8 distance=11' 16274-2430  ALO   8AB distance=12' 16280-2440  RAT  15 distance=12' 16274-2430  ALO   9CD distance=12' 16273-2429  RAT  12Ca,Cb distance=12' 16272-2452  BOV  55 distance=12' 16273-2429  YLW  12AB distance=12' 16273-2429  YLW  12AC distance=12' 16273-2429  YLW  12AD distance=12' 16279-2446  DCH  85AB distance=12' 16279-2446  DCH  85AC distance=12' 16276-2431  HCH   5 distance=12' 16271-2429  CST   7 distance=12' 16269-2429  DCH  74 distance=12' 16280-2436  DCH  86AB distance=13' 16280-2436  DCH  86AC distance=13' 16278-2432  DCH  83AB distance=13' 16278-2432  DCH  83AC distance=13' 16268-2428  BNY   1 distance=13' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 16271-2440 ALO 4 354 7.7 1
Show 16273-2439 YLW 11 AB 102 58.0 2
Show 16273-2439 RES 1 CD 353 2.3 3
Show 16273-2439 RIE 1 BC 270 3.2 3
Show 16273-2439 RES 1 BD 52 3.7 3
Show 16273-2442 CST 8 AB 78 0.1 3
Show 16273-2442 ALO 7 AB,C 163 8.8 3
Show 16273-2442 ALO 7 AB,D 3 4.4 3
Show 16273-2442 YLW 13 AB,E 96 26.7 3
Show 16273-2442 ALO 7 Ca,Cb -1 0.3 4
Show 16274-2441 GRT 1 Aa,Ab 334 0.6 5
Show 16274-2441 ALO 10 AB 323 7.2 5
Show 16275-2440 YLW 16 AB 102 24.0 5
Show 16275-2440 TER 2 Aa,Ab 267 0.3 5
Show 16268-2438 BNY 2 291 3.6 5
Show 16270-2436 YLW 4 AB 308 29.6 5
Show 16270-2436 YLW 4 AC 2 58.1 5
Show 16270-2436 YLW 4 BC 32 47.2 6
Show 16270-2446 COR 8 Ba,Bb 241 0.1 6
Show 16270-2446 CST 6 Aa,Ab 38 0.1 6
Show 16270-2446 HER 17 AB 349 5.1 6
Show 16267-2440 RAT 7 259 0.1 7
Show 16276-2438 DCH 79 84 6.3 7
Show 16276-2439 DCH 80 102 3.3 8
Show 16277-2443 DCH 81 10 1.6 8
Show 16277-2439 DCH 82 AB 100 6.4 9
Show 16277-2439 DCH 82 AC 80 8.1 9
Show 16277-2439 DCH 82 AD 254 9.8 9
Show 16265-2438 CST 4 255 0.4 9
Show 16275-2433 DCH 78 196 7.6 10
Show 16275-2431 CST 10 Aa,Ab 353 0.5 11
Show 16275-2431 DCH 77 AB 314 8.8 11
Show 16279-2441 AGE 8 251 0.4 11
Show 16274-2430 ALO 8 AB 84 6.0 12
Show 16280-2440 RAT 15 277 0.2 12
Show 16274-2430 ALO 9 CD 313 8.5 12
Show 16273-2429 RAT 12 Ca,Cb 284 0.2 12
Show 16272-2452 BOV 55 302 10.2 12
Show 16273-2429 YLW 12 AB 66 8.6 12
Show 16273-2429 YLW 12 AC 128 15.8 12
Show 16273-2429 YLW 12 AD 61 25.5 12
Show 16279-2446 DCH 85 AB 256 6.2 12
Show 16279-2446 DCH 85 AC 261 8.7 12
Show 16276-2431 HCH 5 122 15.3 12
Show 16271-2429 CST 7 321 0.8 12
Show 16269-2429 DCH 74 205 9.3 12
Show 16280-2436 DCH 86 AB 116 6.8 13
Show 16280-2436 DCH 86 AC 113 7.2 13
Show 16278-2432 DCH 83 AB 161 2.2 13
Show 16278-2432 DCH 83 AC 56 3.3 13
Show 16268-2428 BNY 1 341 4.4 13

WDS 16271-2440 : COMPONENTS
B pa=354.5°
16271-2440 A
Coord arcsec 2000 162707.90-244018.0 Mag 16.7
16271-2440 B
Coord arcsec 2000 162707.85-244010.3 Mag 20 Calc delta mag 3.3 Calc coord yes