16056+4739 AG 202

16h 05m 37.52s +47° 39' 24.0" P.A. 284.00 sep 22.0 mag 10.57,10.59 Sp F0
Coord 2000 16056+4739 Discov num AG  202 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 16 05 37.52 +47 39 24.0
Date first 1900 Date last 2018 Obs 28
Pa first 284 Pa last 283.8 P.A. Now (θ) 283.8°
Sep first 21.4 Sep last 21.984 Sep. Now (ρ) 21.984"
Mag pri 10.57 Mag sec 10.59 delta mag (ΔM) 0.02 Spectral class F0 (yellow-white)
Pri motion ra -003 Sec motion ra -004
Pri motion dec -002 Sec motion dec -001
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
This double is physical.
Constellation Hercules Tycho2 3494-01227-1 Gaia DR2 1399231148820132096
WDS 16056+4739 AG 202 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 AG Astronomische Gesellschaft (see also ref codes KR and WFD)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
16056+4739 AG 202 2005 16 284 21.7 10.57 10.59 F0 D 160537.52+473924.0
16056+4739 AG 202 2010 19 284 21.9 10.57 10.59 F0 160537.52+473924.0
16056+4739 AG 202 2017 20 284 22.1 10.57 10.59 F0 160537.52+473924.0
16056+4739 AG 202 2018 22 284 22.0 10.57 10.59 F0 160537.52+473924.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 16056+4739 AG 202 : MEASURES
No records found.


16056+4739 AG  202A mag 10.57 Sp F0 16056+4739 AG  202B sep 15.3 P.A. 290.00 mag 10.59 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 16056+4739 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 16h 05m 37.52s +47° 39' 24.0"
WDS 16056+4739 AG 202 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

16056+4739  AG  202 distance=0' 16067+4730  SKF 259 distance=14' 16049+4828  RAO 344 distance=49' 16026+4658  COU1765 distance=50' 16105+4748  STT 307 distance=51' 16112+4734  STF2025 distance=57' 16000+4721  SHN  35 distance=60' 16029+4644  COU1766 distance=63' 16074+4842  HDS2275 distance=66' 16054+4845  NSN 675 distance=66' 16091+4634  BEM9007 distance=75' 16041+4858  AG  201 distance=80' 16042+4620  LEP 148 distance=81' 15578+4725  SHN  34 distance=81' 16139+4736  ES 1088BC distance=84' 16139+4736  ES 1088AB distance=84' 16121+4647  BEM9009 distance=85' 16127+4827  KPP3987 distance=86' 16141+4748  LDS4653 distance=87' 16088+4619  CVR1659 distance=87' 16098+4624  BEM9008 distance=87' 16028+4902  HDS2264 distance=87' 16072+4613  HDS2274 distance=88' 16097+4900  COU1919 distance=90' 16127+4838  CVR1660 distance=92' 16137+4638  A  1642 distance=103' 15585+4858  HU  659 distance=106' 16008+4918  BVD 245 distance=110' 16156+4646  CBL  63 distance=115' 15549+4852  FMR 121 distance=130' 15528+4731  SLN  32 distance=131' 16146+4915  UC 3139 distance=131' 16154+4908  UC 3144 distance=132' 15555+4904  CVR 176AB distance=132' 15528+4808  J  1031 distance=133' 15533+4648  UC 3079 distance=136' 16013+4529  A  1640 distance=138' 15562+4601  LDS1429 distance=138' 16080+4523  BU  355AB distance=139' 16080+4523  BU  355AB,C distance=139' 16136+4546  COU1767 distance=140' 15575+4933  LDS1430 distance=140' 16089+4521  STF2015AB distance=143' 16089+4521  STF2015AC distance=143' 16089+4521  STF2015BC distance=143' 15522+4653  COU1763 distance=145' 16064+5009  SLW1163 distance=150' 16114+4521  LDS1433 distance=153' 16190+4858  TDS9836 distance=155' 16178+4918  HU  661 distance=156' 15504+4715  LDS1427 distance=157' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 16056+4739 AG 202 284 22.0 0
Show 16067+4730 SKF 259 265 11.3 14
Show 16049+4828 RAO 344 337 0.2 49
Show 16026+4658 COU1765 101 0.8 50
Show 16105+4748 STT 307 201 17.6 51
Show 16112+4734 STF2025 164 2.6 57
Show 16000+4721 SHN 35 202 0.3 60
Show 16029+4644 COU1766 32 0.6 63
Show 16074+4842 HDS2275 254 0.9 66
Show 16054+4845 NSN 675 44 3.4 66
Show 16091+4634 BEM9007 133 13.6 75
Show 16041+4858 AG 201 253 8.0 80
Show 16042+4620 LEP 148 54 6.4 81
Show 15578+4725 SHN 34 266 0.1 81
Show 16139+4736 ES 1088 BC 197 9.5 84
Show 16139+4736 ES 1088 AB 315 33.1 84
Show 16121+4647 BEM9009 294 5.6 85
Show 16127+4827 KPP3987 187 1.5 86
Show 16141+4748 LDS4653 257 224.0 87
Show 16088+4619 CVR1659 353 3.6 87
Show 16098+4624 BEM9008 246 19.7 87
Show 16028+4902 HDS2264 137 0.3 87
Show 16072+4613 HDS2274 41 0.3 88
Show 16097+4900 COU1919 141 0.5 90
Show 16127+4838 CVR1660 40 3.6 92
Show 16137+4638 A 1642 181 0.8 103
Show 15585+4858 HU 659 207 0.5 106
Show 16008+4918 BVD 245 182 7.6 110
Show 16156+4646 CBL 63 161 44.2 115
Show 15549+4852 FMR 121 127 31.6 130
Show 15528+4731 SLN 32 236 9.7 131
Show 16146+4915 UC 3139 284 31.1 131
Show 16154+4908 UC 3144 198 45.1 132
Show 15555+4904 CVR 176 AB 4 21.5 132
Show 15528+4808 J 1031 158 0.9 133
Show 15533+4648 UC 3079 301 20.6 136
Show 16013+4529 A 1640 345 0.7 138
Show 15562+4601 LDS1429 261 6.5 138
Show 16080+4523 BU 355 AB 287 0.2 139
Show 16080+4523 BU 355 AB,C 315 26.6 139
Show 16136+4546 COU1767 130 1.0 140
Show 15575+4933 LDS1430 57 3.6 140
Show 16089+4521 STF2015 AB 159 3.0 143
Show 16089+4521 STF2015 AC 102 8.9 143
Show 16089+4521 STF2015 BC 102 9.0 143
Show 15522+4653 COU1763 325 1.0 145
Show 16064+5009 SLW1163 61 36.2 150
Show 16114+4521 LDS1433 26 12.0 153
Show 16190+4858 TDS9836 343 0.9 155
Show 16178+4918 HU 661 39 0.8 156
Show 15504+4715 LDS1427 216 3.8 157

