01420-5357 BRT 2018

01h 41m 59.21s -53° 57' 16.6" P.A. 138.00 sep 5.0 mag 10.82,11.20 Sp G0
Coord 2000 01420-5357 Discov num BRT2018 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 41 59.21 -53 57 16.6
Date first 1892 Date last 2015 Obs 8
Pa first 125 Pa last 137.6 P.A. Now (θ) 137.6°
Sep first 4.9 Sep last 5.035 Sep. Now (ρ) 5.035"
Mag pri 10.82 Mag sec 11.20 delta mag (ΔM) 0.38 Spectral class G0 (yellow)
Pri motion ra -004 Sec motion ra +003
Pri motion dec +028 Sec motion dec -002
This double is not physical.
Constellation Eridanus Tycho2 8475-00819-1 Gaia DR2 4912568096922799872
WDS 01420-5357 BRT 2018 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 BRT Barton, S.G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01420-5357 BRT2018 1999 4 138 5.1 10.82 11.20 G0 D 014159.21-535716.6
01420-5357 BRT2018 2015 8 138 5.0 10.82 11.20 G0 014159.21-535716.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01420-5357 BRT 2018 : MEASURES
No records found.


01420-5357 BRT2018A mag 10.82 Sp G0 01420-5357 BRT2018B sep 4.2 P.A. 151.80 mag 11.2 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01420-5357 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 41m 59.21s -53° 57' 16.6"
WDS 01420-5357 BRT 2018 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01420-5357  BRT2018 distance=1' 01430-5414  HU 1554 distance=20' 01430-5329  KPP1069 distance=30' 01396-5336  HDS 219 distance=31' 01388-5327  DUN   4 distance=42' 01430-5451  SLR   3 distance=55' 01433-5458  RST  39 distance=62' 01357-5312  HJ 3449 distance=72' 01459-5515  RST  40 distance=85' 01316-5322  I   264AB distance=99' 01316-5322  HJ 3444AB,C distance=99' 01476-5529  NSN 209 distance=105' 01518-5458  HDS 253AB distance=105' 01518-5458  SHY 128AC distance=105' 01411-5542  UC  602 distance=105' 01380-5214  UC  593 distance=110' 01535-5443  TDS2042 distance=111' 01384-5546  WSP  97AB distance=114' 01322-5241  UC  572 distance=117' 01339-5531  RST1221 distance=118' 01403-5557  UC  600 distance=121' 01329-5223  KPP2834 distance=126' 01461-5153  UC  626 distance=130' 01330-5215  RST5495 distance=131' 01468-5154  LDS  57 distance=132' 01430-5146  TDS1962 distance=133' 01522-5220  CVN   3AB distance=135' 01398-5612  DUN   5 distance=136' 01556-5249  KPP2842 distance=140' 01296-5230  RST5494 distance=142' 01281-5238  CVN   2AB distance=148' 01281-5238  CVN   2AC distance=148' 01586-5332  HU 1557 distance=150' 02165-5131  SHY 130DF distance=151' 01428-5127  SYU   2 distance=151' 01453-5128  UC  623 distance=152' 01472-5627  HU 1555 distance=157' 01333-5142  TOK 910 distance=157' 01449-5118  NSN 210 distance=162' 01330-5134  UC  580 distance=165' 01232-5400  KPP1050 distance=166' 01231-5411  HDS 179 distance=167' 02012-5401  HU 1558 distance=170' 01447-5110  KPP2238 distance=170' 01231-5444  LDS  47 distance=172' 01435-5649  UC  613 distance=173' 01572-5550  SKF1516 distance=173' 01575-5212  COO  10A,BC distance=175' 01575-5212  RST  43BC distance=175' 02004-5247  UC  657 distance=180' 01271-5158  SHY 404AC distance=180' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01420-5357 BRT2018 138 5.0 1
Show 01430-5414 HU 1554 282 5.6 20
Show 01430-5329 KPP1069 4 8.5 30
Show 01396-5336 HDS 219 186 1.5 31
Show 01388-5327 DUN 4 105 10.2 42
Show 01430-5451 SLR 3 230 0.5 55
Show 01433-5458 RST 39 10 0.7 62
Show 01357-5312 HJ 3449 194 30.8 72
Show 01459-5515 RST 40 270 0.4 85
Show 01316-5322 I 264 AB 24 0.8 99
Show 01316-5322 HJ 3444 AB,C 7 39.0 99
Show 01476-5529 NSN 209 154 7.2 105
Show 01518-5458 HDS 253 AB 218 2.5 105
Show 01518-5458 SHY 128 AC 216 999.9 105
Show 01411-5542 UC 602 42 18.1 105
Show 01380-5214 UC 593 59 19.7 110
Show 01535-5443 TDS2042 303 1.9 111
Show 01384-5546 WSP 97 AB 271 5.9 114
Show 01322-5241 UC 572 126 34.7 117
Show 01339-5531 RST1221 329 2.4 118
Show 01403-5557 UC 600 74 37.4 121
Show 01329-5223 KPP2834 295 1.9 126
Show 01461-5153 UC 626 171 32.6 130
Show 01330-5215 RST5495 98 0.3 131
Show 01468-5154 LDS 57 276 9.2 132
Show 01430-5146 TDS1962 145 2.8 133
Show 01522-5220 CVN 3 AB 359 3.2 135
Show 01398-5612 DUN 5 186 11.3 136
Show 01556-5249 KPP2842 272 1.7 140
Show 01296-5230 RST5494 123 0.4 142
Show 01281-5238 CVN 2 AB 104 3.7 148
Show 01281-5238 CVN 2 AC 85 2.7 148
Show 01586-5332 HU 1557 102 2.3 150
Show 02165-5131 SHY 130 DF 244 999.9 151
Show 01428-5127 SYU 2 288 2.0 151
Show 01453-5128 UC 623 95 9.7 152
Show 01472-5627 HU 1555 91 8.6 157
Show 01333-5142 TOK 910 122 0.3 157
Show 01449-5118 NSN 210 57 2.4 162
Show 01330-5134 UC 580 203 21.0 165
Show 01232-5400 KPP1050 289 8.4 166
Show 01231-5411 HDS 179 113 0.1 167
Show 02012-5401 HU 1558 49 4.2 170
Show 01447-5110 KPP2238 331 18.6 170
Show 01231-5444 LDS 47 72 231.3 172
Show 01435-5649 UC 613 53 33.4 173
Show 01572-5550 SKF1516 247 6.4 173
Show 01575-5212 COO 10 A,BC 33 3.5 175
Show 01575-5212 RST 43 BC 30 0.4 175
Show 02004-5247 UC 657 231 34.0 180
Show 01271-5158 SHY 404 AC 137 388.8 180

