16266+6401 LDS 2382

16h 26m 40.40s +64° 00' 09.9" P.A. 285.00 sep 8.6 mag 15.30,15.80
Coord 2000 16266+6401 Discov num LDS2382 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 16 26 40.40 +64 00 09.9
Date first 1955 Date last 2015 Obs 10
Pa first 284 Pa last 285.1 P.A. Now (θ) 285.1°
Sep first 8.0 Sep last 8.563 Sep. Now (ρ) 8.563"
Mag pri 15.30 Mag sec 15.80 delta mag (ΔM) 0.5 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -036 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec +036 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Draco Gaia DR2 1629032716861489408
WDS 16266+6401 LDS 2382 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 LDS Luyten p.m. catalog (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
16266+6401 LDS2382 1999 2 284 8.3 15.30 15.80 D 162640.40+640009.9
16266+6401 LDS2382 2003 3 284 8.3 15.30 15.80 D 162640.40+640009.9
16266+6401 LDS2382 2010 4 285 8.2 15.30 15.80 162640.40+640009.9
16266+6401 LDS2382 2015 5 285 8.6 15.30 15.80 162640.40+640009.9

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 16266+6401 LDS 2382 : MEASURES
No records found.


16266+6401 LDS2382A mag 15.3 16266+6401 LDS2382B sep 4.3 P.A. 301.60 mag 15.8 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 16266+6401 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 16h 26m 40.40s +64° 00' 09.9"
WDS 16266+6401 LDS 2382 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

16266+6401  LDS2382 distance=0' 16269+6343  LDS2384 distance=19' 16222+6421  FOX  17 distance=37' 16222+6427  DAM 349 distance=40' 16209+6422  STF2046AB distance=44' 16209+6422  FOX 194AC distance=44' 16290+6447  TOK 604 distance=50' 16324+6328  SKF1761 distance=50' 16268+6450  LDS2383 distance=50' 16309+6318  TDS9943 distance=51' 16342+6343  LDS2391 distance=52' 16333+6333  LDS2390 distance=53' 16331+6324  STI 803 distance=57' 16352+6416  LDS2393 distance=58' 16358+6355  UC 3190 distance=61' 16366+6354  LDS2394AB distance=66' 16366+6354  JNN 108Aa,Ab distance=66' 16163+6416  FYM 411 distance=70' 16299+6248  LDS2386 distance=76' 16328+6254  LDS2388 distance=79' 16139+6420  MLR 138 distance=86' 16188+6232  LDS2377 distance=103' 16120+6326  STI 796 distance=104' 16360+6237  MLR  54 distance=105' 16136+6504  KPP3989 distance=106' 16425+6322  LDS2395 distance=112' 16435+6345  LDS2396 distance=113' 16438+6357  LDS2397 distance=114' 16096+6343  TDS9777 distance=114' 16160+6228  MLR  53 distance=118' 16452+6406  TDT  68 distance=122' 16280+6606  TDS9911AB distance=127' 16263+6610  LDS2381AB distance=129' 16263+6610  RAO 348Aa,Ab distance=129' 16184+6205  LDS2374 distance=130' 16314+6606  LDS2387 distance=131' 16340+6159  KPP2582 distance=131' 16234+6149  JNN 107 distance=133' 16285+6149  LDS2729 distance=134' 16160+6558  KPP3993 distance=136' 16086+6516  LDS2368 distance=139' 16229+6618  TDS9872 distance=140' 16238+6142  CHR 138Aa,Ab distance=140' 16238+6142  STF2054AB distance=140' 16188+6147  LDS2376 distance=145' 16337+6143  TOI1131 distance=146' 16157+6155  LDS2728 distance=146' 16235+6132  MRI   2 distance=151' 16240+6131  STT 312AB (Athebyne) distance=151' 16240+6131  BU 9008AD (Athebyne) distance=151' 16240+6131  SMY9002AF (Athebyne) distance=151' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 16266+6401 LDS2382 285 8.6 0
Show 16269+6343 LDS2384 358 1.2 19
Show 16222+6421 FOX 17 174 3.9 37
Show 16222+6427 DAM 349 174 10.6 40
Show 16209+6422 STF2046 AB 221 8.0 44
Show 16209+6422 FOX 194 AC 130 28.8 44
Show 16290+6447 TOK 604 269 999.9 50
Show 16324+6328 SKF1761 204 2.0 50
Show 16268+6450 LDS2383 199 6.0 50
Show 16309+6318 TDS9943 195 0.7 51
Show 16342+6343 LDS2391 61 4.3 52
Show 16333+6333 LDS2390 336 26.5 53
Show 16331+6324 STI 803 67 11.7 57
Show 16352+6416 LDS2393 326 29.0 58
Show 16358+6355 UC 3190 191 19.3 61
Show 16366+6354 LDS2394 AB 198 3.4 66
Show 16366+6354 JNN 108 Aa,Ab 102 0.2 66
Show 16163+6416 FYM 411 208 22.0 70
Show 16299+6248 LDS2386 164 18.2 76
Show 16328+6254 LDS2388 249 20.3 79
Show 16139+6420 MLR 138 318 2.5 86
Show 16188+6232 LDS2377 319 39.4 103
Show 16120+6326 STI 796 129 13.0 104
Show 16360+6237 MLR 54 238 1.5 105
Show 16136+6504 KPP3989 122 1.7 106
Show 16425+6322 LDS2395 9 3.9 112
Show 16435+6345 LDS2396 107 5.9 113
Show 16438+6357 LDS2397 231 9.4 114
Show 16096+6343 TDS9777 242 0.5 114
Show 16160+6228 MLR 53 147 1.9 118
Show 16452+6406 TDT 68 201 1.5 122
Show 16280+6606 TDS9911 AB 279 2.5 127
Show 16263+6610 LDS2381 AB 106 78.1 129
Show 16263+6610 RAO 348 Aa,Ab 182 0.2 129
Show 16184+6205 LDS2374 222 4.1 130
Show 16314+6606 LDS2387 243 2.3 131
Show 16340+6159 KPP2582 291 23.4 131
Show 16234+6149 JNN 107 212 0.4 133
Show 16285+6149 LDS2729 108 105.6 134
Show 16160+6558 KPP3993 242 43.9 136
Show 16086+6516 LDS2368 162 11.2 139
Show 16229+6618 TDS9872 301 0.4 140
Show 16238+6142 CHR 138 Aa,Ab 154 0.2 140
Show 16238+6142 STF2054 AB 350 1.0 140
Show 16188+6147 LDS2376 226 4.8 145
Show 16337+6143 TOI1131 214 0.1 146
Show 16157+6155 LDS2728 336 47.1 146
Show 16235+6132 MRI 2 178 17.7 151
Show Athebyne 16240+6131 STT 312 AB 142 4.7 151
Show Athebyne 16240+6131 BU 9008 AD 87 111.0 151
Show Athebyne 16240+6131 SMY9002 AF 18 362.4 151

WDS 16266+6401 : COMPONENTS
B pa=301.6°
16266+6401 A
Coord arcsec 2000 162640.40+640009.9 Mag 15.3 PmRA -36.00 PmDE 36.0
16266+6401 B
Coord arcsec 2000 162639.85+640012.1 Mag 15.8 Calc delta mag 0.5 Calc coord yes