15279-2852 LDS 4553

15h 27m 50.30s -28° 52' 40.3" P.A. 122.00 sep 13.5 mag 14.61,16.38
Coord 2000 15279-2852 Discov num LDS4553 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 15 27 50.30 -28 52 40.3
Date first 1960 Date last 2016 Obs 10
Pa first 124 Pa last 122.4 P.A. Now (θ) 122.4°
Sep first 14.0 Sep last 13.533 Sep. Now (ρ) 13.533"
Mag pri 14.61 Mag sec 16.38 delta mag (ΔM) 1.77 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -197 Sec motion ra -215
Pri motion dec -045 Sec motion dec -044
rPM=0.082 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Libra Gaia DR2 6209893621865354624
WDS 15279-2852 LDS 4553 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 LDS Luyten p.m. catalog (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
15279-2852 LDS4553 2000 3 122 13.5 14.61 16.38 D 152750.30-285240.3
15279-2852 LDS4553 2010 5 122 13.4 14.61 16.38 152750.30-285240.3
15279-2852 LDS4553 2015 6 122 13.5 14.61 16.38 152750.30-285240.3
15279-2852 LDS4553 2016 10 122 13.5 14.61 16.38 152750.30-285240.3

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 15279-2852 LDS 4553 : MEASURES
No records found.


15279-2852 LDS4553A mag 14.61 15279-2852 LDS4553B sep 12.4 P.A. 125.90 mag 16.38 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 15279-2852 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 15h 27m 50.30s -28° 52' 40.3"
WDS 15279-2852 LDS 4553 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

15279-2852  LDS4553 distance=1' 15290-2852  BU 1114AB distance=15' 15290-2852  HJ 4774AB,C distance=15' 15294-2851  DAW 143 distance=22' 15291-2919  KPP2503 distance=32' 15262-2819  RST 769 distance=41' 15314-2908  UC 3020 distance=50' 15265-2756  RST 770 distance=59' 15316-2925  TDS9537 distance=59' 15229-2910  SEE 232 distance=68' 15225-2917  SEE 230 distance=75' 15340-2907  SWR 177 distance=83' 15214-2901  RST 762 distance=85' 15287-2726  B   291 distance=88' 15233-3003  LDS6305 distance=93' 15331-2957  RST1843 distance=95' 15325-3007  LDS5839 distance=97' 15353-2903  RSS 378 distance=100' 15315-3022  KOH  40AB distance=102' 15315-3022  KOH  40AB,C distance=102' 15304-2717  B   292AB distance=103' 15304-2717  B   292AC distance=103' 15348-2808  RST1847AB distance=103' 15348-2808  TOK  49Aa,Ab distance=103' 15240-2718  SEE 233 distance=107' 15196-2846  SKF1500 distance=109' 15242-3031  KOH  39BC distance=110' 15348-2952  BUG   3 distance=110' 15212-2958  LDS5171 distance=110' 15362-2841  LDS5841 distance=110' 15295-2705  UC 3012 distance=111' 15360-2825  KPP1289 distance=112' 15344-2742  RST1844 distance=113' 15359-2934  RSS 379 distance=114' 15316-3037  BRT3019 distance=115' 15199-2802  KSA  70AB distance=117' 15199-2802  KSA  70AC distance=117' 15199-2802  KSA  70BC distance=117' 15367-2851  B   295 distance=117' 15358-2959  KOH  41 distance=124' 15272-2644  KPP3958 distance=129' 15370-2808  I  1271 distance=130' 15252-2645  HJ 4767 distance=133' 15368-2751  BRT3021 distance=134' 15224-2659  KPP2389 distance=135' 15230-3052  YMG  71AB distance=135' 15230-3052  YMG  71BC distance=135' 15370-2748  BRT3022 distance=137' 15175-2847  HDS2149 distance=137' 15383-2901  SWR 179 distance=138' 15178-2809  LDS5834 distance=139' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 15279-2852 LDS4553 122 13.5 1
Show 15290-2852 BU 1114 AB 317 0.2 15
Show 15290-2852 HJ 4774 AB,C 11 9.7 15
Show 15294-2851 DAW 143 168 1.6 22
Show 15291-2919 KPP2503 192 22.4 32
Show 15262-2819 RST 769 163 0.4 41
Show 15314-2908 UC 3020 237 40.7 50
Show 15265-2756 RST 770 152 2.5 59
Show 15316-2925 TDS9537 8 0.6 59
Show 15229-2910 SEE 232 47 9.3 68
Show 15225-2917 SEE 230 147 3.7 75
Show 15340-2907 SWR 177 286 11.6 83
Show 15214-2901 RST 762 346 0.8 85
Show 15287-2726 B 291 108 1.1 88
Show 15233-3003 LDS6305 225 9.7 93
Show 15331-2957 RST1843 290 1.1 95
Show 15325-3007 LDS5839 72 369.5 97
Show 15353-2903 RSS 378 62 11.9 100
Show 15315-3022 KOH 40 AB 29 0.2 102
Show 15315-3022 KOH 40 AB,C 19 1.2 102
Show 15304-2717 B 292 AB 104 1.8 103
Show 15304-2717 B 292 AC 98 15.3 103
Show 15348-2808 RST1847 AB 343 1.0 103
Show 15348-2808 TOK 49 Aa,Ab 321 0.2 103
Show 15240-2718 SEE 233 223 14.4 107
Show 15196-2846 SKF1500 47 5.1 109
Show 15242-3031 KOH 39 BC 300 3.5 110
Show 15348-2952 BUG 3 194 0.2 110
Show 15212-2958 LDS5171 182 28.9 110
Show 15362-2841 LDS5841 292 8.5 110
Show 15295-2705 UC 3012 106 39.8 111
Show 15360-2825 KPP1289 320 9.8 112
Show 15344-2742 RST1844 58 0.2 113
Show 15359-2934 RSS 379 287 10.6 114
Show 15316-3037 BRT3019 236 4.5 115
Show 15199-2802 KSA 70 AB 329 9.2 117
Show 15199-2802 KSA 70 AC 326 29.8 117
Show 15199-2802 KSA 70 BC 324 20.6 117
Show 15367-2851 B 295 142 1.2 117
Show 15358-2959 KOH 41 256 0.9 124
Show 15272-2644 KPP3958 203 1.1 129
Show 15370-2808 I 1271 151 2.0 130
Show 15252-2645 HJ 4767 144 32.1 133
Show 15368-2751 BRT3021 72 4.8 134
Show 15224-2659 KPP2389 103 20.6 135
Show 15230-3052 YMG 71 AB 132 2.2 135
Show 15230-3052 YMG 71 BC 330 0.4 135
Show 15370-2748 BRT3022 198 5.4 137
Show 15175-2847 HDS2149 229 0.2 137
Show 15383-2901 SWR 179 78 15.4 138
Show 15178-2809 LDS5834 286 317.2 139

WDS 15279-2852 : COMPONENTS
B pa=125.9°
15279-2852 A
Coord arcsec 2000 152750.30-285240.3 Mag 14.61 PmRA -197.00 PmDE -45.0
15279-2852 B
Coord arcsec 2000 152751.06-285247.6 Mag 16.38 PmRA -215.00 PmDE -44.0
Calc delta mag 1.77 Calc coord yes