WDS 01420-5357 : COMPONENTS
B pa=151.8°
01420-5357 A
Coord arcsec 2000 014159.21-535716.6 Mag 10.82 Spectral class G0 (yellow) PmRA -4.00
PmDE 28.0 Tycho2 8475-00819-1 DM CP-54 364
Tycho2 8475-00819-1 Pflag RAmdeg 25.49671934 DEmdeg -53.95461312
PmRA 6.4 PmDE 6.6 E RAmdeg 40 E DEmdeg 34
E pmRA 3.6 E pmDE 3.4 EpRAm 1990.22 EpDEm 1990.53
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 1.3 Q DEmdeg 0.3 Q pmRA 1.3
Q pmDE 0.3 BTmag 11.432 E BTmag 0.063 VTmag 10.819
E VTmag 0.058 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 25.49669361 DEdeg -53.95462833 EpRA 1990 1.64
EpDE 1990 1.73 E RAdeg 39.8 E DEdeg 34.1 Posflg
Corr 0.1
Ccdm 01420-5357 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs -0.87 DDEs -17.2
R dRAs 10 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 10.8 Sp G0 PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number -54 364 Cat1 CPD
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
01420-5357 B
Coord arcsec 2000 014159.44-535720.3 Mag 11.2 PmRA 3.00 PmDE -2.0
Calc delta mag 0.38 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 01420-5357 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num BRT2018 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1892 Theta 138 Rho 5.2
Obs 3 Vmag 11.2 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD