16269+5010 TDS 9906

16h 26m 55.90s +50° 09' 42.9" P.A. 4.00 sep 0.6 mag 11.22,11.34
Coord 2000 16269+5010 Discov num TDS9906 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 16 26 55.90 +50 09 42.9
Date first 1991 Date last 1991 Obs 1
Pa first 4 Pa last 4.3 P.A. Now (θ) 4.3°
Sep first 0.6 Sep last 0.6 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.6"
Mag pri 11.22 Mag sec 11.34 delta mag (ΔM) 0.12 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -027 Sec motion ra -027
Pri motion dec +010 Sec motion dec +010
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Hercules Tycho2 3498-00482-1 Gaia DR2 1423725239933623168
WDS 16269+5010 TDS 9906 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 TDS Tycho Double Star (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
16269+5010 TDS9906 1991 1 4 0.6 11.22 11.34 162655.90+500942.9

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 16269+5010 TDS 9906 : MEASURES
No records found.


16269+5010 TDS9906A mag 11.22 16269+5010 TDS9906B sep 0.6 P.A. 2.80 mag 11.34 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 16269+5010 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 16h 26m 55.90s +50° 09' 42.9"
WDS 16269+5010 TDS 9906 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

16269+5010  TDS9906 distance=0' 16265+5037  COU2112 distance=28' 16264+5047  BEM9021 distance=39' 16257+4921  COU1920 distance=49' 16225+4935  HDS2314 distance=56' 16211+5011  TDS9852 distance=56' 16292+4917  ITF  29 distance=58' 16306+4923  TDS9939 distance=59' 16294+4915  ITF  28 distance=60' 16322+4922  UC 3184 distance=70' 16264+4858  TDS9901 distance=73' 16287+5124  HU  748 distance=77' 16235+5127  DVG  44 distance=84' 16280+5136  HU  663 distance=87' 16203+5111  OSO  69AB distance=88' 16203+5111  OSO  69AC distance=88' 16173+5001  COU2111 distance=94' 16201+4855  TDS9846 distance=101' 16268+4828  SLN  33 distance=102' 16178+4918  HU  661 distance=104' 16186+5118  TOB 134 distance=105' 16190+4858  TDS9836 distance=106' 16186+5120  ES  627 distance=106' 16197+5135  HU  662 distance=109' 16259+4820  CBL  64 distance=111' 16286+4819  BEM9014 distance=112' 16240+4822  HEN   1Aa,Ab distance=112' 16240+4822  BUP 168AB distance=112' 16240+4822  BUP 168AC distance=112' 16383+5040  CVR 189 distance=113' 16199+5146  ES  628 distance=116' 16206+5150  ES  629 distance=118' 16365+4856  HLM   7AB distance=119' 16365+4856  HLM   7AC distance=119' 16390+5040  CVR1669 distance=120' 16273+4810  LDS4672 distance=121' 16177+5136  UC 3148 distance=123' 16343+4828  KPP3305 distance=125' 16154+4908  UC 3144 distance=128' 16249+5218  LDS4670AB distance=130' 16249+5218  LDS4670Aa,Ab distance=130' 16146+4915  UC 3139 distance=132' 16328+5209  KPP 663 distance=132' 16408+5014  ES  632 distance=134' 16383+4853  TDT  15 distance=135' 16138+5059  OSW  66 distance=135' 16387+4856  STF2082 distance=137' 16149+5127  KPP3990 distance=139' 16382+4838  SLW1189 distance=143' 16380+4831  COU1768 distance=147' 16204+5223  FAR  45AB distance=148' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 16269+5010 TDS9906 4 0.6 0
Show 16265+5037 COU2112 75 0.5 28
Show 16264+5047 BEM9021 52 18.4 39
Show 16257+4921 COU1920 63 0.7 49
Show 16225+4935 HDS2314 62 0.2 56
Show 16211+5011 TDS9852 284 1.0 56
Show 16292+4917 ITF 29 302 4.2 58
Show 16306+4923 TDS9939 26 0.4 59
Show 16294+4915 ITF 28 317 7.7 60
Show 16322+4922 UC 3184 147 22.0 70
Show 16264+4858 TDS9901 36 0.6 73
Show 16287+5124 HU 748 82 5.9 77
Show 16235+5127 DVG 44 99 16.6 84
Show 16280+5136 HU 663 233 3.0 87
Show 16203+5111 OSO 69 AB 285 15.6 88
Show 16203+5111 OSO 69 AC 342 17.1 88
Show 16173+5001 COU2111 39 0.3 94
Show 16201+4855 TDS9846 231 2.2 101
Show 16268+4828 SLN 33 99 20.3 102
Show 16178+4918 HU 661 39 0.8 104
Show 16186+5118 TOB 134 250 23.2 105
Show 16190+4858 TDS9836 343 0.9 106
Show 16186+5120 ES 627 288 11.7 106
Show 16197+5135 HU 662 221 4.0 109
Show 16259+4820 CBL 64 152 31.1 111
Show 16286+4819 BEM9014 109 14.4 112
Show 16240+4822 HEN 1 Aa,Ab 56 0.3 112
Show 16240+4822 BUP 168 AB 288 176.0 112
Show 16240+4822 BUP 168 AC 93 999.9 112
Show 16383+5040 CVR 189 270 15.4 113
Show 16199+5146 ES 628 263 3.9 116
Show 16206+5150 ES 629 101 11.0 118
Show 16365+4856 HLM 7 AB 9 25.2 119
Show 16365+4856 HLM 7 AC 84 86.1 119
Show 16390+5040 CVR1669 23 4.8 120
Show 16273+4810 LDS4672 273 12.7 121
Show 16177+5136 UC 3148 317 49.4 123
Show 16343+4828 KPP3305 118 1.5 125
Show 16154+4908 UC 3144 198 45.1 128
Show 16249+5218 LDS4670 AB 216 49.0 130
Show 16249+5218 LDS4670 Aa,Ab 281 2.3 130
Show 16146+4915 UC 3139 284 31.1 132
Show 16328+5209 KPP 663 177 6.0 132
Show 16408+5014 ES 632 104 2.2 134
Show 16383+4853 TDT 15 140 4.9 135
Show 16138+5059 OSW 66 151 70.7 135
Show 16387+4856 STF2082 92 28.1 137
Show 16149+5127 KPP3990 287 2.4 139
Show 16382+4838 SLW1189 315 34.6 143
Show 16380+4831 COU1768 301 0.6 147
Show 16204+5223 FAR 45 AB 24 0.5 148

WDS 16269+5010 : COMPONENTS
B pa=2.8°
16269+5010 A
Coord arcsec 2000 162655.90+500942.9 Mag 11.22 PmRA -27.00 PmDE 10.0
Tycho2 3498-00482-1
Tycho2 3498-00482-1 Pflag RAmdeg 246.73289958 DEmdeg 50.16199759
PmRA -27.1 PmDE 10.4 E RAmdeg 26 E DEmdeg 26
E pmRA 1.8 E pmDE 1.7 EpRAm 1986.84 EpDEm 1986.62
Num 5 Q RAmdeg 0.4 Q DEmdeg 0.6 Q pmRA 0.4
Q pmDE 0.6 BTmag 11.409 E BTmag 0.060 VTmag 10.586
E VTmag 0.044 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 246.73299861 DEdeg 50.16197750 EpRA 1990 1.62
EpDE 1990 1.65 E RAdeg 31.7 E DEdeg 31.5 Posflg
Corr -0.1
16269+5010 B
Coord arcsec 2000 162655.90+500943.5 Mag 11.34 PmRA -27.00 PmDE 10.0
Calc delta mag 0.12 Calc coord yes