01460+3254 J 3305

01h 45m 53.92s +32° 54' 18.1" P.A. 159.00 sep 3.7 mag 11.30,13.00
Coord 2000 01460+3254 Discov num J  3305 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 45 53.92 +32 54 18.1
Date first 1955 Date last 2002 Obs 2
Pa first 157 Pa last 158.7 P.A. Now (θ) 158.7°
Sep first 3.1 Sep last 3.659 Sep. Now (ρ) 3.659"
Mag pri 11.30 Mag sec 13.00 delta mag (ΔM) 1.7 Spectral class
Pri motion ra Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Triangulum
WDS 01460+3254 J 3305 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 J Jonckheere, R.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01460+3254 J 3305 2002 2 159 3.7 11.30 13.00 014553.92+325418.1

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01460+3254 J 3305 : MEASURES
No records found.


01460+3254 J  3305A mag 11.3 01460+3254 J  3305B sep 3.6 P.A. 161.90 mag 13 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01460+3254 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 45m 53.92s +32° 54' 18.1"
WDS 01460+3254 J 3305 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01460+3254  J  3305 distance=0' 01451+3254  J  2717 distance=11' 01467+3310  STF 158AB distance=19' 01467+3310  FOX 120AC distance=19' 01467+3310  FOX 120AD distance=19' 01487+3306  GIC  26 distance=37' 01462+3343  HU  804 distance=50' 01498+3304  BU 1016 distance=50' 01425+3329  TDS1961 distance=55' 01417+3333  TDS1956 distance=66' 01512+3245  TDS2024 distance=68' 01415+3215  LDS1111 distance=69' 01492+3404  STF 164 distance=81' 01395+3310  COU 749 distance=83' 01405+3349  TDS1950 distance=88' 01395+3216  SEI  19 distance=90' 01432+3130  COU 449 distance=92' 01475+3423  ES 2213 distance=93' 01414+3408  A  1916 distance=93' 01393+3211  CVR 394 distance=95' 01514+3400  UC   19 distance=96' 01426+3126  GRV  96 distance=98' 01431+3426  COU 668Aa,Ab distance=98' 01431+3426  COU 668AB distance=98' 01382+3305  SHN  67 distance=98' 01523+3355  HU  805AB distance=101' 01523+3355  HU  805AC distance=101' 01436+3432  TDS1966 distance=102' 01529+3201  LDS3321 distance=104' 01412+3426  KPP  76 distance=110' 01404+3420  STF 143AB distance=110' 01404+3420  FOX 118AC distance=110' 01455+3103  GRV  97 distance=111' 01398+3415  COU 667 distance=112' 01491+3441  COU 751 distance=114' 01464+3101  KPP  79 distance=114' 01450+3059  KPP 863 distance=116' 01455+3452  HU 1031 distance=118' 01441+3057  A   947 distance=120' 01476+3453  KIR   6BC distance=121' 01476+3453  CSW   1AB distance=122' 01526+3127  HJ  645 distance=122' 01367+3215  GMZ   7 distance=123' 01377+3149  ES 2403 distance=123' 01404+3437  GMZ  10 distance=124' 01366+3215  GMZ   6 distance=125' 01359+3304  HLD   6 distance=126' 01438+3458  TDS1970 distance=127' 01364+3209  SEI  18 distance=130' 01361+3210  LDS1108AB distance=132' 01361+3210  WIS  37AC distance=132' grafico limitrofi
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01460+3254 J 3305 159 3.7 0
Show 01451+3254 J 2717 67 3.3 11
Show 01467+3310 STF 158 AB 272 2.2 19
Show 01467+3310 FOX 120 AC 258 52.0 19
Show 01467+3310 FOX 120 AD 69 100.9 19
Show 01487+3306 GIC 26 229 20.2 37
Show 01462+3343 HU 804 76 0.3 50
Show 01498+3304 BU 1016 43 0.7 50
Show 01425+3329 TDS1961 203 0.5 55
Show 01417+3333 TDS1956 232 0.7 66
Show 01512+3245 TDS2024 289 0.6 68
Show 01415+3215 LDS1111 114 51.9 69
Show 01492+3404 STF 164 95 9.8 81
Show 01395+3310 COU 749 17 2.3 83
Show 01405+3349 TDS1950 162 2.1 88
Show 01395+3216 SEI 19 348 18.7 90
Show 01432+3130 COU 449 144 0.2 92
Show 01475+3423 ES 2213 208 2.5 93
Show 01414+3408 A 1916 224 0.8 93
Show 01393+3211 CVR 394 102 9.5 95
Show 01514+3400 UC 19 233 85.4 96
Show 01426+3126 GRV 96 5 45.6 98
Show 01431+3426 COU 668 Aa,Ab 253 0.7 98
Show 01431+3426 COU 668 AB 41 24.9 98
Show 01382+3305 SHN 67 -1 0.5 98
Show 01523+3355 HU 805 AB 162 2.9 101
Show 01523+3355 HU 805 AC 256 15.0 101
Show 01436+3432 TDS1966 86 0.4 102
Show 01529+3201 LDS3321 150 63.3 104
Show 01412+3426 KPP 76 161 4.7 110
Show 01404+3420 STF 143 AB 319 46.5 110
Show 01404+3420 FOX 118 AC 137 63.1 110
Show 01455+3103 GRV 97 229 64.8 111
Show 01398+3415 COU 667 212 2.0 112
Show 01491+3441 COU 751 151 1.9 114
Show 01464+3101 KPP 79 270 3.5 114
Show 01450+3059 KPP 863 21 7.3 116
Show 01455+3452 HU 1031 337 1.1 118
Show 01441+3057 A 947 6 4.9 120
Show 01476+3453 KIR 6 BC -1 2.0 121
Show 01476+3453 CSW 1 AB 164 43.3 122
Show 01526+3127 HJ 645 106 7.8 122
Show 01367+3215 GMZ 7 196 23.3 123
Show 01377+3149 ES 2403 99 7.0 123
Show 01404+3437 GMZ 10 245 29.5 124
Show 01366+3215 GMZ 6 304 12.0 125
Show 01359+3304 HLD 6 295 2.1 126
Show 01438+3458 TDS1970 319 0.9 127
Show 01364+3209 SEI 18 158 8.2 130
Show 01361+3210 LDS1108 AB 46 70.7 132
Show 01361+3210 WIS 37 AC 289 512.5 132

WDS 01460+3254 : COMPONENTS
B pa=161.9°
01460+3254 A
Coord arcsec 2000 014553.92+325418.1 Mag 11.3
01460+3254 B
Coord arcsec 2000 014554.01+325414.7 Mag 13 Calc delta mag 1.7 Calc coord yes