WDS 16056+4739 : COMPONENTS
B pa=290.0°
16056+4739 A
Coord arcsec 2000 160537.52+473924.0 Mag 10.57 Spectral class F0 (yellow-white) PmRA -3.00
PmDE -2.0 Tycho2 3494-01227-1
Tycho2 3494-01227-1 Pflag RAmdeg 241.40634764 DEmdeg 47.65668042
PmRA -1.5 PmDE 1.2 E RAmdeg 24 E DEmdeg 24
E pmRA 1.5 E pmDE 1.5 EpRAm 1986.22 EpDEm 1985.90
Num 7 Q RAmdeg 0.8 Q DEmdeg 1.0 Q pmRA 0.8
Q pmDE 1.0 BTmag 10.988 E BTmag 0.048 VTmag 10.574
E VTmag 0.044 Prox 220 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 241.40635528 DEdeg 47.65667306 EpRA 1990 1.51
EpDE 1990 1.51 E RAdeg 28.8 E DEdeg 28.7 Posflg
Corr -0.1
Ccdm 16056+4739 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs 1.40 DDEs 23.0
R dRAs 10 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 9.5 Sp F0 PmNote *
PmRA -10 PmDE -15 Dm number +48 2360 Cat1 BD
Name2 +47 1151 Cat2 AGK2/3 HD M HD
ADS BDS B 7508 M ADS BDS N IDS IDS 16026N4756A
16056+4739 B
Coord arcsec 2000 160536.10+473929.2 Mag 10.59 PmRA -4.00 PmDE -1.0
Tycho2 3494-01073-1 Calc delta mag 0.02 Calc coord yes
Tycho2 3494-01073-1 Pflag RAmdeg 241.39751809 DEmdeg 47.65811730
PmRA -2.8 PmDE -0.3 E RAmdeg 24 E DEmdeg 25
E pmRA 1.5 E pmDE 1.5 EpRAm 1986.22 EpDEm 1985.73
Num 7 Q RAmdeg 1.1 Q DEmdeg 0.6 Q pmRA 1.1
Q pmDE 0.6 BTmag 11.053 E BTmag 0.048 VTmag 10.588
E VTmag 0.045 Prox 220 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 241.39753806 DEdeg 47.65811694 EpRA 1990 1.54
EpDE 1990 1.51 E RAdeg 28.5 E DEdeg 29.7 Posflg
Corr -0.1
Ccdm 16056+4739 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num AG 202 DRAs -0.69 DDEs 29.1
R dRAs 10 Year 1900 Theta 284 Rho 22.0
Obs 6 Vmag 9.6 Sp F0 PmNote *
PmRA -8 PmDE 1 Dm number Cat1
Name2 +47 1150 Cat2 AGK2/3 HD M HD
ADS BDS B 7508 M ADS BDS N IDS IDS 16026N4756B