15257+0307 J 442

15h 25m 43.04s +03° 07' 51.9" P.A. 87.00 sep 4.5 mag 10.90,12.40
Coord 2000 15257+0307 Discov num J   442 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 15 25 43.04 +03 07 51.9
Date first 1911 Date last 2016 Obs 17
Pa first 86 Pa last 87.4 P.A. Now (θ) 87.4°
Sep first 3.9 Sep last 4.479 Sep. Now (ρ) 4.479"
Mag pri 10.90 Mag sec 12.40 delta mag (ΔM) 1.5 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -026 Sec motion ra -020
Pri motion dec -036 Sec motion dec -023
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Serpens Tycho2 0341-00685-1 Gaia DR2 4422115718285040768
WDS 15257+0307 J 442 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 J Jonckheere, R.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
15257+0307 J 442 2000 10 88 4.6 9.30 11.00 D 152543.04+030751.9
15257+0307 J 442 2011 11 87 4.5 9.30 11.00 D 152543.04+030751.9
15257+0307 J 442 2012 12 87 4.5 9.30 11.00 D 152543.04+030751.9
15257+0307 J 442 2015 15 87 4.5 10.90 12.40 152543.04+030751.9
15257+0307 J 442 2016 17 87 4.5 10.90 12.40 152543.04+030751.9

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 15257+0307 J 442 : MEASURES
No records found.


15257+0307 J   442A mag 10.9 15257+0307 J   442B sep 4.5 P.A. 87.40 mag 12.4 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 15257+0307 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 15h 25m 43.04s +03° 07' 51.9"
WDS 15257+0307 J 442 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

15257+0307  J   442 distance=0' 15273+0306  HDS2172 distance=24' 15243+0248  HDS2165 distance=29' 15259+0340  UC 3002 distance=32' 15281+0255  TDS9524AB distance=39' 15281+0255  TDS9524AC distance=39' 15282+0251  A  2175 distance=41' 15262+0221  SLW1091 distance=48' 15292+0317  LDS5838 distance=54' 15279+0215  SLW1096 distance=62' 15306+0303  CVR 788 distance=74' 15287+0416  UC 3009 distance=82' 15301+0216  SLW1100 distance=85' 15250+0128  UC 2999 distance=101' 15296+0141  KPP1203 distance=106' 15216+0437  CVR 785 distance=109' 15298+0439  HDS2180 distance=110' 15302+0140  BAL1904 distance=110' 15180+0250  BAL2407 distance=117' 15323+0417  UC 3025 distance=122' 15330+0308  GRV1114 distance=123' 15193+0146  STF1930AB distance=127' 15193+0146  STF1930AC distance=127' 15193+0146  STF1930AD distance=127' 15345+0307  HDS2187 distance=132' 15276+0522  STF1943 distance=138' 15182+0143  HEI 536 distance=142' 15347+0212  RAO 337 distance=146' 15212+0523  HDS2159 distance=151' 15333+0454  SKF2213 distance=156' 15315+0521  J  3294 distance=159' 15356+0209  BAL1905 distance=160' 15151+0332  SLW1074 distance=161' 15210+0043  BU   32AB distance=162' 15210+0043  GWP2515AC distance=162' 15317+0053  TOK  48 distance=163' 15296+0541  SLW1099 distance=165' 15176+0110  GWP2509 distance=170' 15256+0558  HJ 2780 distance=171' 15184+0056  BU  943 distance=172' 15299+0552  GAU  14 distance=177' 15147+0417  KPP1186 distance=179' 15329+0531  STF1953 distance=180' 15197-0032  GWP2513 distance=180' 15277+0606  STF1944 distance=181' 15137+0336  J  1030 distance=182' 15140+0401  GRV1111 distance=183' 15374+0214  SLW1116 distance=184' 15143+0158  GWP2505 distance=186' 15136+0355  J  1029 distance=188' 15286+0610  HJ 2782AB distance=189' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 15257+0307 J 442 87 4.5 0
Show 15273+0306 HDS2172 52 0.5 24
Show 15243+0248 HDS2165 1 0.6 29
Show 15259+0340 UC 3002 36 24.9 32
Show 15281+0255 TDS9524 AB 309 0.5 39
Show 15281+0255 TDS9524 AC 342 1.9 39
Show 15282+0251 A 2175 223 0.2 41
Show 15262+0221 SLW1091 357 14.7 48
Show 15292+0317 LDS5838 220 14.3 54
Show 15279+0215 SLW1096 222 83.6 62
Show 15306+0303 CVR 788 191 27.8 74
Show 15287+0416 UC 3009 67 16.2 82
Show 15301+0216 SLW1100 231 165.0 85
Show 15250+0128 UC 2999 204 15.0 101
Show 15296+0141 KPP1203 50 9.3 106
Show 15216+0437 CVR 785 333 17.2 109
Show 15298+0439 HDS2180 229 1.3 110
Show 15302+0140 BAL1904 158 2.9 110
Show 15180+0250 BAL2407 233 6.0 117
Show 15323+0417 UC 3025 47 31.0 122
Show 15330+0308 GRV1114 240 28.5 123
Show 15193+0146 STF1930 AB 36 11.7 127
Show 15193+0146 STF1930 AC 17 152.2 127
Show 15193+0146 STF1930 AD 275 713.6 127
Show 15345+0307 HDS2187 240 0.6 132
Show 15276+0522 STF1943 148 5.1 138
Show 15182+0143 HEI 536 175 3.1 142
Show 15347+0212 RAO 337 34 0.9 146
Show 15212+0523 HDS2159 280 0.5 151
Show 15333+0454 SKF2213 130 3.4 156
Show 15315+0521 J 3294 239 2.3 159
Show 15356+0209 BAL1905 26 5.1 160
Show 15151+0332 SLW1074 238 140.1 161
Show 15210+0043 BU 32 AB 23 3.4 162
Show 15210+0043 GWP2515 AC 139 75.8 162
Show 15317+0053 TOK 48 17 0.0 163
Show 15296+0541 SLW1099 162 16.8 165
Show 15176+0110 GWP2509 281 7.4 170
Show 15256+0558 HJ 2780 156 30.9 171
Show 15184+0056 BU 943 92 3.0 172
Show 15299+0552 GAU 14 264 9.1 177
Show 15147+0417 KPP1186 160 9.2 179
Show 15329+0531 STF1953 252 6.7 180
Show 15197-0032 GWP2513 39 10.8 180
Show 15277+0606 STF1944 293 0.7 181
Show 15137+0336 J 1030 61 3.7 182
Show 15140+0401 GRV1111 23 24.7 183
Show 15374+0214 SLW1116 83 44.7 184
Show 15143+0158 GWP2505 160 11.5 186
Show 15136+0355 J 1029 241 4.9 188
Show 15286+0610 HJ 2782 AB 115 7.9 189

WDS 15257+0307 : COMPONENTS
B pa=87.4°
15257+0307 A
Coord arcsec 2000 152543.04+030751.9 Mag 10.9 PmRA -26.00 PmDE -36.0
Tycho2 0341-00685-1
Tycho2 0341-00685-1 Pflag RAmdeg 231.42927856 DEmdeg 3.13102044
PmRA -23.2 PmDE -35.4 E RAmdeg 43 E DEmdeg 57
E pmRA 1.7 E pmDE 1.8 EpRAm 1982.87 EpDEm 1975.67
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.1 Q DEmdeg 0.3 Q pmRA 0.1
Q pmDE 0.3 BTmag 11.759 E BTmag 0.098 VTmag 10.827
E VTmag 0.075 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 231.42933250 DEdeg 3.13110417 EpRA 1990 1.64
EpDE 1990 1.48 E RAdeg 45.6 E DEdeg 62.9 Posflg
Corr 0.0
15257+0307 B
Coord arcsec 2000 152543.34+030752.1 Mag 12.4 PmRA -20.00 PmDE -23.0
Calc delta mag 1.5 Calc coord yes